Milking the 3960X for all it's worth. It was worth $1k when it came out; it's a outdated end of life product now, it's no longer worth $1k but they are going to keep it there.
Anybody buying these buys them on launch when they will get the longest life out of them. Buying it now is like buying an Apple product that's already been on the market for 6 months.
So nothing new this year, that puts the 3960X on top for almost a year and a half. Yeah, it's lack of competition alright.
On the other hand if you got one on launch, you can smile knowing that your 6 month old CPU will still be uncontested for a whole 'nother year :biggrin: Not having to worry about being dethroned or spending a dime upgrading for an entire year and a half isn't something we get to enjoy very often in the PC world.