Kitchen sink won't drain


Junior Member
May 20, 2019
Someone posted this on another thread and this is all of my symptoms exactly but they never said how or what to do to fix it.

Do you experience gurgling in the drain or other house drains? Or for instance you flush a toilet and other drains in the house gurgle? Any siphoning of traps dry (typically you would notice a stink from a dry trap allowing gases to enter the house?)
If you fill the sink with water and let the drain out, it drains slowly? If you begin to unscrew the cleaout threaded plug, can you hear air rushing past the plug? Can you start/stop the drainage by placing your palm over the open cleanout (in effect sealing it)? Does air want to rush in or out of the cleanout when open


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
sounds like you should run a snake down each of your vent pipes from the roof for a start.