Internal DSL modem != DSL router AKA People can be so difficult...

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Someone explain this to me.

People order DSL service. They're given two options:

1) A free internal PCI or external USB modem that's essentially a winmodem. Nothing to them really, everything is handled in software.
2) A $295 Cisco 678 DSL router, a very capable piece of hardware. Configurable DHCP/NAT, filters, static routes, etc. Uses a derivative of the Cisco IOS, CBOS.

Most people go for option 1 because of the cost difference.

Then they call up tech support & say "I just bought this linksys router, & I want to network my two PC's."

Me: Actually, that's not possible with the internal modems, as the "broadband routers" are designed to be used with external DSL modems that connect via ethernet. The only way to share that connection is via ICS, in which you wouldn't be using the broadband router anyway.
Customer: So I need a new modem to network?
Me: If you don't want to use ICS, & want our support, yes.
Customer: OK, how much does that cost?
Me: I don't know for sure, but I can get you to sales & they can tell you. (We're not allowed to discuss pricing, since specials & such can change on a daily basis. So in all honesty I really don't know what they're charging on a day to day basis. Full price is $295, though.)
Customer: Can you transfer me there?
Me: Sure.

(I call sales, mute my mike, & conference the two lines together)

Sales: (hold music)
Sales: How can I help you?
Customer: I want to order a Cisco 678. How much are they?
Sales: They're $295.
Customer: Can't I just trade in the modem I have?
Sales: No, that modem was provided free, and cannot be returned as credit for an external router.
Customer: I can't return this? I have to buy a whole new router?
Sales: Yes sir.
Customer: (mumbles under his breath) I'll call you back.

Customer hangs up, but as he's putting the receiver down I hear "this is bullsh!t!"

Why is this so difficult for people to understand? If they had chosen the external router in the beginning, their end cost would have been the same. They do not get a discount by refusing the modem. Yet people almost invariably throw a tantrum.

People can be so difficult.


Viper GTS


Feb 7, 2001
<< People can be so difficult. >>

I can definetly agree with that. I have experiences like that fairly often. At least it makes a nice story for ATOT. :)


Platinum Member
May 14, 2001
viper maybe i am missing something, but cant they still use the linksys router they baught to make a home network and use some internet sharing software?

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
If they wanted to use it as just a switch, yes. But they wouldn't be using the routing capabilities, &amp; it's really overkill. They could do that with a crossover cable between two systems.

The internal/USB modems operate via DUN, and are really not designed for networking. The ICS that's built into 98SE and later won't even work with them, due to the way TCP/IP is bound to them (binds to NDIS/WAN, then to the adapter). The broadband routers would be of no help, &amp; would merely complicate things.

Viper GTS