is walmart good for america?

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Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

Interesting question considering similar type arguments in gay marriage discusions are denounced.


I don't follow those discussions closely, are you talking about the if you let gays marry than people will be able to marry dogs argument?


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".

No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: loki8481
I have this theory wherein the entire country could be sustained by everyone working at and shopping only at Walmart :p

We'll need doctors to treat the slip & fall injuries @ Wal Mart & lawyers to sue them both:)

the Walmart in my college town had a pharmacist and an eye doctor... it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to segue that into a full-fledged 24-hour discount hospital ;)


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".

No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.

I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first ammendment is good.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2004
Originally posted by: loki8481
I have this theory wherein the entire country could be sustained by everyone working at and shopping only at Walmart :p

OMG! I had a similar theory when I worked in this one restaurant. It seemed that half the people who we served were in the business, and all we did was spend our tips on drinking and eating out (in order to survive, or recover from the bars). I had this great little self-sustaining, alcoholic economy sketched out. The only problem was that I couldn't figure out how to build robot puffins to grow the hops, barley and rye. The only flaw. Darned primary sector.


Jan 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

If you're asking if I support the first amendment, the answer is "yes".

No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.

I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first amendment is good.

Were you guys expecting Rip to say "I think the First amendment is sh!t and I think we should go to Fascism" ?


Jul 30, 2004

Originally posted by: Riprorin
If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".
First of all it is "amendment" not "ammendment" - I can't believe that you made that mistake so often.

Second of all the First Amendment really has nothing to do with Walmart (maybe freedom of association, but that is a stretch). You're making an absurd arguement.

And finally you are on record as not supporting the other amendments, particularly the whole "access to the courts" that you find so offensive in tort reform.

Quoting our last little Constitutional discussion:

Let me ask you a basic question: do you believe in the Constitution? Do you really and truly love it?

One of the most fundamental protections of the Constitution is the right to have access to the courts. It is the 7th Amendment:

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

And here you have stated that you want to punish people for exercising their Constitutional right to go to court.

Then we get to the mechanics of your claim - who is going to decide what is a frivolous lawsuit? A Judge? Nope, this is America - by, for, and of the people. A group of medical experts - sorry, both sides have medical experts who disagree with each other. If you answer anything other than "a jury" you have just dishonored the spirit of the 7th Amendment.

And let's say that this jury decides to award somebody millions of dollars in damages. That is exactly the situation with John Edward. He didn't milk anybody of anything - people who had been injured hired him to represent them in front of a random group of average, ordinary Americans. These same American decided to award millions worth of damages.

That's our system. That is our Constitution. What, exactly, is so wrong with that?

Oh, I forgot, it's that he's running against Bush and is therefore evil.

Is that your argument against tort reform?

So you think the current system is working fine. Good for you. Most people don't.

I recommend you actually read the Constitution, or at least the Bill of Rights. I guarentee you that it is full of all sorts of the liberal ideas that you dislike.

Honestly, I don't know why I bother to reply to you, but I wish you would actually think or even try to understand what you claim to know. It's amazing to me how many people who claim to love the Constitution but who have no idea what it says.


Senior member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: piasabird
What about the Free Economy??? We hate it when other countries will not buy our stuff, but we cry like a baby when walmart sells a made in China Baseball. If you do not like it I suggest you vote with your wallet!

piasabird, you could not have put it any better! as a foreigner, i always found it amusing at the total lack of empathy of the average american -- its ok for americans to do it to others or evangelize it to others (and they get real righteous about it), but not when its the other way round! and when communist china out does capitalist america at their own game, the irony is just so much more glaring.

like the saying goes, business is business.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".

No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.

I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first ammendment is good.

You said WALMART is good because you believe in free-enterprise. Do you believe porn and abortion pills are good since you believe in free-enterprise? Seems like if you your real reason is free-enterprise then you'd think porn and abortion pills are good too. Alternatively you could admit your first defense of walmart was lame.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: amdfanboy
Were you guys expecting Rip to say "I think the First amendment is sh!t and I think we should go to Fascism" ?

No, I was expecting him to be consistent with his free-market defense of walmart and porn.. well actually I wasn't expecting that... I was expecting a weaseling-out of a bad argument. ;)


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.

Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".

No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.

I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first ammendment is good.

You said WALMART is good because you believe in free-enterprise. Do you believe porn and abortion pills are good since you believe in free-enterprise? Seems like if you your real reason is free-enterprise then you'd think porn and abortion pills are good too. Alternatively you could admit your first defense of walmart was lame.

Walmart is "good" because it fulfills a need in the marketplace. If it didn't, it would go out of business and cease to exist.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004

Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.


Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?

is there something wrong with magazines and medicine? Just because you might not agree with it, does not give it any less of a right to succeed then any other business.
and, last time i checked, america was still free.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.
Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?
If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".
No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.
I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first ammendment is good.
Cool, Riprorin finally (albeit bass-ackwardsly) admits that Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines are good.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Riprorin
I believe in free-enterprise, so yeah, they're good.
Does this apply to Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines too?
If you're asking if I support the first ammendment, the answer is "yes".
No, I'm asking if those are good since you support free-enterprise.
I think that free-enterprise is good and I think the first ammendment is good.
Cool, Riprorin finally (albeit bass-ackwardsly) admits that Hustler, Playboy, and abortion medicines are good.

Where else but Anandtech P&N could you find a comparison between Wal-Mart and Hustler Magazine?:)

I wasn't making any moral pronouncement, I was simply saying the Wal-Mart satisfies a need in marketplace. In that sense it is "good".

Do I think that viewing pron is healthy or good for the soul? The answer is "no".

Do I think that abortion is good? The answer is "no". If women are going to take an abortion pill, it should be carefully vetted and not go through a short-circuited approval process because of political pressure like what happened with RU-486.


Jan 12, 2002
Riprorin, just come out and say, "Hustler and RU-486 satify a need in the marketplace and that in that sense they are good."


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Riprorin, just come out and say, "Hustler and RU-486 satify a need in the marketplace and that in that sense they are good."

That's fine. But I don't beleive that there's a moral equivalent between a poor person who shops at Wal-Mart because they carry low-priced products that he can afford and someone who gets preganant because of reckless sexual behavior and takes an abortion pill to kill the baby.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Good show.

I don't shop at Wal-Mart because I have long known that their prices are not that good and the quality of their merchandise is generally sub-par. I'm not too fond of their usually filthy stores either. And the more I see and hear about their business practices, the less I like about them.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2003
Hey, they are (most) are open 24 hrs. Thats my hook, since I work nights. When I'm off, my only exercise is shopping at walmart. They were the first store, other than one small grocery store here, to open all night. People love one-stop shopping too. Lets face it, we're hooked. Those stock holders were very happy cause they were making money, reguardless. We as shoppers are in the same boat. We're happy cause we too are getting a share, in lower prices. I remember I was shocked when I first seen DVD players for under $50 at walmart, even though they were brands I never heard of. And very cheaply made for that matter (junk). I'd bet even that poor laidoff guy from Thomson, from the show, ends up a worker at walmart. With no health coverage or benefits and less than $10 an hour, at part time. Its sad, but happening. And really shocking when you see how some things can change the life of out country forever. One can only imagine, and fear, whats to come. I dont even think ANY president can really control whats happening.
Oh, have to run, just found a coupon for an oil change at walmart!