Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: chucky2
I doubt many will be saddened by the news (although sickly a few will) that we're loosing much less per day that we used to...
...but the reality is that 23 mothers got notified in Dec. that their baby is dead. 23 families had about as sh1tty a Dec. as one could possibly have.
When that number is 0 per month - or d@mn close to it - then we can all celebrate.
Ummm you do understand that between 400 and 600 members of the military die every year due to accidents. That works out to 33 per months (at 400) which means more than likely more members of the military died in accidents during the month of December than died in Iraq.
Yes, 23 is still too many, but let?s not diminish the amazing success our military has had over the last 6 months.
First, I'm not diminishing anything the members of our military - a totally volunteer force - have done. By 99.99999% of accounts, they do the best they can in what many/most times are difficult/sh1tty/impossible situations. That
they do it for the benefit of US/Western world, and the Iraqi's, while getting low pay and sh1t bennies is only more amazing (People can talk about "The US" being there for oil, imperialism, etc, but the average soldier is there for their country, buddies, and to help the Iraqi's...and that's as honorable as it gets). So don't take my post as a slam of the military or of their sacrifices.
My point was that, while 23 dead a month is lots better than triple digits a month, 23 dead a month is still 23 dead a month. This isn't two buddies got drunk back in the States and ended up in a DUI fatality. This is 23 sons and daughters got shipped home in body bags...and many more got sent home alive but changed forever.
We should feel some relief that the monthly body count is dropping (hopefully we truly didn't make deals with devils to accomplish that, i.e. setting up the country to desintegrate further down the line, make a deal with Iran to stop instigating and they could have nukes, etc.), however we should also be keeping in mind the real long term goal of not only a stable Iraq, but a prosperous - for the people - Iraq.
Failing to start bringing the common people into the fold in that region, through and starting with Iraq, will be the real long term failure if we can't pull that off...if we can't manage that long term, then truly everything that's been sacrificed (by all sides) up to this point will have been a waste.
And forgetting about Afghanistan and Pakistan we should not be doing....the US has the resources, we should be going all out there as well, at a people - not smart bomb - level.
Hope that cleared up what I meant...