Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: straightalker
To the contraire.
Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.
Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.
The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.
It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.
I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.
A few points for you.
Paragraphe 1
Allies bombed civilians cities, you need to lower yourself to your enemy to beat your enemy. Maybe you only read to page 200 of the 400 page history book on WW2, you should go back and finish it.
Paragraph 2
Hez is dug in from robbing the civilians of there food/ect. So when the civilians stary dying, you can blame Hez for having not caring about them to actually help them.
Paragraph 3
Depletesed Uranium is safe.
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Israel's civilian population supports this war, they are tired of having missilied lobied at them and having to go to bomb shelters daily, they are tired of going to the markets and getting blown up by a emo teenager who wants his 70 virgins and should just cut his wrists, they are tired of wondering if there kids will ever come home when they go off to school. They have had enough, and sad to say, Lebannon is paying for allowing a military arm to attack Israel. That is the way it is, and way it will be until the Arab nations decide "ok, lets deal with our own internal issues and leave Israel alone".