It runs good, but it's not cold enough...


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
My first watercooling project::D Danger Den Maze 2 block, Black Ice Radiator w/ 80mm fan, Minijet Reservoir/pump, Purple Ice additive. All new stuff(except the maze) from "Be Cooling" (nice vender BTW) and the system is not in a case. I also used a larger 120 mm size radiator w/ fan, turned the block both ways, used Delta fan, bled the system, used Artic Silver 2 and 1 and regular white grease, held the delta over the block, even sprayed canned air on the block!!
I still get temps starting at 91F and topping out at 109F:disgust:. It is a 1800 XP on a MSI KT7 turbo mobo and there are some confusing readings: The CPU temp and the system stay 25-30 degrees apart (CPU 109Fand System 80F??). I can boot the system at 1.85volts and 145x13 (it boots at 1813 MHz but the math =1885 MHZ which is another question!):confused: The REAL question is: Why can't I get the the temps to at least close to room temp?:( Also why is the system temp where the CPU temp should be (75-80F)? Could the board be giving me bogus readings in the bios( not likely, I know) but this old board and chip are overclocking like I am doing something right! LMK any ideas you may have! Thanks!


Junior Member
Aug 29, 2001
Qoute: "used Artic Silver 2 and 1 and regular white grease"
Did you apply all of that thermal grease at the same time? You only need the tiniest bit of thermal grease applied. Say an amount about the size of half a grain of rice. You do not even need to spread the grease around on the cpu, let the pressure from the heatsink to that for you (does a much better job anyway). Too much thermal grease can drastically increase the temp of you cpu. Also, you are not that far off in assuming the temp reading off that motherboard are incorrect. perhaps you have another way of measuring that actual cpu temp?
Try that and see how it works.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
No, I am only using 1 kind of grease at a time and very sparingly at that, and I am satisfied with the overclocking I am getting. I just don't understand why there is such a big difference in system temp and CPU temp? Part of me thinks the CPU temp reading must be bogus, but I don't know why. My next move is trying a Swiftech waterblock since I am gong watercooling on both my systems. Anyone else have any suggestions?


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
those seem like good temps to wont get much better than that unless you use some sort of other device to cool the water or cool down the water block...

water systems are not any better cooling that a good air system.....its not the point of water cooling......noise is......if you use a tec with a water block you can get anywhere from where your at now -20 below.....but the down side is the added equipment and work.........


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2000
this mb is misreporting temps for your cpu as have all your previous amd mb... deal with it.

if you're not having stability probelms who cares?.... just penis size comparisions from there on out :D



Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2001
Originally posted by: dew042
this mb is misreporting temps for your cpu as have all your previous amd mb... deal with it.

if your not having stability probelms who cares?.... just penis size comparisions from there on out :D