I do agree all hardware/software should have a 100% local option. I always have to watch when buying something to make sure it's not cloud, or app based. Apps are just as bad, since you're relying on the phone ecosystem. If they ever pull the app or make any major changes in the future that make the app unavailable or no longer work your product is a brick.
I never bought into the whole cloud thing as far as data storage goes either. I rather pay once for hardware, and host it locally and have full control of my data. They try to sell cloud as being cheaper but is it really? The minute you have an event of extra demand, you are paying a lot for that usage. For something self hosted you're only really paying for the hydro, and that's relatively cheap compared to cloud fees.
Indeed. I have the same feeling.
Often cloud is not needed for personal use.
But if anyone would like to have such an option. Certainly it should exist, but at a price.
I can imagine that for smaller companies like : Small and medium-sized enterprises. An external ICT with cloud solution may sometimes look as a cheaper option. And it can be in certain situations.
But it is always good to have in inhouse ICT employee who knows enough to immediately help out.
And sometimes, keeping everything local but having a website may just be enough.
We have great website hosts for 30 years now that provide a custom website at user specifications for a low price.
Large scale enterprises are often able to have their own server park and inhouse ICT crew.
But when it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises :
Think smaller companies but also health care providers, local gyms that have a large customer base and several employees and general practitioners.
These people are good within their profession.
But certainly, one cannot guarantee that they are able ICT specialists when it comes to computer hardware or software.
But again, it is good to have an employee that has basic knowledge to be able to do first aid inhouse ICT stuff.
An external company is of course also an option if they can guarantee that the external ICT be present within 15 minutes.
As a sidenote example : I bought a very nice USB microscope from an Chinese brand , sold at Amazon. The hardware works great. Had a lot of fun with it looking at tiny things.
The problem is that the software is no longer available through google play. Even though the Chinese brand is a renowned brand even in the western world.
But i guess it is to protect the more expensive Western USB microscope brands that sell typically the same hardware at 10 times the price..
Talking about free market, yeah. That does not work when financial interests come at play...
Often, Chinese producs or other not western products that have been sold for years under western brand names have been good quality products.
But as soon the free market principle arises : Competition to serve innovation and stable prices. It is all out the window !
To protect the so called local business. Actually and this is too often true : It is not the local business that is protected, these companies are often foreign.
As another sidenote example :
Here in Europe, we have logitech as a renowned brand. Which it is of course. No doubt about that. Good quality stuff.
But, we also have Sandberg, which is a computer equipment brand from Denmark. A manufacturer which has the same market as logitech. Yet, Sandberg is renowned in Germany, Denmark and other surrounding countries. Yet virtually unknown in the Netherlands. I have to buy Sandberg equipment through German shops who happen to deliver in the Netherlands also.
Which i am glad with, because the assortment those German online shops have, there is nothing near to find in the Netherlands. And if they do exist, the price is 2x up to 3x the German shops when it comes to electronic components or electronic equipment.
And Sandberg is very competitive wihen it comes to products, product range, quality range and price when compared to Logitech.
As example i will add websites from both manufacturers.
Sandberg is a well-established manufacturer of first class equipment for mobile phones, computers and games consoles, which focus on uncomplicated use, durability and value for money.
Sandberg is a well-established manufacturer of first class equipment for mobile phones, computers and games consoles, which focus on uncomplicated use, durability and value for money.
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