Integrate article comments and the forums


Senior member
Nov 30, 2004
I'm mostly a lurker, and it's clear to me that over the years, these forums have become a bit less active.

Although these forums have always had a tongue-in-cheek separation from the main site, I think it's time that the comment section for each article on the main page be a thread on these forums. The current comment system on articles lacks features such as "liking" and notifications on replies.

Honestly, Arstechnica articles have a thriving comment section, and you guys should look at what they're doing.


Oct 15, 1999
I'm mostly a lurker, and it's clear to me that over the years, these forums have become a bit less active.

Although these forums have always had a tongue-in-cheek separation from the main site, I think it's time that the comment section for each article on the main page be a thread on these forums. The current comment system on articles lacks features such as "liking" and notifications on replies.

Honestly, Arstechnica articles have a thriving comment section, and you guys should look at what they're doing.
I don't think Purch owns the main site, though I could be wrong.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2017
Definitely this. One thousand times This!

Front page comment system is lacking to say the least, and requires a separate log in, and doesn't really facilitate community discussion.

If it is too much work to automatically link and maintain, simply create a new Forum Section called:

"Anandtech Front Page News", and people can create their own threads (give a few simple guidelines) and I am sure the community can do a good job populating it. All the stories need do is point to the Forum Section, with a link Label "Discuss in our Forums", or similar.

Front Page story discussion are usually the most populated discussions, and we really don't have them here.

I would much rather participate here, because Ars has really gone the way of posting a lot of Clickbait/Flamebait and has lax moderation so it's forums are getting a lot more toxic.