I once found some big old motorola server in a Drexel dorm helping my brother and his fiancee who was an RA clean up the place after moveout. It was tucked in a laundry idea why. We dragged it home (it weighed over 100 lbs) but could never find a power cable for it, so we ended up tossing it. Other interesting items found: A Mazda steering wheel...still attached to the steering column. A busted neon light (still worked except for one of the tubes was broken).
At my own school, there was a "trash heap" in the basement of the admin building. There was some strange loophole about a gov't institution not being permitted to junk good equipment just because it was obsolete (and I'm talking about stuff as obsolete as AS/400 dumb terminals).
So instead of trashing stuff, the equipment was thrown onto the trash heap, where cheap techno-vultures would "decay" them piece by piece.
I knew a guy who made a whole slew of Pentium Pro systems out of parts found on the trash heap.
I mostly collected old chips and ICs from them. I have lots of 1kB RAM modules, and AMD 8088 equivalent, an Intel 8086, 386 with 387 coprocessor....if nothing else they make great push-pins.