John Kerry's Waffles


Oct 13, 1999
If you don't like the Democratic nominee's views, just wait a week.

Last week, President Bush offered a wry critique of his Democratic challengers. "They're for tax cuts and against them. They're for NAFTA and against NAFTA. They're for the Patriot Act and against the Patriot Act. They're in favor of liberating Iraq, and opposed to it. And that's just one senator from Massachusetts." Now that John Kerry is the presumptive Democratic nominee, Republicans are sure to focus the spotlight on his history of flip-flops. Kerry did vote for the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the war in Iraq, even though he constantly trashes the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the war in Iraq. He voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, which limited marriage to a man and a woman, but he now says marriage should be limited to a man and a woman. (Although he also points out that he once attended a gay wedding.) And those are just the better-known issues on which Kerry has "evolved."

Here, then, since John Edwards was too polite to mention them (though President Bush won't be), is a guide to some of Kerry's other reversals on substantive issues. This list doesn't include quickly withdrawn gaffes, such as Kerry's recent suggestion (retracted after an uproar from Jewish groups) that he might make James Baker or Jimmy Carter his Middle East envoy. It doesn't include long-renounced youthful indiscretions, such as his proposal after returning from Vietnam to eliminate most of the CIA. It doesn't include less clear-cut sins of omission and opportunism, such as his stirring denunciations of companies caught in accounting frauds, even though he supported a 1995 law protecting those companies from liability. And it doesn't include the inevitable fund-raising hypocrisies that accompany all modern campaigns, such as his donations from some of the "Benedict Arnold" companies he routinely rips on the trail, or his bundling of contributions from special interests despite his high-minded rejection of PAC money. Even so, the list is long, and it isn't all-inclusive. Kerry's supporters cite his reversals as evidence of the senator's capacity for nuance and complexity, growth and change. His critics say they represent a fundamental lack of principles. Either way, we'll be hearing a lot about them over the next eight months.


Nov 25, 2001
Wait! Hold the presses! I thought was the bastion of all that is left-leaning?!? Okay you guys, I'll remember this. :)

I'll take pancakes too. Although I like how the syrup runs into the nooks and crannies of the waffles. Mmmmmm . . . Nooks and crannies . . .



Senior member
Oct 12, 2002
Man this Kerry guy sounds terrible! About the only thing he hasn't done is put us in a pointless war, get our troups killed for no reason, and make us the most hated people on earth.



Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2001
And there is something "shifty" about his looks. I mean, "W" has that boyish-moron look about him, but he looks to me "mostly harmless."


Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: buckmasterson
Man this Kerry guy sounds terrible! About the only thing he hasn't done is put us in a pointless war, get our troups killed for no reason, and make us the most hated people on earth.

Why do I even bother..........

History will ultimately decide how "pointless" this war may have been. Its VERY short sighted to assume that the liberation of Iraq is pointless.

As far as getting troops killed, they died DEFENDING US, Saddam had no business at the "helm" of any contry in the modern world. His support of terrosim alone is more than reason enough to remove him.

As far as "most hated people on earth" LOL, by whose standard?

I could make a pretty strong case for America being the "most loved country on earth".



Jul 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Romans828
Originally posted by: buckmasterson
Man this Kerry guy sounds terrible! About the only thing he hasn't done is put us in a pointless war, get our troups killed for no reason, and make us the most hated people on earth.

Why do I even bother..........

History will ultimately decide how "pointless" this war may have been. Its VERY short sighted to assume that the liberation of Iraq is pointless.

As far as getting troops killed, they died DEFENDING US, Saddam had no business at the "helm" of any contry in the modern world. His support of terrosim alone is more than reason enough to remove him.

As far as "most hated people on earth" LOL, by whose standard?

I could make a pretty strong case for America being the "most loved country on earth".

They died defending American Interests. Not us directly from attack. Because Saddam Hussein's Iraq was not an immenent threat. But I'm sure you consider these statements treason.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
'Waffles and steady leadership.' We'll all be able to say that in Spanish by election day.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Romans828
Originally posted by: buckmasterson
Man this Kerry guy sounds terrible! About the only thing he hasn't done is put us in a pointless war, get our troups killed for no reason, and make us the most hated people on earth.

Why do I even bother..........

History will ultimately decide how "pointless" this war may have been. Its VERY short sighted to assume that the liberation of Iraq is pointless.

As far as getting troops killed, they died DEFENDING US, Saddam had no business at the "helm" of any contry in the modern world. His support of terrosim alone is more than reason enough to remove him.

As far as "most hated people on earth" LOL, by whose standard?

I could make a pretty strong case for America being the "most loved country on earth".

Strange, seeing how many people from other countries would like to move the US.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Zephyr106
Originally posted by: Romans828
Originally posted by: buckmasterson
Man this Kerry guy sounds terrible! About the only thing he hasn't done is put us in a pointless war, get our troups killed for no reason, and make us the most hated people on earth.

Why do I even bother..........

History will ultimately decide how "pointless" this war may have been. Its VERY short sighted to assume that the liberation of Iraq is pointless.

As far as getting troops killed, they died DEFENDING US, Saddam had no business at the "helm" of any contry in the modern world. His support of terrosim alone is more than reason enough to remove him.

As far as "most hated people on earth" LOL, by whose standard?

I could make a pretty strong case for America being the "most loved country on earth".

They died defending American Interests. Not us directly from attack. Because Saddam Hussein's Iraq was not an immenent threat. But I'm sure you consider these statements treason.


I consider questioning the value of American sacrifice, when the answer is patently obvious, a political ploy that's completely disrespectfully toward those that died protecting freedom and the family's they left behind.