interview question


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
So I travel to my GFs for the weekend because it is closer to the place i am going to interview at. I leave bright and early this morning in case I hit city traffic. I get there about 30 minutes early. So I think to myself, I am good, I will just read my book and listen to music in the car. About 5-10 minutes later I get a call from my mom saying the interview was cancelled because the hiring manager had an emergency. So I go in and talk to the HR lady that I have spoken with and I fill out like a 7 page applicant inquiry. I ask the lady if we will reschedule and she either says "yes" or "definitely" (dont remember). So here lies the questions...

Would you believe that an emergency happened or would you lean towards the possibility that they filled the position or changed their minds about interviewing me? I am just concerned that that was a way of saying no. :(

Secondly, when would you call the HR lady back? It happened today and she said it would be around two weeks. Would you call her back later this week or wait a week or two or how would you go about this?

I'm very puzzled and I have never heard of this happening before (that is why I don't know if this is a cheap way of saying "no" already)


Senior member
Oct 22, 2004
If the position was filled they would tell you the position has been filled.
I don't think an HR rep would lie to get out of an interview. They probably love to tell people a position has been filled.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
I'd be inclined to believe that it was an emergency. If they'd filled the position, they'd probably have just let you know, and would have you then fill out the applicant inquiry if you were still interested in them keeping your information on file.

If she said it would take around two weeks, then call back after two weeks if you haven't yet heard from them.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
If they say they had an emergency they had an emergency. Employers aren't scared to tell you the truth, if they filled the position they would have told you.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
Originally posted by: fLum0x
So I travel to my GFs for the weekend because it is closer to the place i am going to interview at. I leave bright and early this morning in case I hit city traffic. I get there about 30 minutes early. So I think to myself, I am good, I will just read my book and listen to music in the car. About 5-10 minutes later I get a call from my mom saying the interview was cancelled because the hiring manager had an emergency. So I go in and talk to the HR lady that I have spoken with and I fill out like a 7 page applicant inquiry. I ask the lady if we will reschedule and she either says "yes" or "definitely" (dont remember). So here lies the questions...

Would you believe that an emergency happened or would you lean towards the possibility that they filled the position or changed their minds about interviewing me? I am just concerned that that was a way of saying no. :(

Secondly, when would you call the HR lady back? It happened today and she said it would be around two weeks. Would you call her back later this week or wait a week or two or how would you go about this?

I'm very puzzled and I have never heard of this happening before (that is why I don't know if this is a cheap way of saying "no" already)

I wouldn't read into it too much. I assist in a lot of interviewing at my company and we've had to cancel and re-schedule interviews on a few different occasions because of things that came up.


Mar 31, 2001
If they didn't want to hire you, I think they would tell you to your face instead of lying about it.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
i don't see any reason to not believe them. if they didn't want to interview you, they could just say "we changed out minds" or "we decided you suck without talking to you" or something

i don't see why they would need to make up an excuse


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2002
If they filled the position they would tell you that. Why do you suspect that they would be afraid to tell you no?

I would call the HR lady back in a week, ask if everything is ok, and see about the reschedule.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
okay, many of you answered the first question, but when do you call back? or email or how would you go about it. Because all i found out was he had an "emergency". It is not right to push him or the company or anything. Although, this company has been super fast at getting back to me if i followup (we are talking less than 24 hours). So I was planning on giving her until later this week. It just sucks because I am unemployed ATM and I just graduated college like a month ago. It is hard to not pressure someone when i have zero income :*(


Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2004
You should call the HR lady a bunch of times a day and ask if there was really an emergency or if they just didn't want to hire you. Call a lot. Leave voice mail too.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Chryso
You should call the HR lady a bunch of times a day and ask if there was really an emergency or if they just didn't want to hire you. Call a lot. Leave voice mail too.

good story


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Chryso is pulling your chain

call the HR lady on Wednesday if they haven't gotten back to you. that is enough time for them to re-assign the interview if the emergency is ongoing (like a death in the family that requires the dude to take a week or two off work) or whatever


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Emergencies happen. If they filled the position and lied to you, then you already know you don't want to work there -- unless you like liars, then, in that case, lie to them to get the job.