is it time to start wearing full-body armor in public?

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Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
The odds of being killed in a shooting of any kind are very close to zero so absolutely not.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The odds of being killed in a shooting of any kind are very close to zero so absolutely not.

One of those talking points that is fun to say but completely ignores the actual use of statistics.

Of course, this depends on the field where you work, where you live and venture forth on a daily basis, etc. For example: you would never say such a thing, much less believe the stupidity of it, if you lived in south Chicago or worked at a post office.

Anyway, 350 some mass shootings so far this year? fantastic!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
since violence is bad and getting worse, maybe it is time to research and produce full-body armor to wear in public?

knights wore armor out in public in the middle ages, and perhaps we can do the same now.

something carbon-fiber based, lightweight, that covers your entire body and allows you to see and hear and breathe but can stop bullets or knives.

i know if there were something like this for under 10$k, i would buy and wear it outside of the house.

advanced cultures in science fiction find ways to protect themselves from unexpected harm. that is the next step for humans - nullify the effects of violence by becoming impervious to it.

Violence is actually much, much lower these days than it has been in the past.


Oct 6, 2009
Yes I wear full body armor every day and I'm also fully prepared for when I win the lottery.


Apr 8, 2002
since violence is bad and getting worse, maybe it is time to research and produce full-body armor to wear in public?

knights wore armor out in public in the middle ages, and perhaps we can do the same now.

something carbon-fiber based, lightweight, that covers your entire body and allows you to see and hear and breathe but can stop bullets or knives.

i know if there were something like this for under 10$k, i would buy and wear it outside of the house.

advanced cultures in science fiction find ways to protect themselves from unexpected harm. that is the next step for humans - nullify the effects of violence by becoming impervious to it.

Behold the power of the media folks.

Mass shootings are rare. Terrorist attacks are even more rare. But if you want to live your life in fear go for it.
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Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012

since violence is bad and getting worse, maybe it is time to research and produce full-body armor to wear in public?


You're welcome to wear whatever...

Though, I'd favor a little more education concerning risk management...



Jun 23, 2004
How the !@#$ is flying just below cancer and above driving?
That's a very badly done graphic.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
You are far more likely to be killed in a car accident falling down your stairs than be the victim of gun violence. Unless you live in a place like south Chicago or other high gang violence city.

Stop living in liberal-land fear and breath the fresh air, dear boy.

Like I said before, DO YOU FEEL LUCKY? WELL, DO YOU?

Every time you leave the house, you kids leave the house, your spouse leaves the house you must ask yourself, DO I FELL LUCKY today?

On your way to McDonalds? Well, DO I FELL LUCKY?
Kids off to school? Well, DO THEY FELL LUCKY?
Wife off to work? Well, DOES SHE FELL LUCKY?
Going to church? Well, DO YOU FELL LUCKY?

That is the question you must ask yourself every day.
Because one thing every shooting tragedy has in common, the one common dominator, are the survivors later saying, " I never imagined this could happen to me. I never imagined this could happen in my community".

So... Do "you" feel lucky?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

You're welcome to wear whatever...

Though, I'd favor a little more education concerning risk management...


again, invoking those numbers are mere bromides for the relevance of what such random acts of violence means. Here is why comparing the rate of random acts of violence to such daily life issues is...well for stupid people. Let's be honest.

First: I agree that far too much is being made of this culture of fear and people really can't spend their lives terrified by this crap. It isn't good for anyone, and simply plays into the type of culture that such psycopaths are trying to create. (not to mention that it is fucking amazing for the Gun and Defense industry: More fear! YAY!!!!)

That being said:
--Heart Disease? This is a lifestyle change that is primarily a personal issue. That is something that every person has a tremendous amount of power to control. The chance of heart disease is pretty much even throughout your day; not so much if you think about where you are going and what you are doing when it comes to crazy people that want to murder you. ...something that is relatively unpredictable by the same methods used to compile that pretty chart.

--Cancer? relatively the same thing regarding lifestyle, but even a bit more randomness and "fuck, I lost the genetic lottery on this." Also, what percentage of those numbers represent the elderly who will, by and large, just get cancer because "life"? Is someone else making the personal decision to threaten my life by giving me cancer? No.

--Airplanes and Cars? Modern realities of contemporary life that we all accept for living in a contemporary society. These are things that are required for developed countries and the world that we have created. As is often the case, the acceptance of such advances in making our lives convenient carry risks. We have deamed these risks acceptable. Terrorism or random acts of gun violence are not required to live in contemporary society. It is, in fact, a fucking cancer of some of the worst cultures of humanity--there is very much no distinguishing between extremist terrorists, home-grown conspiracy terrorists, and the gun lobby promoting equal amounts of violence, here--they are all cancers. To compare vehicle deaths to gun, violence, and terror deaths is accepting that these are all acceptable risks of modern society. That is certainly not true and I don't think you believe that. It is the type of logic that a 3rd grader clings to.

Falling, Drowning and Vomit: humanity has been dealing with such deaths for more than 3 million years. In fact, evolution has made us so incredibly successful at reducing the incidences of these events, especially considering that we are upright walkers (not really perfect for our frame), and not water-dwelling creatures. Both eyes are in the front of our face--we see in 3D. Our hands and feet are incredibly sensitive, which allows us to swing between branches if we need, run and determine distance to the ground, balance with our highly-evolved inner ear structure. These are all really cool things. Vomit is funny, because we have this artifact of our history as fish, called "hiccuping." This little flap of skin that separates our windpipe from our esophagus, and allows trapped air to escape from the same orifice that we use to eat; which would also kill us rather quickly if we crammed that necessary product--food--back down the other pipe. As such, we have been mildly successful here, but we still sometimes manage to choke to death when our stomach rejects those things that we have inappropriately introduced into our system and, in most cases, kills us due to yet another ingenious self-defense, our body has shut us down (passed out), because we are trying to kill ourselves with alcohol. ....perhaps this is one that has gotten worse, as we adapted to a lifestyle that promotes enough leisure time to do something so stupid as drink ourselves to death.

...anyway, until psycopaths choose to kill us, en mass, through falling, drowning, or by making us choke on our vomit, I will not consider this relevant.

--Death by Police. That's a weird one. I'm sure a large percentage of those numbers are people shot and killed in the actual committing of real crime, or doing something stupid like getting drunk and pointing a gun at an officer. Yes, there certainly is a problem these days of police killing wantonly, but with such a low rate (8x more likely), one has to think that when you control for people legitimately killed by police, it probably puts police right on par with deaths by terrorist or regular gun-toting psycopath, no? Well, that certainly shouldn't happen. Police are now just as bad as terrorists? Maybe should be more afraid of police...

--Electrocution and Hot Weather: laws of nature, stupidity and well, age. Again, many of these are things we have accepted as life on planet earth. Hot Weather: certainly a concern for the elderly living in non-cooled buildings in dense urban areas, and people walking out into the desert unpreprared, or over-exerting themselves in August...but still another issue of personal choice, random events that can not really be addressed by humans

Still, I agree. we should stop living in fear


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
What are we doing about death in general?

It's the one thing everybody knows is going to happen, yet nobody is doing any real work to stop it, only slow it. Why?

This is America, fix it already dammit.


Jul 2, 2005
since violence is bad and getting worse

You start off with a false premise. Everything that follows is drivel.

Perhaps you should look up the levels of violent crime over the past 50 years and then come explain how it's "bad and getting worse".


Feb 5, 2006
About 100 people per day are killed by guns, and that's been the case for many years. This event is statistically insignificant in perspective, so why would it change your behavior?