CS Player Killed
asspennies @ 12:07 pm - general - read comments
The Globe and Mail reports that a Vancouver teen was killed in an internet cafe argument started over Counter-Strike:
Witnesses have told police and Mr. Kwee's family that the incident began when Mr. Kwee, who kept winning, started gloating about his success.
In response, a message appeared on Mr. Kwee's screen: F.U.
He replied: F.U.2.
As the exchange of words escalated, three young men from another computer screen rushed over and grabbed him by the collar. They were about to punch him when others intervened, said Albert Wahyono, a friend of the Kwee family.
Mr. Kwee and his teammate were relieved when the men turned and ran out the door. But the losing teammates came back moments later, pushed Mr. Kwee into a corner and started to beat him up. A shot was fired and they fled.