I've formed a bad reboot habit, which I'm finding hard to break.


Senior member
Dec 29, 1999
I've recently upgraded to XP Pro SP2 after running Win98SE for more years than I'd like to admit. 98SE had conditioned me into a habit that is probalbly not needed for XP. After playing a game for an hour or two, I'd always reboot the OS before starting a different game. If I opened Office or performed any system Utilities(defrag etc...), I'd always reboot before starting a game.

I'd like to hear a little feedback on how well XP Pro releases resources that could effect gaming performance?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Hmm. I reboot once a month or so...load games 5-6 times per week. Wifey logs me off every day, I log her off every evening. :)

No resource constraints that I notice.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
My XP Pro box stays up for weeks - sometimes months - at a time and my processor is pegged at 100% the entire time (distributed computer project - see my sig for details). About the only time I reboot is if I apply updates or install a program that needs a restart. I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft but WinXP has been absolutely rock solid for me.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
When I used XP I would only reboot for updates that requires a reboot. No issues ever.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
My machines reboot for updates but otherwise stay running 24/7.

Huge gamer too :)


Junior Member
Jan 27, 2006
Since I just put in a new CPU (Opty170) into my system, I'm currently in the habit of letting my Arctic Silver 5 compound do its "heat cycles" effect...I'm sure you can read about it at their site. However, after about a week or two of making sure to turn it off when I'm not using it, I'll go back to leaving it on 24/7, and just like all of these folks, everything has been quite stable and nice.

Your habit might be stemming back to what people used to do in Win98 days, and even then it was beyond me...they kept muttering something incomprehensible about "clearing memory...*mutter*...RAM is full and stuff..." :D

Right. Well, anyways, I'm pretty sure it's a habit you'll want to get out of. Turning on and off your computer a LOT can be a little stressful on your parts after a few years, too. I don't upgrade often and generally, I care about that.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
Originally posted by: DrIce926
Since I just put in a new CPU (Opty170) into my system, I'm currently in the habit of letting my Arctic Silver 5 compound do its "heat cycles" effect...I'm sure you can read about it at their site. However, after about a week or two of making sure to turn it off when I'm not using it, I'll go back to leaving it on 24/7, and just like all of these folks, everything has been quite stable and nice.

Your habit might be stemming back to what people used to do in Win98 days, and even then it was beyond me...they kept muttering something incomprehensible about "clearing memory...*mutter*...RAM is full and stuff..." :D

Right. Well, anyways, I'm pretty sure it's a habit you'll want to get out of. Turning on and off your computer a LOT can be a little stressful on your parts after a few years, too. I don't upgrade often and generally, I care about that.

98 DID need rebooted often. XP/2K do MUCH MUCH bettter. I think my max uptime on a windows box was 160 days, but then the box was pretty much worthless (couldn't acess resources, no RDP, console was ugly and slow).


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2005
i boot up every morning, shut down every night, and never reboot in between. i also usually load up several games and other programs throughout the day, and resources have never been a problem.