Well yes, if he had 2 phone lines he wanted to tie up he could setup one machine as a RAS server, and call it from the other one. But he could litterally move data faster by putting it on a floppy and walking it to the next room.
Anyhow Mr. rfg was thinking of using ONE phone cord, jacking one end into each modem.
Now there might be some way to get signal flow going that way, but it's not on my chart. And just for coming up with that concept: I will make fun of you Mr. rfe.
I am by nature a very hostile and intolerant individual. And I am seeing far too many posts here which address the same basic issues over and over again. A little searching through past threads will reveal a wealth of information and useful links. Try posting in the Hot Deals forum for some perspective, half of these "Help me, I'm lazy" threads would get gloriously flamed.
Now Mr. rtf, you may not be a classic example of what I'm referring to in the previous paragaph, but that was a funny idea, and you deserve some heat.