Just finished Stalker 2 different ways


Senior member
Dec 11, 2004
Spoilers Below!!!!!

Now I see why people were so annoyed with the wish granter ending. The first ending I had was the Wish Granter and it was the short "I want to be rich" cut scene. It ended and I was thinking wtf?? I then went online and found out about the other ending through the door to the lab below the wish granter. I, of course did not have the fancy door decoder but I tried the drop the gun into the door glitch and it worked great after a few tries to open it. There is a lot more game to play through that door! I'm glad I took the time and the ending was a heck of a lot better with the explanations etc. Fun game overall, I am going to go back to an earlier save and go finish a bunch of quests now.