Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Are you paid by the banks for that mileage? I think the deduction is only for mileage that isn't reimbursed for. Is there a gas allowance or anything like that which might screw you out of the deduction?
Also, I'm not sure it would apply to you, but isn't there an alternative minimum tax just for people in your situation? I'm trying to find out more info on the Alt. min. tax myself as I'll have a TON of deductions next year. (teacher's deduction, closing costs on 2 homes, tuition deduction, for starters)
Neither of these apply because, assuming he receives a 1099, he would report the reimbursement as income and the mileage as an expense. All of this is handled on schedule C, not A. This should not impact any calculation for AMT either, because a loss is shown as business loss in arriving to Adjusted Gross Income. In other words, the loss is not a deduction, but rather a reduction of income.
As far as I know there is no limit to the number of miles you can use, but you better have it written in an approved mileage recordkeeping book, just in case you get audited.