Internet Connection working, but HTTP goes dead in Windows XP???


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2001

I have Roadrunner cable modem, an XP box, and I use Norton Personal Firewall on it.
I also keep Kazaa Lite ++ open most of the time on my machine.

This started to happen more and more often:
My web connection suddenly goes dead, and I cannot go to any HTTP address using IE. When this happens, I first cannot see part of a web page, and then open anothet page, my home page Yahoo comes fully blank. After I while, I start to get the "Page Cannot be found error". Logging off doesn't help, and I have to reboot the PC.
Looks like HTTP service suddenly dies. Outlook and Kazaa still runs fine though.
I have Oracle 9i installed on my PC, and Apache server is running too, but I don't think that's causing the problem.
I don't think Norton Personal Firewall is causing the problem either, because I disable the firewall, or even shut it down completely, but nothing changes.

Previously, this was happenning after being connected to the net for a long time (several hours), but it seems like I have to reboot more often now.

Does anyone now how I can restart the HTTP related services? Even if I remove the driver for my network card, it doesn't help.
Could this be a virus?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance...


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2001
I run Adaware frequently. Not sure if that is causing the problem though.
Thanks a lot for the info on the other thread.

One difference from the other person's problem is that when I reboot, my IE works fine. It looks like his was gone completely.

I also use Google's ad blocker, curious if that is causing this thing to happen.

Thanks again..


Senior member
Dec 4, 2002
1)Is it possible that you can run a

netsh diag gui and a ipconfig /all and post the output of those commands before and after the problem appears

2) Please Check Your Hosts File For Any Weird Entries
3) Make Sure You arent connecting to a Proxy Of Some Sorts
4) Please send reports of pings and tracerts before and after the problem
5) Make Sure Norton Firewall is updated with the latest patch / app updates
6) Post Us Your Norton Rules (if any)
7)I am Not familiar with Googles Web Blocker , but see if these same results happen if you disable it
8)Check for any strange events in Event Viewer
9)Check for Dropped / Redirected Packets in the Firewall's Logs
10) Have you tried to delete / and redo your connection [Don't Do this Unless this is a last resort]


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2001
Everyone: Thanks a lot for your help. I did what djdrastik suggested, and I look forward to your comments.

First of all, when this problem occurs (it just happened again!), neither Netscape nor Mozilla works; all internet browsers go dead.
As I mentioned, Kazaa and Outlook still works though.

It looks like my IP is getting dead, although I can release and renew. I get the same IP all the time(, because I use subnetting, and set as my static IP.
I have a Linux machine with two Network cards, and I use it as a gateway for packet filtering. However, there is no problem with that, it just works fine, and when I restart my Windows machine, it immediately starts to work. This problem occurs after several hours of use.
(I am writing these from the Linux machine now, since Windows cannot connect to web at all).

How do I check my Host file for any weird entries?
I do not use or connect to any proxies. My Norton Firewall is up to date.
There are no Norton Rules, I just use Norton as an extra security after the LINUX.

When I view the system logs of Norton Firewall I see the following lines; these are the last 3 lines (I think the last event happened right before my HTTP died):

12/4/2003: 11:50:03 PM - NIS is protecting your connection to a newly detected network on adapter "D-Link DFE-550TX 10/100 Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport" (IP Address:
12/4/2003: 11:48:15 PM - NIS is protecting your connection to a newly detected network on adapter "D-Link DFE-550TX 10/100 Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport" (IP Address:
12/4/2003 5:44:52 PM - User logged in

Below is what comes out in Netsh Diag GUI and IPCONFIG /ALL. In fact, there is no difference at all between the output of those while HTTP is working and after it goes dead:

Netsh Diag GUI (I'll just post the titles of the passed ones):
Internet Service: Passed
Modems and NetworAdapters: FAILED
DefaultIPGatew: (Same Subnet)(Passed)(PASSED)
IP Address = (FAILED) - Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request Timed out.....Packets Sent: 4 Received=0, Lost=4

When I do IPCONFIG /ALL, below is what comes up:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name: way-826v6bnnql3
Primary DNX suffix:
Node Type: Unknown
IP Routing Enabled: No
WINS Proxy Enabled: No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 3:
Connection specific DNS sufix: PSAMER
Description: D-Link DFE 550TX 10/100 Adapter
Physical Address: 00-50-BA-6B-2B-85
DHCP Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:
DNS Servers:
Lease Obtained: Thursday, December 4, 2003, 11:50:00PM
Lease Expires: Friday, December 5, 2003, 1.50 AM

Thanks again for your help! Please let me know if you have any idea why this is happenning. It really is very frustrating.


Senior member
Dec 4, 2002
1)Your Hosts File Is Located In


2)The Fact that Your Kazaa Works Troubles Me A bit , make sure you aren't sharing files and those people aren't eating your bandwidth , unlikely but just check

3)Your Winsock might be damaged , You could Try This Util : Try AT YOUR OWN RISK !

4)<Something I've Forgotten> Have you tried New Drivers for Your Network Card

5)When that PC goes down , can you ping it with its IP NAME and DNS Name from the Linux Box

6)Have you tried to a System Restore And See what happens

7)Try and use DSC or Stinger from Network Asociates to check whether or not you have a bug


Or any Updated Virus Scanner would probably do

8)From Many other threads that also kind of have the same problem it could also be that Spybot / Ad Aware Removed something uncleanly , and has caused a bit of a screw up.Use the search , to look for similiar type of problems . Your problem might be related to them


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2002
when your browser goes dead and you can't connect to the internet can you ping the ip address of the linux machine "ping"

Also if you are using a windows as your os I would say try to reformat and do a fresh install at the most every six months and run spybot, which detects spyware better than ad-aware.

I hope this helps,


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
When my system does this, all I do is use the repair option in the network properties. Right click Local Area Connection and choose repair. Then the internet works fine. Good luck :)