Originally posted by: wizboy11
Originally posted by: SPARTAN VI
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Originally posted by: SPARTAN VI
Maybe I'm not understanding this correctly.. I'm playing System Shock 2 (you read that right) at 1024x768 (max resolution for the day) on my 2005FPW. Screen scales just fine at 1:1, I have black area all around, it's not trying to fill my 1680x1050 screen.
8800GTS 97.44 drivers.
That depends... You might have 1:1 selected on your 2005FPW, which would handle the scaling. People with a monitor that doesn't handle scaling would need to have the video card driver handle it.
I don't worry about it. I play everything at native rez.
Got it. I'd play at native too if SS2 could do it.
Wierd playing at 1024x768 with 16xMSAA!
The card doesn't do 16xMSAA.
It does 16xQ which is 8xMSAA+16xCSAA.
Or 16x which is 4xMSAA+16xCSAA.
And I can't really test the scaling issue on my monitor anyway since the VX2025wm NEVER scaled correctly on ANY nvidia card.
It's a Viewsonic issue though so I'm not blaming nvidia