Idea's For Meeting Chicks?


Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
OK, here's the problem. I can't really seem to meet chicks. I don't mean I don't talk to them, between work (Co-Op and my PT Job) and college, I do get the chance to talk to some. In fact, some have even commented I'm a nice guy. Problem is, I can't meet any chicks to go out with, and I have no real clue what to do.
I'm 19, so I've lived with this "inadaquecy" for awhile. I'm not poor, I am well-off for a student (2 cars, nice sized bank account) so it's not like my idea of a good dinner is Kraft Diner. I'm like 6'0", ~220lbs, so yeah, I'm a ugly bastard. The thing that messes with me, is where do you meet them? I mean, I'm not a huge social butterfly, I am an introvert. My idea of a fun Friday night is dinner at a decent restaurant, movie, play some pool. I don't go out and get drunk (Don't see the appeal), don't go to clubs (Got told to leave the dance floor once by friend's girl cause I couldn't dance. Then when I sat down a GUY bought me a drink. God, was that embarassing). For New Year's eve I rented American History X, Body Shots (Topless Tara Reid!!), and Species and watched them at my place with my best friend. I really only have one close friend I go out with (Yeah, I have more than one friend, just only go out with one of them), usually 2-4 times a week. So what CAN I do?

Any ideas/comments/suggestions are MORE than welcome.



Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
That's a good idea, I even thought about it since I get free access to our college's gym. But the reason I don't go is I'd be kinda embarassed only being able to bench a measly 115lbs, and I have NO one to go with. I hate being alone like that.



Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2000
Farms are a good start. j/k

if ones meant for ya, youll both find each other....relax and take it easy....


Senior member
May 11, 2000

<< I can't really seem to meet chicks >>

<< I can't meet any chicks to go out with >>

Well...a poultry farm might just do the trick!


Feb 24, 2000
Just do what I do. Stand on the corner and stick your leg out into the road. Then pull your pant leg up and yell &quot;Who wants some of this Grade A prime?&quot; Works for me. ;)


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 1999
Yo TrevorK,

You should not give a frick what other people think. You have to start from somewhere! The beginning is a good place to start.

Don't give a rat's ass on what you bench here and what you can lift there. Do yourself a favor and elevate yourself above all that macho sh!t and get your arse into the gym and just do it. Do you think that those guys with the good bods just drink beer and it magically happens? No! They bust their butt in the gym, take the effort to eat right and sleep right and the time to educate themselves how to do it properly and in the fastest way possible. Buy a couple of mags, read on UseNet or search for materials either here or the rest of the web for lifting advice and just start training.

I know it's difficult to overcome perceived inadequacies but that's the whole point in getting to the gym ... so you can change your body and thus your outlook on life and your look towards others. Once the women find you physically attractive and determine that they may want to talk to you OR if you take the chance to talk to them they will be receptive to your advances because of your physical looks - will then give them the chance to realize what a nice guy you are.

The total package

We spend too much time worrying about others and not about what we should be doing.

That's it ... i'm going to the gym right now (following my own advice)

Good luck.


Feb 2, 2000
Well I don't know too much about meeting chicks. There was this one time back in high school, but I was just experimenting... :p

Sorry I can't help. If you want to find desperate women, just look for this


Oct 9, 1999
Just go out and be yourself. I still get those &quot;How did that a-hole land a chick like that?&quot; look when I go out with my girlfriend. I'm just an anorexic computer geek and I ended up with one of the most beautiful girls in college because I was genuine and didn't pretend to be any more than I was. Just go out, have fun, and things will fall into place.



Senior member
Feb 18, 2000
i'll just presume you're in winter break now... thus a new semester will start shortly. perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to people in your new classes. sit by someone, be friendly.

you aren't that overweight either... be thankful you're not my roommate, who is your height and 275 pounds. but i was in a state similar to yours last year about this time, and i dropped about 20 pounds going to the gym 3-4 times a week, watching what i ate (nothing ridiculous, i mean, it was dorm food for heaven's sake.) and eliminating pop and soda and drinking a ton of water.


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2000
First you have to get out more. Two of the best places are the grocery store;), and a church group. I know that both of these sound unlikely, but they work. The gym is good too, except my experience has been that there is a bunch of stuck up girls there too. Basically get involved with something.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2000
Take your friend to the gym with you. Don't ge embarassed, you'll start getting more and more stronger as you work out more and more. Also, you'll begin to look great. One think to keep in mind, looks aren't everything. If you want get a girl, be truthful and show her who you really are and give her a chance to like you for who you are. Good luck! :)


Oct 9, 1999

<< In fact, some have even commented I'm a nice guy. >>

This is Female Speak for you aren't getting in my pants, so don't even try.

Russ, NCNE
Jun 18, 2000
Truthfully, Russ is right. I know you said you don't drink, but go to parties where alcohol is being served. People seem to be a bit more friendly when they've had something to drink.:)

I'm trying to avoid telling you to get something to drink as well (it might loosen ya up), because I know it may end up being disastrous (you could learn to enjoy it a bit too much). That's why I'm no drinker.

Dancing is a great way to meet girls. I taught myself to dance (not to toot my own horn, but I'm very good) and I had a great time dancing (read: grinding) with these cute girls at a new year's party.

P.S. Avoid the girls that are completely sloshed. Yes, the beer goggles are in full effect at this point (making you look like prime sirloin steak), but its just not right...


Jan 1, 2001
College is the greatest place on the planet to meet women, so stay there as long as you can. If you can spare the money and the time, take some classes that maybe you don't need but are interested in. It gives you something non-threatening and common to talk with a girl about if any capture your attention. Of course, try to find out if she's available before you waste any time. From there, it's a matter of dropping subtle hints that you're interested and seeing if she picks up on them. The old &quot;lets work together&quot; plan may work, or try a more direct approach if you have the courage. Maybe you'll get(very)lucky and she'll make the first move.

BTW, if you think getting a girl is hard try getting rid of one that doesn't want to go.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
<< In fact, some have even commented I'm a nice guy. >>
<<This is Female Speak for you aren't getting in my pants, so don't even try.>>
Hah, I learned this the hard way when I asked the girl who said this out.

Farms are a good start.
I should've realized not to use the words chicks :D

First you have to get out more.
But where? I'm just in a small city (600 000 people), and since I can't dance and don't drink I don't goto clubs/bars/pubs. So where could I go besides pool halls/movies/mall? I go to the odd concert, but somehow can't get the courage to talk to the girls dancing in the aisle's/pit.

So far, it seems like going to the gym is the overall consensus. Which isn't bad, because at my college, the people in the Physical Trainer program actually have to offer their services for free as part of their course.

I guess my one problem is my confidence. I mean, the reason I have only ever gone out with one girl is because I don't really go up to many and ask. Thanks for all the suggestions, keep them coming!



Oct 11, 1999
Windogg, that's not the norm. Consider yourself an extremely lucky guy.


Golden Member
Nov 14, 2000
hmm.... ask your frens to introduce a few frens to u :)
blind dates work as long as you dun put too much pressure on it.
Especially frens who already have gfs/bfs... they tend to seem to want other people to join in their happiness or something like that..

talk to more people in class. if you're in college, there has to be lots of other girls out there who are probably looking for guys as well. at least u can talk to them about homework or something if u really can;t think of anything to talk about. hehe :p


Jan 1, 2001
are you my long lost twin brother that i never knew existed? no seriously thats like the story of my life...although on new years eve...i played monopoly with my parents and then played tony hawk 2 until i'm a bigger loser than you are(if its any consolation). with chicks...just talk to em and ask them if they want to go see a movie or something. let her pick what movie. after the movie, ask if she wants to go grab something to eat. most chicks prefer that to getting into a drunken stupor at your local club and then getting raped in the bathroom...but who am i to experience is nil and i'm a senior in high school(yes...please God kill me now, i know)


Dec 14, 2000

As a big ugly who can't dance and hates the singles scene, just keep on being yourself. Women say they want one thing (sensitive guy) and want another thing (submissive guy). Just remember, you need a mother in the living room and a hooker in the bedroom!;)


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
I second the church idea. Even if you don't care about religion or you don't believe in it or anything. It just so happens that people tend to be much more friendly in a church setting. At least that's been my experience.

Another thought is getting involved in local community type public stuff. What I've got specifically in mind myself is known as the Mesa Arts Center. I live in a town named Mesa, hence the name. Basically it is this public center for various arts including performing arts which happens to be my department of interest. They offer weekly classes which you can sign up for a small fee. I suspect your local community has some sort of organization similar that you just don't know about yet... I'd look into that by calling your local parks and rec. listed in your local phone book...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
make friends out of lots of girls. they have friends. as long as its not their best friend they're fair game. best friends too, but they talk to each other a little more.

my former roommate took a tae kwan do class at college, said there were lots of cute girls in there.

take psych classes, tons of girls there.