BF4, 900p on PS4 and bad quality. BF4, 720P on Xbox One and bad quality. PC wins hands down.
That PC had a pair of 7970s in it, don't forget.
Consoles will generally get more performance from the same hardware, and the performance that they get out will improve over time as developers get more familiar with the hardware tricks. (Just go compare the first and last Gears of War games to get an idea of how one developer learns to make the most of it.) The first generation of games is always especially bad, because developers are often working to uncertain specifications, and using developer tools that aren't even finished, trying to hit a very tight launch deadline. I mean come on, Perfect Dark Zero (a 360 launch title) looked like this:
So yeah, it depends on how good your PC is. I certainly expect the next-gen consoles to give better visuals than my current PC. But if you have an overclocked Haswell and a 290X? Perhaps not. And the console's performance will gradually increase over time, whereas my PC's really, really won't.
Of course they will...just wait for the PS5.Let's see if consoles can ever look this good:
No one denies that you'll be able to extract more performance out of the hardware in a given console. However the given console hardware is already pre-dated and is physically the limit of that console.
Actually I do contest this, in the strictest sense. While its true that the developers do get better visuals out of a console through its lifetime it comes at the cost of something else. The extra visuals do not come just out of "optimisation" they mostly come after sacrificing something else like antialiasing, lighting and the big one is resolution. Early games rendered nearly 2-4x as many pixels as the games that came later and most of the later games use a much cheaper post processing technique. They also all started using deferred rendering to decrease the cost of lighting.
What has happened in a positive way is they have continued to search for cheaper algorithms that achieve effects that faster machines could do. The various techniques for ambient occlusion or shadows or mirror effects. All got cheaper and somewhat worse versions on the consoles so that they could continue to look somewhat like that produced on a faster machine without the actual hardware. They aren't really optimisations in the strict sense as they are less accurate than the better algorithms, but they did neither less do a decent job of bringing better visual effects to ageing hardware.
When it comes to the xbone and the PS4 we will likely see a similar trend. Gradually the resolution will decrease and various other effects will be "cheapened" to get new effects that modern hardware can do that they don't have the compute power for. They will cheat more and more as time goes on to attempt to keep up with the hardware as it progresses on the PC. What is concerning is that already we are seeing the PS4 and the xbone have to reduce image quality compared to a high end gaming PC. They are already behind and that is a stark difference to when the xbox 360 came out where it looked better than the PCs of the day.
ok...what is wrong with the ps4 that it wont allow it to play above 1080p?.
is it the weak hardware?
Let's see if consoles can ever look this good:
Yeah what about it. Even with that the PC GPU has up to 30 times more brute force power, higher resolution, more features, coding direct to hardware cannot make up for the deficit because the PS4s hardware is SUBSTANTIALLY worse. Then again the PS4 is 400$. I'm sure it will be a fine console FOR THE PRICE, in fact I plan on getting one because I prefer consoles for fighting games and certain competitive games. And frankly most of my buds have consoles but not PC's. Anyway, to question whether it will match a modern powerful PC? Hell no it won't.
Actually I do contest this, in the strictest sense. While its true that the developers do get better visuals out of a console through its lifetime it comes at the cost of something else. The extra visuals do not come just out of "optimisation" they mostly come after sacrificing something else like antialiasing, lighting and the big one is resolution. Early games rendered nearly 2-4x as many pixels as the games that came later and most of the later games use a much cheaper post processing technique. They also all started using deferred rendering to decrease the cost of lighting.
What has happened in a positive way is they have continued to search for cheaper algorithms that achieve effects that faster machines could do. The various techniques for ambient occlusion or shadows or mirror effects. All got cheaper and somewhat worse versions on the consoles so that they could continue to look somewhat like that produced on a faster machine without the actual hardware. They aren't really optimisations in the strict sense as they are less accurate than the better algorithms, but they did nevertheless do a decent job of bringing better visual effects to ageing hardware.
When it comes to the xbone and the PS4 we will likely see a similar trend. Gradually the resolution will decrease and various other effects will be "cheapened" to get new effects that modern hardware can do that they don't have the compute power for. They will cheat more and more as time goes on to attempt to keep up with the hardware as it progresses on the PC. What is concerning is that already we are seeing the PS4 and the xbone have to reduce image quality compared to a high end gaming PC. They are already behind and that is a stark difference to when the xbox 360 came out where it looked better than the PCs of the day.
Does anyone here understand that hardware is only as a good as it's software?
I recommend taking a gander at an indepth visual comparison of GTA V on the PS3 and 360, and how it compares to GTA IV. The hardware hasn't changed but visuals sure have. I suppose we can speculate that a version running on a top-end PC gaming rig it would look far better still. Of course we can't compare it until a PC version is released, and as far as I know, it has not.
It doesn't come down to who has the better hardware. It comes down to the better software.
The people with such ancient PC's likely will not be gaming on their PC's.Ps4 will rape most Pc's, just not most pcs in this forum or other enthusiast / gaming forums. Most people have not upgraded their PC in years as mobile products have replaced them.
Actually I do contest this, in the strictest sense. While its true that the developers do get better visuals out of a console through its lifetime it comes at the cost of something else. The extra visuals do not come just out of "optimisation" they mostly come after sacrificing something else like antialiasing, lighting and the big one is resolution. Early games rendered nearly 2-4x as many pixels as the games that came later and most of the later games use a much cheaper post processing technique. They also all started using deferred rendering to decrease the cost of lighting.
What has happened in a positive way is they have continued to search for cheaper algorithms that achieve effects that faster machines could do. The various techniques for ambient occlusion or shadows or mirror effects. All got cheaper and somewhat worse versions on the consoles so that they could continue to look somewhat like that produced on a faster machine without the actual hardware. They aren't really optimisations in the strict sense as they are less accurate than the better algorithms, but they did nevertheless do a decent job of bringing better visual effects to ageing hardware.
When it comes to the xbone and the PS4 we will likely see a similar trend. Gradually the resolution will decrease and various other effects will be "cheapened" to get new effects that modern hardware can do that they don't have the compute power for. They will cheat more and more as time goes on to attempt to keep up with the hardware as it progresses on the PC. What is concerning is that already we are seeing the PS4 and the xbone have to reduce image quality compared to a high end gaming PC. They are already behind and that is a stark difference to when the xbox 360 came out where it looked better than the PCs of the day.
The people with such ancient PC's likely will not be gaming on their PC's.
Ps4 will rape most Pc's, just not most pcs in this forum or other enthusiast / gaming forums. Most people have not upgraded their PC in years as mobile products have replaced them.
Yeah what about it. Even with that the PC GPU has up to 30 times more brute force power, higher resolution, more features, coding direct to hardware cannot make up for the deficit because the PS4s hardware is SUBSTANTIALLY worse. Then again the PS4 is 400$. I'm sure it will be a fine console FOR THE PRICE, in fact I plan on getting one because I prefer consoles for fighting games and certain competitive games. And frankly most of my buds have consoles but not PC's. Anyway, to question whether it will match a modern powerful PC? Hell no it won't.
I am beginning to think i'm in a troll thread though. I should stop feeding.