Sunny129, you have done a wonderful job getting the Gorb to work as well as it possibly can in your setup.
I compared the Golden Orb, Chrome Orb and Alpha FCPGA-35t on a P3-700 overclocked to 933 MHz @ 133 FSB at 1.75 volts vcore. The limit of my CPU is 1.0 GHz @ 143 FSB at 1.9 volts vcore. The Coppermine is such an efficient design, all of them provide sufficient cooling with a large margin to the Intel ultimate spec. Using the Alpha FCPGA-35t and ArticSilver, the CPU never went more than 10C (18F) above case/MB temperature running Prime95 loop.
I use an Addtronics 7890A case with 6 case fans and the Enermax dual fan 451W PS. The case is well ventilated by carefully balancing the intake and exhaust fans. In a 22C room,
Case (thermister in middle of case) 23C
MB (Asus CUSL2 onboard sensor) 28C
CPU idle (on die thermal diode) 31-33C
CPU full loads (on die thermal diode) 38C
When I switch the heatsink from Alpha to Golden Orb, the idle CPU temperature change only 1 degree C or so. At full loads, the CPU is higher by about 4C. Both the Alpha and Gorb are more than adequate for the coppermines, and the Gorb is definitely a better deal for the money.