k6II-450 and a new motherboard


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2001
Over a year ago I purchased a k6II-450 and a FIC VA-503+ motherboard. I regret this motherboard purchase, and it died last night. I do not know why my friend recommended it, but it obviously wasn't right for me as I've been reading the FIC usenet group the past year. What I need now is a motherboard around the $100 range (a bit more is ok) that will work with my K6II-450, has a AGP slot, has 1 ISA slot, and at least 3 PCI slots. All my ram is PC100 SDRAM. I could go out to a used place and buy a used old motherboard, since I plannd on buying a new computer anyways, but now that I need a new motherboard I'm looking to buy someting that can be upgraded a little bit more within a month. So my question is, are there any semi-decent motherboards that will work with a K6II-450, but could also be upgraded later to something a little faster than 450Mhz (I realize that the processor is physically different than the uber-fast recent processors, so I'm not really expecting it to be compatible with anything over 800Mhz.)

Any recommendations for which motherboard to buy? AT or ATX form factors are both okay, as this motherboard is an AT but I'll probably need to buy an ATX case anyhow.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
I've had a Asus P5A for a long while now in my server and its stable as a rock. It can be had for $90-100 new... Im sure you can find one used or refurb somewhere for less. The P5A is ATX the P5A-B is AT (Its harder to find the A-B and it usually a bit more expensive new)... but Im sure you can find it used or refurb like I said.