Isn't "Tough ON Crime" code for racism against blacks

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Whaspe
Forced charity? Would you argue that it is detrimental to the country as a whole to encourage education and promote value and character in one of the lower classes of society? I would agree that forcing such education and values onto someone is a waste of time and resource, but then what do you do? The current solution is to put these people into prison and at $100,000 a head (in Canada) that's no better.

Well as a rich and powerful Democrat who lives off the poor, I have found I need a few more votes. I have to cream off some of the stupider Republican folk and to do so I have to talk like them. I don't want to be soft on China because the Republicans will raise up the Red China scare so I have to wait for Nixon or Condor to go first. I am not opposed to waisting tax payers dollars on the poor because they will vote for me, but I have to be careful not to alienate too many other voters whom I have to fleece for the cash. We don't want another socialist help the poor failure blamed on us. Hope you understand. But you do sound like a good man who has the welfare of others at heart. When people start calling you an N-lover you will understand the dilemma. As I said, the Republicans have the race card and we all swirl around the toilet together.

Yes, in 2008. The Dems will dust off Carter.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003


You are getting slicker by the day! I propose that whichever side is the sneakiest's the current rule:confused:


Senior member
Jan 1, 2005
Originally posted by: maluckey


You are getting slicker by the day! I propose that whichever side is the sneakiest's the current rule:confused:

My sentiments exactly... kudos to Moonbeam.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Cerb
IMO, being "tough on crime" is like being for "family values". A vague term that people can get to mean whatever they want, as long as it gets them voting for you.

Nonetheless, this thread is begging for some dry Newman sarcasm/humor/satire/adjective-of-choice

You're kidding me. The party of family values and tough on crime is using those words to mean whatever you want them to? Wow!

Just imagine the purposes poor blacks serve Republican whites. They represent the failure of Democratic welfare programs. They generate tremendous fear that can be used politically. The provide a sense of superiority to those on the capitalist rat race. They fill prisons and create jobs and unions that vote and send money to Republican causes. They are a good cover for FEMA disasters. You name it, they serve it. I should think the Republican would hate to lose that gravy train.
Not kidding at all. All you have there has little to do with black vs. white, except circumstance. If either term meant anything, all of this you're saying the blacks serve would be no more. Tough on crime is just a good catch-phrase so that voter X will percieve that political candidate Y is going to be tough on the crime voter X wants. Likewise, that he will be pushing family values that voter X wants. In both cases, neither really mean anything useful, and both are completely ignored once a candidate is in office.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
We don't see much action against white collar crime and less against things like outing CIA agents, but Republicans are big on being tough on crime and the number of black males serving time is all out of proportion to their numbers in the population. Looks a lot like being tough on crime is just repackaged racism designed to get the bigoted frightened white vote.

They threw away a lot of the Enron, Tyco, Arthur Anderson club.
White collar crime may not be a real attention grabber because it rarely involes violent crime. The thought of some guy raiding your bank account isnt as bad as some guy breaking into your house with a weapon.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.

Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: maluckey

Why not? Because they've been conditioned not to. Part and parcel of the winning Southern strategy has been to split working class whites away from blacks, and has been for over a hundred years. When national Dems abandoned it (and traditional southern Dems) in the 60's with the Civil Rights acts, the Repubs were more than happy to pick it up, run with it, and to accept the upper class white refugees into their party. Their message to working class whites remains that they're different from blacks, better somehow, and have employed a variety of methods to get that across. It's all more subtle than the Dixiecrat message, but it's the same message... Which is not to say that Repub leaders are racist, merely that they exploit such sentiment, just as they'll exploit any kneejerk mentality for the vote it carries.

Not even close. Republicans are the driving force behind race equality. It is within the platform statements. Read the actual platform statements over the last One Hundred Years sometime. You will be shocked as I was to find that the Republican party has been the champions of civil rights, and Demonized as the opressor all at the same time. . .

Here is a good resource...In the Words of the Parties themselves

Not much has changed. Democrats play the race card every chance that they get.

The Soviet Union was the most Free Nation ever to exist, just read it's Constitution!

Not necessarily disagreeing with you, just pointing out that what's said or written often doesn't mean anything in Reality. ;)


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.

Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.
Are you ACTUALLY reading what he has to say? Or are you smarter than the rest of us and know what he _really_ thinks?


Apr 8, 2002
Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.

This has to be a joke.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Ever wonder why there are very few to no successful black Republican politicians, particularly in the South? Keep in mind that I said politicians, not appointees, there being a difference, and that successful means winning elections... Which leaves Alan Keyes out, he's never won an election in his life.

Black Republicans in Congress?

Black Republican Mayors or Governors?

How about Black Republicans in State Legislatures?

Hhmmmm... Having a little trouble? What does it mean, professor?

It means that core Republican constituencies won't vote for Blacks, plain and simple.

Why not? Because they've been conditioned not to. Part and parcel of the winning Southern strategy has been to split working class whites away from blacks, and has been for over a hundred years. When national Dems abandoned it (and traditional southern Dems) in the 60's with the Civil Rights acts, the Repubs were more than happy to pick it up, run with it, and to accept the upper class white refugees into their party. Their message to working class whites remains that they're different from blacks, better somehow, and have employed a variety of methods to get that across. It's all more subtle than the Dixiecrat message, but it's the same message... Which is not to say that Repub leaders are racist, merely that they exploit such sentiment, just as they'll exploit any kneejerk mentality for the vote it carries.

Welfare Queens, Law and Order, Tough on Crime, Family Values, references to dependency, etc are all used to maintain the social order of a white upper class, of wealth over democracy by splitting the electorate. Repubs whole approach is basically anti- federal govt, too, which sells well in the South, even when they are the federal govt. antitax and antiredistribution, too, because they've taught their constituencies to fear and loathe such principles, painting blacks as the recipients of such efforts, and whites as the losers...

Toss Willie Horton on top of the mess, right next to appeals to Jesus and pandering to firearm fetishism to appreciate the full extent of the exploitation.

What is really sad is that you actually believe that bullschit quoted above.

Tell me Jhhnn, what percentage of the black population vote Republican? Racism you say? Look no further than the Detroit mayoral race for evidence of racism in action. The challenger and likely successor to hizzoner Kwame Kilpatrick is a prime example of your supposed causation: One of the "issues" in Kwame's fight to right his sinking ship is that Freeman Hendrix is just not quite black enough. That's right, just not black enough. Much like Freeman's previous boss, the former mayor of Detroit, Dennis Archer had to deal with; racisim by his own "race". He was branded an Uncle Tom because he reached out and worked with white suburban Detroit to help improve his city, which he accomplished during his 8 years. Something that Kwame has decimated in short succession. This racism was viscious enough that Mr. Archer refused to put himself and his family through another campaign. There's your answer Jhhnn.

The Democrats are the party of racism and slavery, always have been and I see little evidence that'll ever change. The difference between 150 years ago and today? The bonds of slavery are no longer literal chains, instead its a substandard "public education" and a welfare state dependancy that shackels our black brothers and sisters. What I find to be disgusting is the glee at which folk like you, Jhhnn, are selling this snake oil to those unfortunate enough to believe in and trust that what you are selling is really for their benefit, when in fact it is really to their detriment. Hey, as long as your base is pacified it's all good, right?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.

Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.

Basically there aren't enough worthless trolls in this forum, so you decided to take up the challenge Moonie? Truly disappointing. Don't dress up this hatred for yourself like this for all to see Moonie, its just not that flattering. It makes you look fat.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Howard
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.

Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.
Are you ACTUALLY reading what he has to say? Or are you smarter than the rest of us and know what he _really_ thinks?

Oh come on now Howard......surely you've been around here long enough to know Moonie's act by now. He knows how we all think: We just hate ourselves for being the worsest evar!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.

This has to be a joke.
Well I didn't just what to come out and declare what a joke these points of views have been. All we are hearing is a series of blame the victim responses telling us what is wrong with Blacks. They commit more crimes, they are irresponsible, they have bad family structure. I keep calling it a genetic subterfuge and inherent racism because none of you will tell me WHY. WHY do Blacks have these problems so much more than others and other races? F*CKING WHY?
You are describing the condition by its symptoms, and you should know why. You do not want to know anything about real reasons. The truth would make you feel like the worst in the world.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.

This has to be a joke.
Well I didn't just what to come out and declare what a joke these points of views have been. All we are hearing is a series of blame the victim responses telling us what is wrong with Blacks. They commit more crimes, they are irresponsible, they have bad family structure. I keep calling it a genetic subterfuge and inherent racism because none of you will tell me WHY. WHY do Blacks have these problems so much more than others and other races? F*CKING WHY?
You are describing the condition by its symptoms, and you should know why. You do not want to know anything about real reasons. The truth would make you feel like the worst in the world.

Right on que Moonie, thanks!



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

Because they are told that they have no responsibility for their actions. Do whatever feels good, and if something bad happens, blame someone else.

It's an easy sell, and people like you are very practiced at giving this pitch.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Howard
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Whaspe
What I find frustrating with the politics of today is that there is no real debate about issues like this one and others. Instead it's about a political parties history and how horrible they were, or a popularity contest with people looking at which candidate has a better haircut or proper military experience to lead the country... BAH! I think we could all learn a lesson from a decent legacy

If only people would look for this type of leadership instead of waiting to be spoonfed with it. Maybe then, an issue like crime and what to do with it will be properly addressed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the States has to deal with the same thing Canada has to deal with... white collar crime in government.

Condor offered you some excellent suggestions and I invite your own. I am angling, here, for some intelligent explanation for what is wrong with Blacks. All I hear are these Republican genetic explanations as to why they don't succeed, things like, they commit most of the crimes, they don't stick together, they pull themselves down, they don't act responsibly, with no explanation. We are just left to infer that the proponents of these views view them as inferior with no other choice than a genetic explanation. It is for this reason that I have labeled the Republican approach to Blacks as nothing but racism.

You want an honest discussion?
How many young African American women had children out of wedlock and have no support from their partners? The statistic in NO I have heard was around 70%. isnt it amazing that 67% of the African Americans in NO were below the poverty line when 70% of the children within their community are born to young single mothers?

There is no genetic reason why Blacks have a higher % of poverty than the rest of the country. The family situation which is a basis for all communities is shot to hell and a hand basket.

This is why I get sick of hearing how it is whities fault for the black poverty problem. There comes a time when you have to take responsibility and fix a community problem.

Think people like Jackson, InFume(sp), Sharpton have any answers? What have they done to adress this major problem? Instead these people fool the community into believing it is the govt and the white persons fault and make a killing doing it. They have failed their people.

A prime example is when Cosby said it like it is. It didnt take 10 minutes for the smearfest to start. A smearfest from liberal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton.

The bottom line is there is no genertic predisposition for blacks to stay in poverty. Anybody who thinks that is a fool. I invite them to show us which gene this is. It is a community problem that needs to be fixed from within before real progress can be made.

Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.
Are you ACTUALLY reading what he has to say? Or are you smarter than the rest of us and know what he _really_ thinks?

Oh come on now Howard......surely you've been around here long enough to know Moonie's act by now. He knows how we all think: We just hate ourselves for being the worsest evar!

I was right on que, Corn, even without your prompting. Hehe.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Hehe didn't even see your right on que remark either.

But if you want to have a serious discussion don't you think it a bit silly to say that people like me are good at such advise?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

Because they are told that they have no responsibility for their actions. Do whatever feels good, and if something bad happens, blame someone else.

It's an easy sell, and people like you are very practiced at giving this pitch.
So i guess the idea here is that Black people are genetically predisposed to listen to bad advise? More symptoms, don't you think? On the left, ladies and gentlemen, we have a group with dark skins that listen to bad advise. I wonder WHY THE F*CK THAT IS?

And please elaborate on why it's an easy sell and how you know?


Jul 1, 2004
No offense, Moonie, but I doubt your experience with African Americans living in a city in which they only make up roughly 7.5% of the population. Nevertheless, being "tough on crime" is just another war between the rich and the poor, not white against black. Living in Memphis, sometimes it pays to have skin of a darker color, and sometimes it does not. I can only hope that Love and interracial breeding will someday cause this racism to be a thing of the past. Then we will see with our own eyes that war is about the rich and the poor, and not about the color of one's skin. The administration in the White House is in fact the most racially diverse ever, and you will only see their similarity when you look in their wallets, not at their skin.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Genx87
Here we go again. All you are saying now is that Blacks have a genetic predisposition to have weak families, and you are sick of them.

This has to be a joke.
Well I didn't just what to come out and declare what a joke these points of views have been. All we are hearing is a series of blame the victim responses telling us what is wrong with Blacks. They commit more crimes, they are irresponsible, they have bad family structure. I keep calling it a genetic subterfuge and inherent racism because none of you will tell me WHY. WHY do Blacks have these problems so much more than others and other races? F*CKING WHY?
You are describing the condition by its symptoms, and you should know why. You do not want to know anything about real reasons. The truth would make you feel like the worst in the world.

Youdont consider a terrible family structure a cause of the problem but instead a symptom? You will find the exact same results in white communities that have similar family structures. Either you are oblivious to the fact the fact so many black children are born out of wedlock without a father figure and the obvious results. Or you just dont want to understand.

And is this blaming the victims? Sure it is because at some point in time you have to take responsibility for your actions.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

Because they are told that they have no responsibility for their actions. Do whatever feels good, and if something bad happens, blame someone else.

It's an easy sell, and people like you are very practiced at giving this pitch.
So i guess the idea here is that Black people are genetically predisposed to listen to bad advise? More symptoms, don't you think? On the left, ladies and gentlemen, we have a group with dark skins that listen to bad advise. I wonder WHY THE F*CK THAT IS?

And please elaborate on why it's an easy sell and how you know?

You are the only person in here infatuated with this "genetically predisposed" theory. Why dont you find us the study that shows which gene in black people predisposes them to poverty to prove this assinine theory of yours.