Is this not child abuse?


Aug 24, 2004

Video clip from Fox News

A lot of people these days seem to be very much against abuse of children. From the Pizza Gate issue to other various things, everyone seems to be outraged against child abuse. But what I want to know is why are such things so limited in their scope. The people who assume that child abuse is happening at Comet Ping Pong pizzeria by the Democrats or whoever, probably will be OK with brainwashing little innocent children with various ideologies – whether they be political, religious or social. They are OK with this despite that fact that these political, religious or social ideologies can be harmful to the developing mind. This sort of programming of little minds is like molding them in a certain fashion. You are designing that child's life with your own agenda. Is that not abuse?

So it appears even things such as child abuse are political and only go at the superficial level. It appears that certain individuals only target such abuse when it has some of their interest involved – such as using the Pizza Gate scandal against the Democrats (Hillary, Podesta, etc). In other words, politics and personal agenda comes first rather than the children. But such is humanity.

Where are all the so-called child defenders now? Why are they not outraged over this? Because it is one of theirs?

Regarding the video, I bet this is just a small example of whats going on out there. People love education these days and apparently, starting kids off very early is what parents want. Of course, the word education means different things to different people. To some it means a piece of paper called a degree, while others define it as being something totally intellectual, etc. I hardly see anyone regarding education as being the ability to think independently. Based on the condition of this world, I guess independent thinking is the total opposite of what people want and what they want for their children.

Here you have the media openly showcasing child abuse to the world – all with a huge smile. Of course this is not surprising. It's just the state of mankind. But what is really disturbing is how hypocritical people are. They go after one form of abuse towards children but not another.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2001
I think you would be very hard-pressed to present this as "child abuse." But by all means, give it a go.


Aug 21, 2007

Video clip from Fox News

A lot of people these days seem to be very much against abuse of children. From the Pizza Gate issue to other various things, everyone seems to be outraged against child abuse. But what I want to know is why are such things so limited in their scope. The people who assume that child abuse is happening at Comet Ping Pong pizzeria by the Democrats or whoever, probably will be OK with brainwashing little innocent children with various ideologies – whether they be political, religious or social. They are OK with this despite that fact that these political, religious or social ideologies can be harmful to the developing mind. This sort of programming of little minds is like molding them in a certain fashion. You are designing that child's life with your own agenda. Is that not abuse?

So it appears even things such as child abuse are political and only go at the superficial level. It appears that certain individuals only target such abuse when it has some of their interest involved – such as using the Pizza Gate scandal against the Democrats (Hillary, Podesta, etc). In other words, politics and personal agenda comes first rather than the children. But such is humanity.

Where are all the so-called child defenders now? Why are they not outraged over this? Because it is one of theirs?

Regarding the video, I bet this is just a small example of whats going on out there. People love education these days and apparently, starting kids off very early is what parents want. Of course, the word education means different things to different people. To some it means a piece of paper called a degree, while others define it as being something totally intellectual, etc. I hardly see anyone regarding education as being the ability to think independently. Based on the condition of this world, I guess independent thinking is the total opposite of what people want and what they want for their children.

Here you have the media openly showcasing child abuse to the world – all with a huge smile. Of course this is not surprising. It's just the state of mankind. But what is really disturbing is how hypocritical people are. They go after one form of abuse towards children but not another.

If you are a believer in subjectivism, then there can be no difference in the end between propagating truth to your children or merely propagandizing them.

CS Lewis addresses this in his first chapter of The Abolition of Man. There's a visual representation of that chapter here:

It's about 30 minutes long. The part that is most relevant to your OP starts at 16:28, though I would recommend you listen to the whole thing.