Originally posted by: CrystalBay
So what exactly does AMD's virtulization do ? in laymens terms please....
It will be able to partition off system memory for another OS to use, so that OSes do not corrupt each other. At least, this is my understanding of how it will work. Probably a set of CPU instructions will allow the user to switch contexts.
Everyone should also see that those
three little letters have popped up again: "
TPM." The recent stink raised may have been a false alarm (we have yet for someone to go hardware hacking to see if it's present but hidden in the current line of hardware), but do not be mistaken: "trusted" computing is still on the roadmap. I
again give notice of the upcoming ultimatum: those who submit before "trusted" computing are not my friends and will be
personae non gratae in my eyes, for whatever this is worth.
Interestingly, these virtualization techniques could be designed in such a way as to make the above function more easily. Now, this is not a reason to fear the virtualization technology, as it is a tool that, if designed effectively, has positive uses, whereas the above does not.
OK, I'm done. :evil: