Invite you all for a computer test!


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Hi,we are all interested in computer benchmarks,how fast is my computer and we know also that every computer have different configuration so i invite you all for a Chess Computer Benchmark.My meaning is to make a list from all the computer we have now because with the new upcomming processors(like the Intel Core 2 Duo,E6300,E6400,E6600,E6700,X6800) we will have a nice jump forward!Also with the comming from the Quad Core,till the planning 32 Core...

I will explain everything when i see that many people are interested for this test:
The download from the chessprogram is for free!!
I give you a test position that you have to put on the chessboard and let your computer
calculate till he find the solution!
In the results i like to have:
1.Your computer type(speed)
2.The time he need to find the solution
3.The Depth (i explain later in a example)

The downloads are for free,you can easy scan it with your virus-scanner,but they are safe!

Go to this link:

Click on the left site from the window on "Arena Downloads"
Then you will see "neu!/ new! small arrow Arena 1.99beta2 ZIP (1.19 MB):"
Click on the zipfile to download.

Go to this link:and download Toga II 1.2.1a (chessengine)

When you have download them somewhere on your computer you can unzip or unrar
Arena 1.99beta2 to a map you make (I create map "Arena") Just put all the files there!

Now Arena is your user-interface to let see your chessboard!
When you open your Arena map you will see "Engines" click on it (open the map)
Create a new map like "TogaII"

Now unzip or unrar "Toga II 1.2.1a" to this map "TogaII"
Toga is your chessengine!

When this is done,you can make a shortcut from Arena to your desktop or just run the
Arena.exe file from your explorer.You will get your chessboard,now you have to load the engine to the interface! upstairs on "Engines"
2.Select "new engine"
3.You see a little window,must stay on "UCI" then click "OK"
4.Then you get a window like explorer,you have to go to the map Arena,and click further to "Engines" then "TogaII" then you will see TogaII ,just select it and accept it(open it)
5.Now the engine is loaded into the interface,you will see TogaII in left-down window.
You have now a full working chess program!

6.But i want to give you a test position,so how we do?
I give you a link where you can see a picture from the position,this position have to be copied to the chess programs chessboard!

this is the test!
Go back to your chessprogram Arena:
1.Click upstairs "Position"
2.Select "Set-up a position" a window will open! on "Clear Board" your chessboard will be empty now!
4.When you have open the picture,you can try to put them next each other (picture + empty chessboard) resize windows is no problem,so that you eas can copy the position!
5.for example you see a white King on h2 in the picture!
select with your mouse in the little "Sep-up a position" window the little icon from the King then go to the empty board and click with your left mouse button on field "h2" you will see there comes a White King!
Now you can do the same for other pieces,just look to the picture and copy them to the empty board!
For the Black pieces is it simple,the same way but use your right mouse button! So you can put the two King's at the same time if you want on "h2" White King (left mouse button) go directly to field "e6" Black King (right mouse button)

I hope it is clear enough,else ask me!
When the position is completed ,exactly as the picture ,click then on "OK" in the "Set-up a position"window!

The final step:
1.You have only your chessprogram + position and engine Toga loaded!
Click on "Levels"
2.Select "infinite" with your mouse in the field(blue-window) from TogaII
4.Press on your space-bar
5.The computer begins to calculate

Now let your computer calculate till he find #13 means he find Mate in 13 moves!
Be carefull he will find a earlier Mate,like #21,#16 or #15 but then is the test not finished yet! You have to wait till he find #13!!

Explain the calculating window (on every computer different numbers!)
1.You see: TogaII 66MB = means he use 66Mb Hashtables (i need this number also) where he put his calculatings who are done!
2.UCI = uniform computer interface
3.Depth = very important,here you see how deep he is thinking,how many moves forward
i need this also when he find the result #13
4.Bf3xe4 (1/50) is the move he is thinking about and when you stop him calculating he will do this move.But this is a test and find the correct move directly.but not the #13 yet!
5.Show how many positions he already have calculated many nodes in one second.
7.if 100% = means he use 100% computer CPU!!

Now the first line is the most important:
Because there you will see the result,and it is this line i need!!
Depth Time Positions Cal. Pos/sec. Score Moves he will do
15/80+ 07:32 443.414.433 980.254 +21.65 Bf3xe4 B7xa8 Be4d3..........

That is what i need:
1.Score must be #13 in the example it is +21.65,you will see the score will go higher and higher till he find Mate!!
2.Depth = how deep he have to go when he find #13
3.Time = how long time he needs to find #13
4.your computer type(speed)

Good luck to all,and thanks for all your input!



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Trying to run the test now, have it all set up and running, but I'm not sure how to tell when it check in 13 moves..


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Hi Stevty2889,thanks for your reply,you have four computers to test the position!
My test is also still running now for about 3hours and 30 minutes!! on a AMD 3400+ i have done this test before with Rybka and he find the solution in 32minutes!
Because i don't know people have chess programs i have to find something that is for free for downloading!
I will as soon as possible find a new engine or a other test because it is not normal that TogaII 1.2.1a did not find it yet!
Some problems find Toga much faster then Rybka!
I try to find a test that takes about 1 hour on my computer,i have done this many years ago with a 486DX2 66Mhz a test from 1 hour and it comes with much faster
computers till 1 i want to do the same with the computers from today...and the comming processors!



Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Okay have new position,you can see a picture from the position at:

Just do the same as in the first message and continue with the new position from point 6!

It is again a Mate in 13 moves,but much sorter time,just for checking everythings works well! Takes on my computer 03m24s.

My result on a AMD 3400+ :

FEN: 8/8/4B3/8/8/3K4/p2p4/kN1N4 w - - 0 5

TogaII 63MB

20/40+ 03:24 404.830.040 1.978.562 +M13 Be6xa2 Ka1xa2 Kd3c2 Ka2a1 Nb1a3 Ka1a2 Na3c4 Ka2a1 Kc2c3 Ka1a2 Kc3b4 Ka2a1 Kb4a3 Ka1b1 Ka3b3 Kb1c1 Nc4b2 Kc1b1 Nb2d3 Kb1a1 Nd3b4 Ka1b1 Nd1c3+ Kb1a1 Nb4c2+

I have copy the calculating line when he found the Mate in 13 moves!

you see:
20/40+ = Depth 20 with 40 possible moves
03:24 = Time he found Mate in 13
404.830.040 = positions calculated
1.978.562 = nodes in 1 second
+M13 = Mate in 13!!
and then he give the solution line with the moves!

So i only need your Depth + Time + Mate in? + computer type(speed)

Good luck to all,this must works!




Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Hi GrammatronJP,

You are good busy,when i look to your 3th picture the computer is busy calculating and you see on the first line 10/66+ 00:04 ..... .... +12.13 !!
So let the computer continue when you see in place off +12.13 it will comes to +M13
then you know the test is finised!

In the example picture you give me he is only 10 Deph
He has calculated 00:04sec.
And have a score from +12.13

For me is also perfect when you make a screencopy when you see +M13 the first time and put it online like you did in the example!

So maybe also for other people,just wait when you see in the 5th row +M13
Then i only need Depth + Time + computer type(speed) or print screen and put it online!

You will see the lines scrolling fast in the beginning,how deeper he thinks how slower he will be,because the many possiblities and calculatings.The score is positieve,so you will see the score will go higher and higher,because in this situation it is a winning position for white,but for a chessprogram he needs time to find a Mate,in this position is it possible to find Mate in 13 moves,is the shortest one.But he will continue and always find then the same line with +M13 but goes deeper in Depth,he should find it around Depth 20...but if you let him do he will go to Depth 21,22....30,40...and so on,try to find a faster way to win!
So after the first time you see +M13 you can stop TogaII for further calculting,just click on stop(you can see it on the screen) Then everythings stops and you can easy write down the results or copy your screen and send it to me!

Okay,hope to see your first results that i can start to make a list!

Thanks for your time,and feel free to ask questions if something not clear!



Golden Member
Feb 16, 2006
OK so i guess i can stop now.. but basically if i re-run it, ill get the same results right ? so i dont need to run this again ? Does it use all 4 proc or just 1 or 2 ?


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Thanks GrammatonJP,
This is a single processor engine because i have to find programs that everybody can download for free from the internet! I have chess engines who can run till 16 processors...i also don't know how many people know about chess and if they are interested in this way testing there computer,just a other way to have a idea how fast is my computer.

So you let your computer calculating for more then 20Hours! he was busy with Depth 18 and i see he find Depth 17 in 19m40s a Mate in 12? is very strange,i think your computer
was locked on Depth 18 because he was using the 20Hours only for 1Depth deeper and that is not possible...something get wrong?

To Trinitron:i have only post it on 2 different categories,this to try get more people testing,not everybody goes to all categories to read...

Standings for the moment are:
White to play Mate in 13!

1.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s!
2.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
3.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
4.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
5.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s

People who likes more tests can ask me! and i make a longer one!
I hope to have a list with at least 100 results to have more correct data!



Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
We have here the first Core 2 Duo result:

1.Core 2 duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s!
2.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
3.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
4.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
5.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
6.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s