If I'm not mistaken, Windows 2000 uses it by default, it's part of the Memory Management of the NT kernel. So there's nowhere that you can enable it, it's already enabled. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
You are correct about the file being enabled by default. You can however change the size of this swap file. If you right click My Computer go to properties, then go to the Advanced tab and choose Performance Options. There you can change the size of the page file and even the drive that the file resides on.
Improve Swap File Performance (Windows 98) Popular
Category: Files > SYSTEM.INI
On systems with large amounts of memory (i.e. > 128mb) the hard disk based swap file is not needed as much, this tweak optimizes the use of the swap file on such systems.
Using notepad open the file SYSTEM.INI in your Windows directory.
Find the [386Enh] section and add a new line reading "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1". Save the file and restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Value Name: ConservativeSwapfileUsage
Value Data: 1
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