ISIS gives out pamphlets on rules for female slaves

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
What is difficult to understand? ALL of these fighters come from nation-states that have banned slavery and most ban pedophilia. Therefore, they know it is morally reprehensible. And, again, most of these fighters are young and idealistic. To go from using facebook, twitter, and arguing about how muslims are "oppressed" to having slaves takes some serious mental gymnastic. That is why I believe it'll cause a schism. Slavery simply is not accepted in any society. To accept it because some fake caliph says so must fuck with some of these fighters' minds.
These young men are joining ISIS (in part) precisely because they're being told that a different set of moral rules apply when dealing with non-Muslims. They're being told that they can act out on their secret desires as long as the victim isn't a Muslim.

What is so different, in principle, between what the ISIS leadership is "officially" sanctioning in this pamphlet and the atrocities committed by soldiers in almost every war?

Look at what the Japanese did in Nanjing.

A large portion of these rapes were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped. The women were often killed immediately after being raped, often through explicit mutilation or by stabbing a bayonet, long stick of bamboo, or other objects into the vagina. Young children were not exempt from these atrocities, and were cut open to allow Japanese soldiers to rape them.

Look at what happened during the Bosnian war:

Estimates of the number of women and girls raped range from 12,000 to 50,000, the vast majority of whom were Bosniaks raped by Bosnian Serbs. The Serb forces set up "rape camps", where women were subjected to being repeatedly raped, and only released when pregnant. Gang rape and public rapes in front of villagers and neighbors were not uncommon.

These are far, far from the only examples of large-scale sexual atrocities sanctioned by leaders in times of war. The common element in almost all such situations is that the atrocities are being committed against "the other," and soldiers know that normal moral constraints don't apply. ISIS is telling their fighters that non-Muslims are "the other," so why would ISIS fighters feel any more constrained by the moral rules of their home countries than soldiers in other wars?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
What is difficult to understand? ALL of these fighters come from nation-states that have banned slavery and most ban pedophilia. Therefore, they know it is morally reprehensible. And, again, most of these fighters are young and idealistic. To go from using facebook, twitter, and arguing about how muslims are "oppressed" to having slaves takes some serious mental gymnastic. That is why I believe it'll cause a schism. Slavery simply is not accepted in any society. To accept it because some fake caliph says so must fuck with some of these fighters' minds.

Lol. You should read up on so called white slavery that is happening today. Your simply naive if you don't think these "rules" in this pamphlet aren't a major attraction. All the other atrocities ISIS is committing are unlawful too, why is this so different in your mind? I really challenge you to watch some news videos and interviews with the Yahzidis, at the least the ones who were able to survive and tell their story.


Jun 23, 2005
Republicans are very progressive on women's rights, compared to these guys. :)


Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Republicans are very progressive on women's rights, compared to these guys. :)

True, but that's an awfully low bar.

The republicans, I mean.

I can think of quite a few of my GOP friends that fantasize (and drool a little) at the thought of a female slave.


Oct 25, 2002
These young men are joining ISIS (in part) precisely because they're being told that a different set of moral rules apply when dealing with non-Muslims. They're being told that they can act out on their secret desires as long as the victim isn't a Muslim.

What is so different, in principle, between what the ISIS leadership is "officially" sanctioning in this pamphlet and the atrocities committed by soldiers in almost every war?

Look at what the Japanese did in Nanjing.

Look at what happened during the Bosnian war:

These are far, far from the only examples of large-scale sexual atrocities sanctioned by leaders in times of war. The common element in almost all such situations is that the atrocities are being committed against "the other," and soldiers know that normal moral constraints don't apply. ISIS is telling their fighters that non-Muslims are "the other," so why would ISIS fighters feel any more constrained by the moral rules of their home countries than soldiers in other wars?

I was in Africa not too long ago so I know what atrocities are. I also understand it can be condoned. But, my point here is this, the men (and women) that are going to Iraq and Syria to fight for these terror groups aren't going there for the raping and killings. Many know full well that the people they're going to kill will be fellow muslims. They also know that they are entering a war zone. They will eat, sleep and drink death, all in the name of their religion. I doubt that they are thinking about settling down with a harem of women and living peacefully ever after. Many are there for death, not serenity. So the whole slavery and pedophilia thing will (or should) bother them because it wasn't what they signed up for. There may be an exception for those coming from decrepit/failed societies, but not for those arriving from the West.


Dec 11, 2006
What is difficult to understand? ALL of these fighters come from nation-states that have banned slavery and most ban pedophilia. Therefore, they know it is morally reprehensible. And, again, most of these fighters are young and idealistic. To go from using facebook, twitter, and arguing about how muslims are "oppressed" to having slaves takes some serious mental gymnastic. That is why I believe it'll cause a schism. Slavery simply is not accepted in any society. To accept it because some fake caliph says so must fuck with some of these fighters' minds.

In many nations women are already considered property so it actually is fairly accepted in certain areas to own women. Often the woman has no say in the matter, her family literally sells her off and then she belongs to the dude they sold her to.

Hell check out what they are doing in Africa right now, militias forcing fathers to rape their own daughters, horribly disfiguring women, forcing very young children to fight wars, MASS rape, tons of torture and a fuckload of mass killings thrown in for good measure. Not to long ago a society was rather tolerant of committing genocide, rounding up millions of people and sending them to gas chambers and shit.

But here you are saying that men in the same region, that for all intent and purpose are already used to the idea of owning women, will be repulsed and disgusted about owning more women that said people consider even lesser than their own women is a bit naive.

I'd wager that if it was perfectly legal a much larger portion of even civilized western men would love to own a woman. How many billions is the sex slave industry worth a year?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Hey something feminists can really stand up against...

Too bad they're fucking useless.

They're too busy being bratty spoiled princesses demanding even more superiority -- and doing stupid things like pelting the Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel, with fries and mayonnaise. Seriously.

They like to scream about how because men are abusing women in the middle east, iiIIIIIIIiiii deserve better treatment!



Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
True, but that's an awfully low bar.

The republicans, I mean.

I can think of quite a few of my GOP friends that fantasize (and drool a little) at the thought of a female slave.

No, that's what the Democrats try and make their base believe. It's all a bullshit narrative, that just keeps on giving. Democrats thrive on victims. They need lots and lots of victims, to continue to propagate their fucked in the head agenda. No conservatives I know think at the level of perversion that your fucked up liberal friends want the rest of society to believe.

You don't have any GOP friends. That's like a racist declaring that he has a couple black friends, just to make him / herself look socially acceptable. The world is getting sicker and sicker, thanks to the far left sympathizers and apologists. It's not working and the sooner you and your ilk realize it, the better off society will be. I don't hate people, but I hate it when people are so distorted that they begin to think like people like you.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2002
ISIS is a far more formidable opponent than I thought. I don't think this Arab Spring was a good idea at all...


The Child Soldiers Who Escaped Islamic State
Boys, Teenagers Tell of Lessons in Beheading, Weaponry at Training Camps

Jomah, a 17-year-old Syrian who joined Islamic State last year, sat in a circle of trainees for a lesson in beheading, a course taught to boys as young as 8.

Teachers brought in three frightened Syrian soldiers, who were jeered and forced to their knees. “It was like learning to chop an onion,” Jomah said. “You grab him by the forehead and then slowly slice across the neck.”

A teacher asked for volunteers and said, “Those who behead the infidels will receive gifts from God,” recalled Jomah, who didn’t want his full name revealed. The youngest boys shot up their hands and several were chosen to participate. Afterward, the teachers ordered the students to pass around the severed heads.

“I’d become desensitized by that time,” said Jomah, who has since defected to Turkey with his family. “The beheading videos they’d shown us helped.”

The enrollment of hundreds of boys in such militant training camps is another tragic facet of Syria’s nearly four-year-long civil war—and its impact could trouble the Middle East for years to come. Parents worry their boys will be forever lost to the indoctrination of Islamic State.

The militant group, which has seized large swaths of Syria and Iraq, has remade the secular education system in territory under its control, leaving families to choose between a radical Islamist education or nothing.

Islamic State religious schools in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Deir Ezzour—where, for example, chemistry has been replaced by religious studies—have become a conduit for recruiting boys to the fighting ranks, five former child soldiers and several adult militants told The Wall Street Journal in Turkey, where they are refugees.

One of them, 17-year-old Ismail, said he was ordered this summer by his Islamic State superiors to help behead every male ages 14 to 45 from an enemy Syrian tribe in Deir Ezzour. The teenager said he balked, but his 10-year-old brother took on the job with zeal. Activists said hundreds were killed.

Ismail, who was wounded on the first day of battle, said he defected in August and fled to Turkey without alerting his brother. He worried that his brother—who joined Islamic State at age 9—would tell. Deserters are killed, Ismail said.

“You’re an apostate. If you don’t come back, we will punish you by God’s law,” the boy said when the brothers finally spoke by cellphone, recalled Ismail, who couldn’t persuade his younger brother to defect. Ismail said he felt guilty for having encouraged the boy to join the militants.

Jomah, who quit Islamic State after five months, said he had joined partly for the money and partly out of boredom. He said he had too much idle time after his school in Minbij, a small town in northern Syria’s Aleppo province, was shuttered.

Most of the boys interviewed by the Journal said they suffered from nightmares of fighting on the front lines and a few suffered memory loss. They all recalled their first killing, but some became agitated when pressed for details.

Their accounts are supported by videos released by Islamic State that show children holding severed heads or mocking people about to be executed.

Islamic State’s media arm in Deir Ezzour released a video this month showing a regime soldier under interrogation. It later shows his decapitated body hanging from a fence as eight young children play with the head and yell insults at the corpse. “This is an apostate, an infidel!” yelled one child, smiling.

“God curse your father who gave birth to you, you dog,” another child said. “Bring us another one, a live one!”

In Syria, some desperate families send their sons to training camps in exchange for $150 a month, hoping to retrieve them once the fighting ends.

Other children are influenced by town-square events where Islamic State militants give away juice and candy while showing propaganda videos that include killing. The public events substitute for entertainment in places under fundamentalist Islamic State rule, attracting many children whose secular schools have closed.

Human Rights Watch in a June report condemned both the Western-backed Free Syrian Army and Islamic State for recruiting Syrian children under the “guise of education.”

The practice echoes the schooling of Afghan children by the Mujahedeen and Taliban during the civil war of the 1980s and 1990s, a campaign that molded many of today’s Taliban fighters.

For Ismail’s family, the motive to sign up their children for war was the defeat of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The more secular Free Syrian Army, or FSA, had swept their town of Deir Ezzour in 2011. Ismail, who was 14 years old at the time, and his younger brother, who was 7, both joined the FSA.

In early 2012, Nusra Front, a branch of al Qaeda, sank roots in town and the boys switched allegiance. By the summer of 2013, they had joined Islamic State.

“I feel guilty,” Ismail said. “But in that period, I was only thinking of how to defeat the regime.”

Ismail keeps a cellphone photo of his younger brother with an AK-47, wearing a camouflage uniform and a black balaclava with white Islamic script. The boy holds up a finger to proclaim his faith.

“Before the revolution, children of age 7 entered school, it was law,” Ismail said. “Now, it’s like a new law, that the children of 7 must fight.”

When Ismail and his young brother joined Islamic State, they underwent a 45-day course in Shariah, or Islamic law, followed by 15 days of specialized military and explosives training in Deir Ezzour.

Their days started at about 4 a.m. with prayers, followed by three hours of Shariah study. Breakfast was at 7 a.m., and then an hour of sports, Ismail said. From 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., the boys underwent weapons training with guns and mortars.

The day ended with three hours of Shariah study until night prayers and bedtime at around 9 p.m.

After their 45-day training, an Islamic State emir, or prince, presided over a graduation ceremony, where the boys were divided up into groups for specialized training. For 15 days, they prepared for either joining the battlefield; guarding military installations; serving as bodyguards for prominent commanders; or becoming suicide bombers.

“The stupid ones were always chosen for suicide bombers,” said one 14-year-old former soldier, also from Deir Ezzour and now in Turkey.

As Syrian schools fell under the control of Islamic State, radical Islamic preachers replaced certified teachers. History and philosophy were taken out of the curriculum. In Islamic State strongholds of Raqqa and Deir Ezzour provinces, schools are either seized or closed, depending on whether they have enough of their own teachers to staff classes.

In Aleppo, Syria’s most populous province, the militants focused on taking over military installations, then schools, activists said.

The takeover of Syria’s secular schools began when Nusra, the al Qaeda-linked group, consolidated power in 2013 across pockets of Syria, according to teachers.

Reem Sheikh, a 34-year-old Syrian school administrator now in Turkey, recalled hearing a commotion in June 2013 outside her former office in Deir Ezzour. Nusra militants had surrounded the building, holding guns and large plastic bags.

The bags were filled with conservative, Islamic clothing for female students. The militants demanded that girls wear conservative dress and be taught separately from boys, Ms. Sheikh said. They were ordered to scrap secular subjects.

“I tried to convince them, tell them it’s necessary to teach science,” Ms. Sheikh said.

For a time, Ms. Sheikh said, they got away with disobeying Nusra. That changed when Islamic State swept through the town a year later. In August 2014, Ms. Sheikh said her school was surrounded once more by militants. Teachers were marched to the nearby mosque. Women were segregated on the second floor from male teachers and the militants on the first.

“Don’t open the schools this year and wait for our conditions,” she recalled one militant saying. The men berated educators for their liberal teachings. One science teacher who tried to argue was beaten and arrested, Ms. Sheikh said.

Deir Ezzour ’s schools remain closed. Children are allowed to attend mosques and learn from Islamic State-approved preachers. “They don’t intend to reopen the schools because they don’t want to deal with learned people,” Ms. Sheikh said. “Their ideology is all about submitting.”

An Egyptian emir is the head of education for Islamic State in Deir Ezzour province. “When I spoke to him, he sounded young,” Ms. Sheikh said. “And his Arabic didn’t sound like he was educated.”

Islamic State has used children in other ways. In May, a convoy of school buses carrying some 250 Kurdish students through Aleppo was seized by Islamic State. The children were returning from government exams to their homes in Kobani. Militants released the girls but held more than 150 boys, ages 14 to 16.

The children were used as bargaining chips for a prisoner exchange. Islamic State, which is battling the Kurds for control of Kobani, demanded the release of their imprisoned fighters in exchange for the Kurdish students.

Some of the young Kurds were beaten and tortured, said four boys who were held and released. The captives underwent Shariah training that was similar to the study described by Ismail and others.

Murad, who didn’t want to give his full name, said he spent his first few days listening to the screams of others. The 15-year-old boy watched classmates emerge from the basement, a makeshift torture chamber.

The students were released to their families in stages, with the last group held five months before returning home in late October.

Murad was released after about a month, but the fundamentalist influence of his captors lingered. He yelled at his mother for baring her arms at home and demanded she keep her face veiled. He commanded his father to abide by religious custom and pray five times a day.

What scared his father most, he said, was hearing Murad sing Islamic State propaganda songs when he was alone. The captives had been forced to sing the songs after morning prayers.

“All the time, he is singing that damn song,” said the boy’s father. “I want to have peace from that song.”

—Rashed Alsara, Mohammed Nour Alkara and Dana Ballout contributed to this article.


Jun 23, 2004
ISIS is a far more formidable opponent than I thought. I don't think this Arab Spring was a good idea at all...


We need to ask George W. Bush what he thinks of his baby, and if it's better for humanity than Saddam.

Omar F1

Senior member
Sep 29, 2009
The Western media always use "Islamic State" name, I never seen them calling it by the other name "Daa'ish" which is also a common name for them here in the Arabic world.

As a Muslim, I can think of nothing could humiliate me more than calling those mercs / criminals an Islamist group, or worse, a Sunni Islamic group, as the BBC would like to call them.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
What is the solution to stopping these people?

My thought is tactical nuclear strikes.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
The Western media always use "Islamic State" name, I never seen them calling it by the other name "Daa'ish" which is also a common name for them here in the Arabic world.

As a Muslim, I can think of nothing could humiliate me more than calling those mercs / criminals an Islamist group, or worse, a Sunni Islamic group, as the BBC would like to call them.

Funny... they're only doing EXACTLY what the quran tells them to.

I guess that means a "peaceful moderate muslim" is one that does NOT do what their prophet ordered...?

Omar F1

Senior member
Sep 29, 2009
Funny... they're only doing EXACTLY what the quran tells them to.

I guess that means a "peaceful moderate muslim" is one that does NOT do what their prophet ordered...?

If he want to start picking in Al Quran, he must first study it all - thoroughly - from cover to cover, then learn most of Al Hadeeth (Prophet says/statements), read the complete biography of Mohamed, then he can explain / explicate it as much as he want.
This is not out of my personal thinking, it's a known thing in Islamic studies and you may ask anyone with a deep & long Islamic knowledge.

Thanks for sharing really, I watched the video and I can tell you that he have absolutely no idea what he is talking about :)

Back to ISIS? those guys are killing / raping nobody except us, the Arabs.

Their alleged "khalifa"? we heard a rumor that he suddenly came out of prison and already found some millions in a bank account, that's how he started to finance his mercenaries and some blind idiots / followers.
Who the hell had financed him? how could the Iraqi & foreign authorities has allowed them to gain some ground in the first place? and why some small area like Sinjar mountain took the military forces forever to liberate it?
I'd say, this is one of the subjects that we will never fully-uncover it's truth.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2012
What is the solution to stopping these people?

My thought is tactical nuclear strikes.

america already fucked it all up.

iraq was a failure an utter utter failure...

there is no overnight quick fix.

as expected they cut off the head and 3 more grew in it's place.


Jun 5, 2000
If he want to start picking in Al Quran, he must first study it all - thoroughly - from cover to cover, then learn most of Al Hadeeth (Prophet says/statements), read the complete biography of Mohamed, then he can explain / explicate it as much as he want.
This is not out of my personal thinking, it's a known thing in Islamic studies and you may ask anyone with a deep & long Islamic knowledge.

Thanks for sharing really, I watched the video and I can tell you that he have absolutely no idea what he is talking about :)

Back to ISIS? those guys are killing / raping nobody except us, the Arabs.

Their alleged "khalifa"? we heard a rumor that he suddenly came out of prison and already found some millions in a bank account, that's how he started to finance his mercenaries and some blind idiots / followers.
Who the hell had financed him? how could the Iraqi & foreign authorities has allowed them to gain some ground in the first place? and why some small area like Sinjar mountain took the military forces forever to liberate it?
I'd say, this is one of the subjects that we will never fully-uncover it's truth.

so everything he said and read is wrong?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
america already fucked it all up.

iraq was a failure an utter utter failure...

there is no overnight quick fix.

as expected they cut off the head and 3 more grew in it's place.

It will take the permanent member of the UN Security Council to address this. It is type of thing the UN was created for.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Did Dari really ask how slavery can be attractive to the slave master?

That's just... pick up a history book man. The abolition of slavery is a modern contrast to the entirety of human existence. Today's civilization is cherished precisely because of its modern values of freedom and liberty. The protection of those liberties is a constant vigilance against evil men who wish to turn back the clock.
Well said.

What is difficult to understand? ALL of these fighters come from nation-states that have banned slavery and most ban pedophilia. Therefore, they know it is morally reprehensible. And, again, most of these fighters are young and idealistic. To go from using facebook, twitter, and arguing about how muslims are "oppressed" to having slaves takes some serious mental gymnastic. That is why I believe it'll cause a schism. Slavery simply is not accepted in any society. To accept it because some fake caliph says so must fuck with some of these fighters' minds.
They know that slavery is simply not accepted in any Western society, and that their own (often Muslim) societies have been pressured into accepting Western sensibilities. However, they themselves are returning to the teachings of Muhammad, who taught that slavery is good and right under the conditions he dictated. Muhammad himself took a child bride (seven - although he manfully waited until she was nine to consummate their marriage) so child rape is nothing new here, nor prohibited by Muhammad's teachings. This isn't some "fake caliph", it's people enforcing the literal seventh century teachings of Muhammad.

The Western media always use "Islamic State" name, I never seen them calling it by the other name "Daa'ish" which is also a common name for them here in the Arabic world.

As a Muslim, I can think of nothing could humiliate me more than calling those mercs / criminals an Islamist group, or worse, a Sunni Islamic group, as the BBC would like to call them.
Why on Earth would that humiliate you as a Muslim? You are responsible for your own behavior, not theirs. This IS an Islamist group, following mainstream Islamic beliefs. That has nothing to do with you any more than an abortion doctor murderer has to do with me.

Christianity had its reformation, a long and painful process of evolving beyond outdated and yes, evil Biblical teachings. These still crop up in isolated individuals and small groups, and on a large scale in parts of Africa. The vast majority of Muslims live under a similarly reformed view of Muhammad's teachings, and while the evil lives on in a much larger percentage of Muslims, the principle is the same. You are morally responsible for your behavior and that of the groups with which you willingly associate; responsibility for everyone within the same broad faith system is too much to ask of any man.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
ISIS is a far more formidable opponent than I thought. I don't think this Arab Spring was a good idea at all...


In Syria, some desperate families send their sons to training camps in exchange for $150 a month, hoping to retrieve them once the fighting ends.

Why don't we pay $200 a month and train locals to fight ISIS? It's cheaper than dropping bombs.

$200 a month + $50 in food + an AK and bullets.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
ISIS is a far more formidable opponent than I thought. I don't think this Arab Spring was a good idea at all...

They're really not. They're a Sunni militia that has glided over areas where nobody is bothering to give them a real fight - parts of Syria and the parts of Iraq the Shiite majority don't care to die for (in other words, Sunni neighbourhoods). And now they've got the U.S. Air Force on them. We'll see how long they hold on.