Is there a How-to overclocking site for the duron 600 and kt7? :)


Senior member
Jan 27, 2000
hey guys and gals,
I know that is a lot to ask...i got the same setup as most people here duron 600 and abit kt7 and have absolutely no clue as to how to overclock. i am using it right now as-is with the lines penciled in, but don't know where to go next. i don't know what to do in the soft-menu in terms of setting things up. i've searched the forum for info and grab bits and pieces of information from the people here...but it is taking so much time. is there a site that shows me what to do step by step...i've tried emailing some of the members here, but that takes a day to, to summarize,
I am itching to learn how to oc this puppy but don't know how.
any help will be greatly appreciated...


Golden Member
Feb 4, 2000
Airduct dont know any tutorials right off hand. But for starters : reboot your machine and when the message at bottom of screen says press del to enter setup (do so). On the first screen select Soft menu III Setup and hit enter. Under Cpu operating speed, select user define. That will allow you to change the next Category. Multiplier factor try 8 for starters. next is the CPU FSB/PCI clock leave that 100 for now ( later you can try to up that one if you got decent memory. Disable Speed error hold. Next
Core Voltage - you will most likely have to up This in order to achieve higher clocks ( you will have to be on your own here as i will not suggest any) I have mine at 1.85 for which you will need the latest bios flash.
Next is I/O voltage - here again you will have to experiment and see what works for your setup. Default may be fine, I am usually between 3.4 - 3.6.

I have the remainder at default under this menu except DRAM CLOCK which you should be able to set at HCLK+PCICLK

That should get you started and later you can go into advanced chipset features and tweak your settings there since they are all probably at default.


If when you reboot it locks up then you can either adust the voltage or lower the clock speed. Also Abit boards will reset themselves after a lockup so don't worry. Also make sure you get some good cooling before you throwing the Voltage to it. Really way too much to put in one post so maybe that will get ya started. You can mail me if you need



Aug 30, 2000
Can someone please tell me how to unlock the multiplier on the Duron/T-Bird with the pencil trick?