Israeli commando units strike deep inside Lebanon near the Syrian border


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
To the contraire.

Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.

Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.

The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.

It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.

I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: straightalker
<some crap>

And the resulting massive civilian casualties.

<more crap>

"Massive"? I'd say there are remarkably few casualties on both sides of this conflict. That said, I'm rooting for the Israelis to beat the living snot out of Hezbollah. Islamic extremists and Islamic terrorist organizations do not deserve a place among civilized humans.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
Originally posted by: straightalker
To the contraire.

Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.

Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.

The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.

It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.

I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.

LOL, you seem to know so much about a country whose name you can't even spell right.

W(here)TF do you people come from?


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
"Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is connected to Hezbollah," roared Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon on Thursday. "Every village from which a Katyusha is fired must be destroyed," bellowed an Israeli general in a quote bannered by the nation's largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.

Sunday, in Qana, 57 of Haim Ramon's "terrorists," 37 of them children, were massacred with precision-guided bombs. Apparently, Katyushas had been fired from Qana, near the destroyed building. "One who goes to sleep with rockets shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up in the morning," said Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman.

Today, we hear unctuous statements about how Israel takes pains to avoid civilian casualties, drops leaflets to warn civilians to flee target areas and conforms to the rules of civilized warfare. But Israel's words and deeds contradict her propaganda.
The USA/British/Israeli war machine control most of the mainstream secular Press and Television outlets today. So naturally the official war propaganda machine will be in full swing as Lebanon is pounded to smitherines.

This brings up the ethics of warfare and the International Treaties regarding warfare. Punishing populations of civilians for harboring "terrorists" is a Nazi tactic. Jews were considered "terrorists" by the Nazi Regime. It's the reason they pulverized entire civilian populations. Such extreme barbarism has not suddenly become ok in the year 2006.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
An opinion by a military officer is not a directive by the government.

If you wish to claim that the officer is representing the government, then Hezbollah's claims against Israel and the fact that they actually are a representive of the Lebanon government along with the controlling authority of southern Lebanon should allow Israel a full military declaration of war against Lebanon without any concerns. there is a state of war and all bets are off in terms of Hezbollah accepting the responsiblities of their actions.

And by the same shoe; Hamas has declared war against Israel, therefore since they are the PA political representive; the complete PA must accept the consequences of those actions.

And the Israelis must accept the consequence of their governments actions.

No cherry picking allowed.


Golden Member
Jun 13, 2000
I hope the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek was not destroyed by this strike. This is the way they should've conducted all operation against Hezbollah, surgical strikes with special froces teams. Remnants of many great civilizations are lost in recent wars.


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2002
Originally posted by: straightalker
To the contraire.

Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.

Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.

The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.

It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.

I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.

The "shock and awe" bombing campaign bears more resemblence to the allied strategic bombing of germany and japan, both in style, goals, and civillian casualties. How many allied generals were hung after WWII?


Nov 23, 2001

Hezbollah fighters were using the hospital and surrounding area as a logistical base, housing many leaders, Halutz said.

Israeli forces seized intelligence information in the hospital, Halutz said. The IDF also reportedly destroyed a large supply of missiles.

"There are no patients there; there is no hospital," Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Ehud Olmert said. "This is the basis of Hezbollah in disguise. It's named a hospital precisely to mislead you and others that will consider it a place no army will intervene with."

The Associated Press quoted residents who said the hospital is financed by an Iranian charity that is close to Hezbollah. Hezbollah told AP the facility was empty of patients at the time of the raid.

"It was empty last night, there was no one there," said the anonymous spokesman.

Standard Operating Procedure for Hezbollah and other such organizations: Hide among civilians, or give the appearance that you are hiding among civilians. It's disgusting.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Astaroth33

Hezbollah fighters were using the hospital and surrounding area as a logistical base, housing many leaders, Halutz said.

Israeli forces seized intelligence information in the hospital, Halutz said. The IDF also reportedly destroyed a large supply of missiles.

"There are no patients there; there is no hospital," Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Ehud Olmert said. "This is the basis of Hezbollah in disguise. It's named a hospital precisely to mislead you and others that will consider it a place no army will intervene with."

The Associated Press quoted residents who said the hospital is financed by an Iranian charity that is close to Hezbollah. Hezbollah told AP the facility was empty of patients at the time of the raid.

"It was empty last night, there was no one there," said the anonymous spokesman.

Standard Operating Procedure for Hezbollah and other such organizations: Hide among civilians, or give the appearance that you are hiding among civilians. It's disgusting.

but, but but... It is a hospital; the fact that there were no patients there does not matter to the apologists. It should be considered sacred ground.



Senior member
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Astaroth33

Hezbollah fighters were using the hospital and surrounding area as a logistical base, housing many leaders, Halutz said.

Israeli forces seized intelligence information in the hospital, Halutz said. The IDF also reportedly destroyed a large supply of missiles.

"There are no patients there; there is no hospital," Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Ehud Olmert said. "This is the basis of Hezbollah in disguise. It's named a hospital precisely to mislead you and others that will consider it a place no army will intervene with."

The Associated Press quoted residents who said the hospital is financed by an Iranian charity that is close to Hezbollah. Hezbollah told AP the facility was empty of patients at the time of the raid.

"It was empty last night, there was no one there," said the anonymous spokesman.

Standard Operating Procedure for Hezbollah and other such organizations: Hide among civilians, or give the appearance that you are hiding among civilians. It's disgusting.

Whats so disgusting about that? Its simply taking advantage of the situation and the weakness of the opponent. Hezbollah gains the following advantage.
- merging with the civilians makes it hard for their oponents to identify them, target them and destroy them. Smart move especially when you opponent can drop a smart bomb on them from 30,000 feet.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.



Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.

Well we all know which one is better at killing civilians, no doubt.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.

Well we all know which one is better at killing civilians, no doubt.
And also which one is concerned about THEIR civilians.



Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.

Well we all know which one is better at killing civilians, no doubt.
And also which one is concerned about THEIR civilians.

Those with the money and the means did evacuate the war zone, to the tune of 750,000 refugees. The 500+ (and that will definitely increase) civilians that have been killed so far are the ones with no money and no means to evacuate. What exactly would you have a Lebanese farming family, whose only possession worth anything is their land, do when they don't have transportation or money to get out of the area that used to be called home (relabeled a war zone overnight by Israeli jets and precision guided munitions)?

And I'm sure you'd just love it if Hezbollah all lined up in the middle of the desert away from any form of cover. Nevermind that defensive weapons like anti-aircraft guns would be best positioned where the jets fly over (cities). Nevermind that Hezbollah is more like a militia than a standing army, and its members are primarily trained in guerilla warfare. Lets throw any military strategy out the window and become an easy target for the Israeli military.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: straightalker
To the contraire.

Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.

Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.

The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.

It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.

I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.

A few points for you.

Paragraphe 1

Allies bombed civilians cities, you need to lower yourself to your enemy to beat your enemy. Maybe you only read to page 200 of the 400 page history book on WW2, you should go back and finish it.

Paragraph 2

Hez is dug in from robbing the civilians of there food/ect. So when the civilians stary dying, you can blame Hez for having not caring about them to actually help them.

Paragraph 3

Depletesed Uranium is safe.

Paragraph 4


Paragraph 5

Israel's civilian population supports this war, they are tired of having missilied lobied at them and having to go to bomb shelters daily, they are tired of going to the markets and getting blown up by a emo teenager who wants his 70 virgins and should just cut his wrists, they are tired of wondering if there kids will ever come home when they go off to school. They have had enough, and sad to say, Lebannon is paying for allowing a military arm to attack Israel. That is the way it is, and way it will be until the Arab nations decide "ok, lets deal with our own internal issues and leave Israel alone".


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.

Well we all know which one is better at killing civilians, no doubt.
And also which one is concerned about THEIR civilians.

Those with the money and the means did evacuate the war zone, to the tune of 750,000 refugees. The 500+ (and that will definitely increase) civilians that have been killed so far are the ones with no money and no means to evacuate. What exactly would you have a Lebanese farming family, whose only possession worth anything is their land, do when they don't have transportation or money to get out of the area that used to be called home (relabeled a war zone overnight by Israeli jets and precision guided munitions)?

And I'm sure you'd just love it if Hezbollah all lined up in the middle of the desert away from any form of cover. Nevermind that defensive weapons like anti-aircraft guns would be best positioned where the jets fly over (cities). Nevermind that Hezbollah is more like a militia than a standing army, and its members are primarily trained in guerilla warfare. Lets throw any military strategy out the window and become an easy target for the Israeli military.

Sooo, you are saying it is ok for Hez to use Civilians as human shields like they have been doing?

You are right, an AA gun or Mortar gun position right beside a school full of refugees is the best spot.


Jul 27, 2006
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: straightalker
To the contraire.

Lebanon's Muslims gangsters are going to defeat Isreal's Zionist gangsters eventually. Heck. Isreal's Gangsters have already lost. They lost the con game of keeping the good will of the World that was on their side. You do that with "shock-and-awe" decimation of the civilian infrastructure. And the resulting massive civilian casualties. The same exact sick thing many Nazis were hanged for at Nuremburg after WWII.

Let me guess. Most of Lebanon has no running water or safe drinking water, no sewage, no electricity and no garbage disposal, etc. So in a few weeks we can start counting the piles of dead civilians who collapsed from starvation and disease. Meanwhile the savvy Hezbollah Army has been savvy enough to plan for all this and they like any entrenched army are able to withstand the long seige quite successfully. Very successfully, from what i've read about Hezbollah in particular. I don't like Muslim extremists but that bunch is dug in and knows how to conduct a long protracted and nasty guerrila war.

The use of Isreali soldiers and Isreal weapons by these Zionist gangsters is therefore a real shame. These Isreali soldiers are all going to be huffing depleted uranium and getting sick, just like USA soldiers are in Iraq. And just like USA soldiers they will be forced into nasty urban warfare. The worst kind of fighting. Soldiers hate it the most, because it's the nastiest form of combat there is. Room by room slugging it out.

It would be best if Isreal's Gangsters just kept to running the World's largest slave brothels in Isreal and their many other lucrative vice scams. Letting them start WWIII would be a real shame.

I support Isreal's right to exist and the Isreali people's right to live in peace. They did a great job turning a desert wasteland into a productive agricultural area. Don't confuse the hard working common people within Isreal with the scum who seized control of that Nation. Their politicians. Who in Isreal revolve in and out of the underworld of mega global crime syndicates.

A few points for you.

Paragraphe 1

Allies bombed civilians cities, you need to lower yourself to your enemy to beat your enemy. Maybe you only read to page 200 of the 400 page history book on WW2, you should go back and finish it.

Paragraph 2

Hez is dug in from robbing the civilians of there food/ect. So when the civilians stary dying, you can blame Hez for having not caring about them to actually help them.

Paragraph 3

Depletesed Uranium is safe.

Paragraph 4


Paragraph 5

Israel's civilian population supports this war, they are tired of having missilied lobied at them and having to go to bomb shelters daily, they are tired of going to the markets and getting blown up by a emo teenager who wants his 70 virgins and should just cut his wrists, they are tired of wondering if there kids will ever come home when they go off to school. They have had enough, and sad to say, Lebannon is paying for allowing a military arm to attack Israel. That is the way it is, and way it will be until the Arab nations decide "ok, lets deal with our own internal issues and leave Israel alone".

well said!! :thumbsup:


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I see, Israel crosses a border and "captures" five Hezbollah "terrorists".

Hezbollah crosses a border and "kidnaps" two Israeli "soldiers".

Well I'm glad to see everything is in order. :roll:
I do not think that this will satisfy the status quo.

Well we all know which one is better at killing civilians, no doubt.
And also which one is concerned about THEIR civilians.

Those with the money and the means did evacuate the war zone, to the tune of 750,000 refugees. The 500+ (and that will definitely increase) civilians that have been killed so far are the ones with no money and no means to evacuate. What exactly would you have a Lebanese farming family, whose only possession worth anything is their land, do when they don't have transportation or money to get out of the area that used to be called home (relabeled a war zone overnight by Israeli jets and precision guided munitions)?

And I'm sure you'd just love it if Hezbollah all lined up in the middle of the desert away from any form of cover. Nevermind that defensive weapons like anti-aircraft guns would be best positioned where the jets fly over (cities). Nevermind that Hezbollah is more like a militia than a standing army, and its members are primarily trained in guerilla warfare. Lets throw any military strategy out the window and become an easy target for the Israeli military.

NI have no problem with Hezbollah to be considered to be a standing militia with rockets and foriegn support.

Given what they have, guerilla tactics if the proper way to execute their side of the conflict.

Hiding amoung non-combatants/civilians to avoid being targeted is the problem.
They claim to represent that group, yet are deliberately exposing that group in hopes of being protected from the Irsaeli response.

Becuase Israel is not going to pull any punches in this type of warfare, the "observers" are screaming against Israel, but ignoring why the situation of civilians are being caught in the middle. If Israel gave a "get out of jail free pass" to any that professed to be a civilian/non-combatant; the Hezbollah would then claim that their fighters fall under such a category.

Therefore Israel is in a non-win situation in terms of the PR. Clean out Hezbollah and be done with it. Then they need to remove the Syrian connection; which should slow down immensly the Iranian feed. Doing so, may allow the Lebanon government to retake control of their country (if they want to).

Allowing Hezbollah to control the south and/or Syria to control/meddle in the affairs will not stablize the country at this point.