Kerry vs. Bush


Jan 12, 2002
Based on previous polls (about P&N in general), I believe Bush will only get at most 33% of the anandtech vote.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2002
Too bad there isn't an option "I'm ashamed at America if these are the 3 best candidates we can come up with" :(


May 14, 2004
I think that Kerry is the only good candidate here. Bush is falling off his bike, coincidently he is also falling in the polls.


Senior member
Jul 3, 2002
Who is better, who do you support more, and who will win aren't necessarily the same question.

Bush will get more votes than Nader, but that doesn't make him "better" than Nader.

As for who will win, I see either a full Kerry win or a Kerry popular vote majority contradicted by a slim Bush majority in the electoral college.

Interesting at 41 votes in the poll it stands at 32 Kerry, 5 Bush, 4 Nader. Goes to show ATP&N isn't representative of the country so far today. Well, maybe representative of California or Massachusetts.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.


Dec 23, 2000
Interesting at 41 votes in the poll it stands at 32 Kerry, 5 Bush, 4 Nader. Goes to show ATP&N isn't representative of the country so far today. Well, maybe representative of California or Massachusetts.

I'd agree with that.


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2003
Originally posted by: naddicott
Who is better, who do you support more, and who will win aren't necessarily the same question.

Bush will get more votes than Nader, but that doesn't make him "better" than Nader.

As for who will win, I see either a full Kerry win or a Kerry popular vote majority contradicted by a slim Bush majority in the electoral college.

Interesting at 41 votes in the poll it stands at 32 Kerry, 5 Bush, 4 Nader. Goes to show ATP&N isn't representative of the country so far today. Well, maybe representative of California or Massachusetts.

Or maybe most of the people on this forum are more informed than the average citizen. Could be why more undecided/moderates/Conservatives etc. are choosing Kerry over Bush - they know more about Bush's records, policies, etc. than the average citizen?

72% for Kerry and 14% for Bush now, interesting. I would've thought it would be around 60-40.

Format C:

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.
I agree wholeheartedly. And that "someone" is you.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Format C:
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.
I agree wholeheartedly. And that "someone" is you.

I recommend you read the rules for this forum. You'll see it is for serious discussion and not for name-calling. Also, your fellow neocon FELIXtheCAT has just posted about how he is dismayed by name-calling and rhetoric. Why don't you keep your name-calling off this board? Thanks.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: NightCrawler
Bush will probably win.....

but not on these forums.
You'll see it is for serious discussion and not for name-calling.

Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.
The name calling started with con, if /format C: /q /u is reflecting that then he shouldn't see much more trouble than Moonie does.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.

err.. no con, Sonewall's right; although a number aren?t collage age, I?d even suspect that this board has the oldest population; still, it's a bunch of libbie computer geeks who have a problem with their Lord because they're ashamed of clicking on 'boobies' on fark.

So: they vote dem =)

As my vote doesn't count in texas i'll be voting constitutional party this year.

Format C:

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Format C:
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.
I agree wholeheartedly. And that "someone" is you.

I recommend you read the rules for this forum. You'll see it is for serious discussion and not for name-calling. Also, your fellow neocon FELIXtheCAT has just posted about how he is dismayed by name-calling and rhetoric. Why don't you keep your name-calling off this board? Thanks.
I recommend you pucker up and kiss my ass you sanctimonious self-annointed-and-appointed hall-monitor-mentalitied dumbass. While it may make you FEEL like you're SUMBODY to run around in thread after thread spouting your inane unintelligible bullshit like some referee at a conference of shortbus flunkies I don't feel obliged to indulge you in it every time you've learned a new word for the day, so why don't you STFU, back the hell off, and crawl back under your bridge, toad. Thanks! :)


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Format C:
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Format C:
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Stonewall
This poll represents how mostly college-age computer nerds will vote.

^^^ that post represents how a generalization makes someone look like an idiot.
I agree wholeheartedly. And that "someone" is you.

I recommend you read the rules for this forum. You'll see it is for serious discussion and not for name-calling. Also, your fellow neocon FELIXtheCAT has just posted about how he is dismayed by name-calling and rhetoric. Why don't you keep your name-calling off this board? Thanks.
I recommend you pucker up and kiss my ass you sanctimonious self-annointed-and-appointed hall-monitor-mentalitied dumbass. While it may make you FEEL like you're SUMBODY to run around in thread after thread spouting your inane unintelligible bullshit like some referee at a conference of shortbus flunkies I don't feel obliged to indulge you in it every time you've learned a new word for the day, so why don't you STFU, back the hell off, and crawl back under your bridge, toad. Thanks! :)

Was it really necessary to edit that rant? Did you think long and hard about what you wanted to say? I hope you feel better now. If you need to let out more emotions and childhood burdens, please do so. Hopefully, after that, you can join us again and engage in a reasonable debate.

Format C:

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yes it was. I wanted to be absolutely clear in my statements so you'd have no doubt as to what I was saying. If I havn't succeeded then I'll be more than happy to explain it further for you.


Jan 12, 2002
The only thing you have succeeded at is breaking the forum rules and showing everyone how angry and "hateful" you really are. Please, continue your rant so you can be done with it. Maybe afterwards you'll be able to present a cogent argument on a topic that is actually related to P&N.

Format C:

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Infohawk
The only thing you have succeeded at is breaking the forum rules and showing everyone how angry and "hateful" you really are. Please, continue your rant so you can be done with it. Maybe afterwards you'll be able to present a cogent argument on a topic that is actually related to P&N.
You sure picked the right Icon. Now, do ya wanna cracker?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Personally I can only hope that the American people have the wisdom to remove our current President come November. I sat down and I tried to think of the a worse President that the U.S. has had. I had to go all the way back to Calvin Coolidge to get one in the same ballpark. Jimmy Carter, although not the typical "strong arm" President, was probably the most caring and sincere one we've had in recent memory. Bush, on the other hand, has reopened global wounds that we've been trying to fix over the last twenty years of so. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that the U.S. can find safety through global cooperation, personal readiness and international goodwill. Sounds corny, but that's the only way to make any success permanent.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Format C:
You sure picked the right Icon.



What is interesting is that at this stage GWB is closer to Nader than to Kerry in the polls. How low GWB has sunk on P&N...