OK, here's the problem. I can't really seem to meet chicks. I don't mean I don't talk to them, between work (Co-Op and my PT Job) and college, I do get the chance to talk to some. In fact, some have even commented I'm a nice guy. Problem is, I can't meet any chicks to go out with, and I have no real clue what to do.
I'm 19, so I've lived with this "inadaquecy" for awhile. I'm not poor, I am well-off for a student (2 cars, nice sized bank account) so it's not like my idea of a good dinner is Kraft Diner. I'm like 6'0", ~220lbs, so yeah, I'm a ugly bastard. The thing that messes with me, is where do you meet them? I mean, I'm not a huge social butterfly, I am an introvert. My idea of a fun Friday night is dinner at a decent restaurant, movie, play some pool. I don't go out and get drunk (Don't see the appeal), don't go to clubs (Got told to leave the dance floor once by friend's girl cause I couldn't dance. Then when I sat down a GUY bought me a drink. God, was that embarassing). For New Year's eve I rented American History X, Body Shots (Topless Tara Reid!!), and Species and watched them at my place with my best friend. I really only have one close friend I go out with (Yeah, I have more than one friend, just only go out with one of them), usually 2-4 times a week. So what CAN I do?
Any ideas/comments/suggestions are MORE than welcome.
I'm 19, so I've lived with this "inadaquecy" for awhile. I'm not poor, I am well-off for a student (2 cars, nice sized bank account) so it's not like my idea of a good dinner is Kraft Diner. I'm like 6'0", ~220lbs, so yeah, I'm a ugly bastard. The thing that messes with me, is where do you meet them? I mean, I'm not a huge social butterfly, I am an introvert. My idea of a fun Friday night is dinner at a decent restaurant, movie, play some pool. I don't go out and get drunk (Don't see the appeal), don't go to clubs (Got told to leave the dance floor once by friend's girl cause I couldn't dance. Then when I sat down a GUY bought me a drink. God, was that embarassing). For New Year's eve I rented American History X, Body Shots (Topless Tara Reid!!), and Species and watched them at my place with my best friend. I really only have one close friend I go out with (Yeah, I have more than one friend, just only go out with one of them), usually 2-4 times a week. So what CAN I do?
Any ideas/comments/suggestions are MORE than welcome.