Japanese mayor: Wartime sex slaves were necessary

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Oct 25, 2002
Why does Dari have such hard on for Japan? Is he Japanese? If not then he probably looks like one of those nerds that dresses up at anime conventions.

No hard on. I just prefer to be on the other side of this debate since no one else here volunteers to do so. Fact is, so-called victims are always screaming the loudest but it doesn't change the facts.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Why does Dari have such hard on for Japan? Is he Japanese? If not then he probably looks like one of those nerds that dresses up at anime conventions.

It's easier to troll about Japanese war crimes than German ones. People are generally less knowledgable and you're less likely to be banned.


Oct 25, 2002
Hashimoto offers to meet 'comfort women' to apologize

The maverick mayor of Osaka on Thursday offered to meet former “comfort women” to apologize for their suffering after causing an international storm when he said they served a “necessary” role in wartime.

“I think I have to apologize firmly for what Japan did as I talk to former comfort women,” Toru Hashimoto, who is co-leader of the national Japan Restoration Party, told a television interview.

“I will tell the comfort women that I’m sorry for Japan having had such a system no matter whether it was forcible or not,” Hashimoto said. “It was a disgraceful act and should never be repeated.”

There. The matter is settled. IMHO, I've seen first hand what soldiers do to whores and it isn't good. Not sure why anyone would want to stick their stick in something that others have gone through...


Apr 13, 2012
Do you have sex with virgins only?

If there is really no issue with having sex with overly-experienced women. Then there is no reason to regard sex slavery as any worse than other kinds of wartime slavery (like digging ditches). Unless you can show that comfort women are more likely to have died than other slaves.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
The only reason there is any controversy at all is because the Japanese government and people have spent so much time denying it ever since the war was over. They could have owned up to it like Germany, but they keep clinging to their revisionist history.


They may have originally recruited voluntary Japanese prostitutes, but the demand quickly grew past what Japanese women could provide, and so turned to sexual slavery. They would force the daughters of enemy prisoners to work in brothels and would also recruit local women to work in a "factory," only to eventually put them in a brothel instead.
Well said.

As for this idiot, I'm just happy anytime there's a really stupid elected official who isn't American.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
No hard on. I just prefer to be on the other side of this debate since no one else here volunteers to do so. Fact is, so-called victims are always screaming the loudest but it doesn't change the facts.

Yea, you take the position of war crime apologist for Japan because being an overt nazi will get your ass banned. Its very telling you call women forced into slavery whores though, it really solidifies what a terrible person you are.


Feb 6, 2002
At one point they cut the noses and ears off of women. I would call that doing Harm to Women. They also took just as many Male slaves to do tasks like mining. Many of these people died when we bombed Japan with Nukes. Dont come off as an apologist for the Japanese. He should have to pay reparations to all the surviving family members for raping the young precious daughters of the Korean People. A simple apology will not do either. The apology must be a real apology. He must Physically go to the capital of Korea and he must bow down to the floor 3 times bashing his forehead on the floor. Let him pay in gold with interest since the end of World War II $20,000 With interest (60-85 years) for every person they stole. This does not even count all the people they Murdered during the occupation.

You can never understand the Brutality of the Japanese. They stole the crops, cut down all the trees, tortured people, starved people to death, overfished the waters till there were no fish left. Burned all the korean books. Tried to force the country to learn Japanese. Japanese were only a little better than barbarians in Europe.
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Apr 13, 2012
At one point they cut the noses and ears off of women. I would call that doing Harm to Women. They also took just as many Male slaves to do tasks like mining. Many of these people died when we bombed Japan with Nukes.

And do you think that if some mayor said it was necessary to the war effort to use men as slaves in the mines that people would be anywhere near as upset?


Oct 25, 2002
At one point they cut the noses and ears off of women. I would call that doing Harm to Women. They also took just as many Male slaves to do tasks like mining. Many of these people died when we bombed Japan with Nukes. Dont come off as an apologist for the Japanese. He should have to pay reparations to all the surviving family members for raping the young precious daughters of the Korean People. A simple apology will not do either. The apology must be a real apology. He must Physically go to the capital of Korea and he must bow down to the floor 3 times bashing his forehead on the floor. Let him pay in gold with interest since the end of World War II $20,000 With interest (60-85 years) for every person they stole. This does not even count all the people they Murdered during the occupation.

You can never understand the Brutality of the Japanese. They stole the crops, cut down all the trees, tortured people, starved people to death, overfished the waters till there were no fish left. Burned all the korean books. Tried to force the country to learn Japanese. Japanese were only a little better than barbarians in Europe.

The cutting off of ears and nose was done hundreds of years ago when Japan was dead set on invading China. However, Korea was in the way and in order for the samurais to get compensation and credit for kills they had to provide proof. Bringing back bodies was too cumbersome and a head was also large. So, it was agreed to cut off the nose of those they killed.


Oct 14, 1999
The cutting off of ears and nose was done hundreds of years ago when Japan was dead set on invading China. However, Korea was in the way and in order for the samurais to get compensation and credit for kills they had to provide proof. Bringing back bodies was too cumbersome and a head was also large. So, it was agreed to cut off the nose of those they killed.
How do you know they only did it to corpses?


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
At one point they cut the noses and ears off of women. I would call that doing Harm to Women. They also took just as many Male slaves to do tasks like mining. Many of these people died when we bombed Japan with Nukes. Dont come off as an apologist for the Japanese. He should have to pay reparations to all the surviving family members for raping the young precious daughters of the Korean People. A simple apology will not do either. The apology must be a real apology. He must Physically go to the capital of Korea and he must bow down to the floor 3 times bashing his forehead on the floor. Let him pay in gold with interest since the end of World War II $20,000 With interest (60-85 years) for every person they stole. This does not even count all the people they Murdered during the occupation.

You can never understand the Brutality of the Japanese. They stole the crops, cut down all the trees, tortured people, starved people to death, overfished the waters till there were no fish left. Burned all the korean books. Tried to force the country to learn Japanese. Japanese were only a little better than barbarians in Europe.

I'd say the Japanese army Unit 731 and the activities behind it is where they reach their true the heights of their crescendo of their barbarous butchery and inhuman indifference for human life in Asia.


Oct 25, 2002
I'd say the Japanese army Unit 731 and the activities behind it is where they reach their true the heights of their crescendo of their barbarous butchery and inhuman indifference for human life in Asia.

And what is your opinion of the eugenics movement in America? Is that when we reach our heights of inhuman indifference?


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
hes right. all armies keep comfort women. why do you think the us has places like the philipines, guam, okinawa etc...


May 8, 2013
Figures Yahoo! would find one of the stranger politicians in Japan. The guy is known for saying these sorts of things in his own country.

Oh well, you armchair historians go back to flittreing about and revising history worthy of a Wikipedia article.