Originally posted by: Calundronius
Yeah, it is a cop-out...there are probably things God would want us to understand about him, but that we'd never be able to understand him as a whole. As for how we figure those things out, who knows? Introspection? Prayer? Holy Scripture? Your guess is as good as mine.
As for prayer, maybe God wants us to turn to him in times of need? The fact that we don't always get everything we ask for implies his help is not guaranteed, at least, not in the way we'd want. We couldn't learn about sacrifice and bravery and hope and all that if we didn't have bad aspects in life. Maybe by experiencing love, hope, and kidness we are, in a way, learning about God. Which is, maybe, the best reason for why He would have made us: to do the one thing He can't, which is learn. God already knows all, so we get the one thing He can't do...not in the way we do, anway. The fact that not all of us turn out good could be a sign that we do have free will after all.
But I've always been bothered by "Why didn't God do this or that or whatever?" because I don't really think God
owes us anything...if He did create us, then we're in debt to Him forever, simply because we owe him our existance.
I don't
know any of this is the least bit true or right, these are just some ideas to think about.
But I'm tired and don't feel like arguing (and this will turn into arguement, I bet), so I guess that means I'm copping-out of my cop-out.
G'night everyone.