Is there a difference between 144Hz and 144Hz Gsync/Freesync ?


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2015
I want to know if anyone here has first used 144Hz monitor at 144FPS and then used 144Hz monitor with Gsync or Freesync at 144FPS and if they saw any difference.

I feel some of the people flipping out about it stepped up from 60hz panels. Moving from a normal 60hz to a normal 144hz panel is a huge change alone. I wonder if some are giving more credit to these technologies then they deserve.I am not trying to discredit the technologies I am just curious if some of the hype is just peoples first experience with 144hz


Senior member
Oct 26, 2005
I have the ASUS VG248QE which runs at 144Hz without G-Sync. There was a G-Sync module available for it some time ago, but I failed to get one. Anyway, I have been using this monitor about since it came out. I upgraded (side-graded) from a broken Sony FW900 that was already running 1920x1200@96Hz, so I was used to high frame rates already.

I have not tested G-Sync or FreeSync in my home, but I have used them at Microcenter with whatever games they had loaded, so it's not a true side-by side comparison. My experience is that the value of variable refresh displays is directly proportional to how often you can NOT maintain 144fps - if that makes sense.

Basically, if you can always get 144fps from turning down settings and tweaking things, then there is little to no value in G/F-Sync. If you experience frame rate spikes/dips or just want to play everything with maximum visual fidelity, then G/F-Sync carries significantly greater value.

Even though my eyes/brain can't actually count the frames per second in either scenario, they know what looks/feels good. And G/F-Sync looks and feels great. The only thing keeping me from upgrading is the cost and the principle of locking into either system long term.