Intel May Pull Out of China Because China Wants Rights To All Technology


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This ought to put a kink in their grandiose share plans:

3-11-2004 Intel May Pull Out of China Due to Trade Rules

Intel may stop some chip sales in China due to questionable trade practices by the country. New rules will go into effect June 1, which require foreign companies to comply with unique Chinese security standards for wireless. Such standards would hurt non-Chinese companies. Under the rule, foreign companies must give Chinese companies access to their technology and valuable patents or requires non-Chinese companies to purchase equipment from Chinese manufacturers. Intel is the first company to directly say it would pull out of some Chinese markets due to the rule. Intel also said there are technical problems in terms of supporting applications and interoperability with the Chinese standard. Broadcom also indicated it would not meet China's deadline. China's Ministry of Information responded indicating that it would not be phased by such moves, as Chinese companies would eventually take up their market share anyway. The United States says the rule is not consistent with China's World Trade Organization commitments.

4 Years Ago Today Nasdaq hit it's all time High of 5,132.52

Yesterday it is under 2,000. Where's Heartsurgeon? He says he's making more money in the Market than ever. Must be the India Market where he has his money.

3-10-2004 U.S. Blue-Chips Fall on Data, Oil Prices

On this day four years ago, the Nasdaq hit its all-time intraday high of 5,132.52.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
It took awhile, but people finally realized that companies that don't actually make money (most of the dot-coms) aren't good investments. I had to laugh back then when people said "profits don't matter anymore" because it turned out they still do.


Jul 12, 2001
Maybecause all the retards who flooded their lifesavings into companies that were a joke created by kids looking to get rich off their IPO's as well as investors who thought they could get on the internet boom in the bottom of the ninth inning. Greed all about greed and lack of thought.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: EXman
Maybecause all the retards who flooded their lifesavings into companies that were a joke created by kids looking to get rich off their IPO's as well as investors who thought they could get on the internet boom in the bottom of the ninth inning. Greed all about greed and lack of thought.
{Gordon Gecko] Greed is Good![/Gordon Gecko]


Jun 1, 2001
U.S. treasury prices rose on Wednesday, taking investor interest away from stocks a little, while oil prices stayed around recent highs, pointing toward higher energy costs for companies this year, which could crimp profits.
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2003
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
U.S. treasury prices rose on Wednesday, taking investor interest away from stocks a little, while oil prices stayed around recent highs, pointing toward higher energy costs for companies this year, which could crimp profits.
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.

I quess that would make the oil ever more profitable. Now wouldnt it!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: smashp
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
U.S. treasury prices rose on Wednesday, taking investor interest away from stocks a little, while oil prices stayed around recent highs, pointing toward higher energy costs for companies this year, which could crimp profits.
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.

I quess that would make the oil ever more profitable. Now wouldnt it!

Not really. Oil companies make more money when prices are lower. A higher price of oil has a negative impact on oil company profits. The lower the price of oil, the higher the oil companies profits are. The left really does need to get their argument straight though(not singling you out as part of the left, just in general).


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Where's Heartsurgeon?
I just woke up from a refreshing "power" nap at the "Rich Boys Club".

I'm a "Blue Chip" company kinda guy. the only Nasdaq stocks I dabbled in were those where i had some "inside" info that they were guaranteed to do well. Not dot-com crap for me... I'm in the plus column in every stock i've bought (the wife bought lucent without my approval...turned into a total dog of investment) Overall..
God Bless Capitalism, George Bush, dividend reinvestment, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.



Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Where's Heartsurgeon?
I just woke up from a refreshing "power" nap at the "Rich Boys Club".

I'm a "Blue Chip" company kinda guy. the only Nasdaq stocks I dabbled in were those where i had some "inside" info that they were guaranteed to do well. Not dot-com crap for me... I'm in the plus column in every stock i've bought (the wife bought lucent without my approval...turned into a total dog of investment) Overall..
God Bless Capitalism, George Bush, dividend reinvestment, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

I guess the lesson to be learned here is don't let women pick stocks. :D



Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
i don't think that would matter considering nearly every stock is down 80-90% from 4 years ago

p/e ratio of Nasdaq in 2000: 101.5

p/e ratio of Nasdaq now: 28.5
p/e ratio of S&P 500 now: 27

most companies now are reporting record profits and record revenues of all times, but wall street just ain't happy. don't let stock brokers pick your stocks.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Where's Heartsurgeon?
I just woke up from a refreshing "power" nap at the "Rich Boys Club".

I'm a "Blue Chip" company kinda guy. the only Nasdaq stocks I dabbled in were those where i had some "inside" info that they were guaranteed to do well. Not dot-com crap for me... I'm in the plus column in every stock i've bought (the wife bought lucent without my approval...turned into a total dog of investment) Overall..
God Bless Capitalism, George Bush, dividend reinvestment, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

You said it's not tanking huh?

3-10-2004 Dow Loses 160, Nasdaq Falls 31

Stocks tumbled Wednesday for the third straight session...

Lackluster gains in the labor market and concerns over when the Federal Reserve will move to raise interest rates also have contributed to the market's malaise.

Many traders were looking ahead to Thursday, when the government was to release its weekly report on unemployment claims, and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was to testify before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

"We're also looking at recent economic data that has been mixed and disappointing to some ... and that's why the market is stalling here."

"You get to a point where people feel like, 'Well, I'm paying for future earnings"

With many investors wondering what's next for the markets, emotions are running high, magnifying disappointments and muting good news.
Awwwwwww, let's all cry for the Rich Boys :(



Oct 19, 2001
2004-4= 2000. Oh wait - that's right...9/11 was in 2001 and the recession started mid-late 2000 or early 2001(depending on if you believe the old dating of it or the possibly revised one). But yeah dave - things are taking a momentary hit. The markets have always had these little ups and downs -but we are still doing better since climbing out of the recession and getting stronger.



Mar 24, 2000
Dave can't think in periods of more than about 45 seconds at a time:
1 - time to read first paragraph of article - 15 seconds
2 - click new topic, think of a chicken little title - 15 seconds
3 - scan his tinfoil book for the appropriate reactionary response and type, click submit - 15 seconds.

The concept of investing over a period of 40 years is a totally foreign concept to him.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
2004-4= 2000. Oh wait - that's right...9/11 was in 2001 and the recession started mid-late 2000 or early 2001(depending on if you believe the old dating of it or the possibly revised one). But yeah dave - things are taking a momentary hit. The markets have always had these little ups and downs -but we are still doing better since climbing out of the recession and getting stronger.


"and getting stronger"

Bahahahaha, my laugh for the day, Thanks.



Golden Member
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: smashp
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
U.S. treasury prices rose on Wednesday, taking investor interest away from stocks a little, while oil prices stayed around recent highs, pointing toward higher energy costs for companies this year, which could crimp profits.
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.

I quess that would make the oil ever more profitable. Now wouldnt it!

Not really. Oil companies make more money when prices are lower. A higher price of oil has a negative impact on oil company profits. The lower the price of oil, the higher the oil companies profits are. The left really does need to get their argument straight though(not singling you out as part of the left, just in general).

That is completely wrong. Take a look at the 5 sisters' earnings last year and the 1Q04. ExxonMobil posted thier highest earnings ever, as did a few others. These high oil prices are driven by many factors, but supply is not one of them. Most of it is panic being driven through the media and OPEC threatening to cut production to hold prices high. Sadly, these record profits are not being reinvested as the gains are feared short term.

What is hurting the large oil companies and to a larger extent, chemical companies is high natural gas prices. Domestic production of the once abundant supply has dwindled due to lack of development. Natural gas is a great medium range investment now due to all the capital being poured into an infrastructure to make it a global commodity.



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
2004-4= 2000. Oh wait - that's right...9/11 was in 2001 and the recession started mid-late 2000 or early 2001(depending on if you believe the old dating of it or the possibly revised one). But yeah dave - things are taking a momentary hit. The markets have always had these little ups and downs -but we are still doing better since climbing out of the recession and getting stronger.


"and getting stronger"

Bahahahaha, my laugh for the day, Thanks.

I see you continue to ignore the positive economic news. Take your blinders off dave - things aren't "bad" - you have just told yourself that story for so long you think positive news is negative...



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
2004-4= 2000. Oh wait - that's right...9/11 was in 2001 and the recession started mid-late 2000 or early 2001(depending on if you believe the old dating of it or the possibly revised one). But yeah dave - things are taking a momentary hit. The markets have always had these little ups and downs -but we are still doing better since climbing out of the recession and getting stronger.


"and getting stronger"

Bahahahaha, my laugh for the day, Thanks.

I see you continue to ignore the positive economic news. Take your blinders off dave - things aren't "bad" - you have just told yourself that story for so long you think positive news is negative...


Oh that's right, I have to say except for Iowa. My bad, I just have visions of Corn Fields when I think of Iowa.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
3-11-2004 Intel May Pull Out of China Due to Trade Rules

Intel may stop some chip sales in China due to questionable trade practices by the country. New rules will go into effect June 1, which require foreign companies to comply with unique Chinese security standards for wireless. Such standards would hurt non-Chinese companies. Under the rule, foreign companies must give Chinese companies access to their technology and valuable patents or requires non-Chinese companies to purchase equipment from Chinese manufacturers. Intel is the first company to directly say it would pull out of some Chinese markets due to the rule. Intel also said there are technical problems in terms of supporting applications and interoperability with the Chinese standard. Broadcom also indicated it would not meet China's deadline. China's Ministry of Information responded indicating that it would not be phased by such moves, as Chinese companies would eventually take up their market share anyway. The United States says the rule is not consistent with China's World Trade Organization commitments.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
2004-4= 2000. Oh wait - that's right...9/11 was in 2001 and the recession started mid-late 2000 or early 2001(depending on if you believe the old dating of it or the possibly revised one). But yeah dave - things are taking a momentary hit. The markets have always had these little ups and downs -but we are still doing better since climbing out of the recession and getting stronger.


"and getting stronger"

Bahahahaha, my laugh for the day, Thanks.

I see you continue to ignore the positive economic news. Take your blinders off dave - things aren't "bad" - you have just told yourself that story for so long you think positive news is negative...


All of this positive economic is nice in all, but when people are still unemployed doesn't mean much. Record earnings, to whom, the stockholders of course. Should I be happy, maybe some of those stockholders will put some money back into my pocket directly. I love when reports are released about the number of new unemployment claims. New, what about the people that are already unemployed. I guess that those people don't matter because that means they're poor. To each his own. Cheers to greed.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
3-11-2004 Intel May Pull Out of China Due to Trade Rules

Intel may stop some chip sales in China due to questionable trade practices by the country. New rules will go into effect June 1, which require foreign companies to comply with unique Chinese security standards for wireless. Such standards would hurt non-Chinese companies. Under the rule, foreign companies must give Chinese companies access to their technology and valuable patents or requires non-Chinese companies to purchase equipment from Chinese manufacturers. Intel is the first company to directly say it would pull out of some Chinese markets due to the rule. Intel also said there are technical problems in terms of supporting applications and interoperability with the Chinese standard. Broadcom also indicated it would not meet China's deadline. China's Ministry of Information responded indicating that it would not be phased by such moves, as Chinese companies would eventually take up their market share anyway. The United States says the rule is not consistent with China's World Trade Organization commitments.

I hope the rest follow Intel's example and pull out. We don't need to do business with counterfeiting pirates.


Dec 12, 2003
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.

Uncertainty in the oil market and with Bush's own complete hosing of the Iraq situation wouldn't have anything to do with it? ????? ?????????????????/

Keep in mind, price at the pump in the U.S. ramains extremely low relative to the rest of the World.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: smashp
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
U.S. treasury prices rose on Wednesday, taking investor interest away from stocks a little, while oil prices stayed around recent highs, pointing toward higher energy costs for companies this year, which could crimp profits.
It's odd that everyone says we took out Saddam's regime for oil and yet oil prices are at an all-time high.

I quess that would make the oil ever more profitable. Now wouldnt it!

Not really. Oil companies make more money when prices are lower. A higher price of oil has a negative impact on oil company profits. The lower the price of oil, the higher the oil companies profits are. The left really does need to get their argument straight though(not singling you out as part of the left, just in general).

That would depend on what part of the Market an Oil Company is part of. Those pulling Oil out of the ground are going to make a Hell of a lot more $s, but those who buy Oil to Resell or Refine are not going to benefit.