ibook/powerbook sleep mode


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
You'd be talking about "clamshell mode" I think you can do it on the PB but not on the Ibook.. Also you really don't want to do that. Apple specifically stated they don't support clamshell modes because of heat build up. There's some extensive talk about this over at www.macnn.com in the PB forum



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Please don't take my work as truth.. I only have a Ibook and G4 desktop. I know the ibook isn't supost to work in clamshell mode but the more I think about it the TiPB should and does.. you may want to check out macnn.com's forum and post there.

Btw, are you a new mac user? I was a convert about a year ago. I always hated Apple untill I saw osX. I was just getting into Linux and stuff but found it a little to much to bit off in one gulp. I hated the GUI's offered, KDE, Gnome.. they felt like a totally unpolished interface that never had a customer focus group to help them develop an easy to use interface that makes sence.

Any way I saw X one day and almost blew it off as another stupid mac.. but the guy knew I was starting to get intersted in nix and showed me around the nix side of osX. I was hooked.

You can be a novice, have a easy to use OS, and dabble into the nix end as much as you want.. always able to drop back to the main os when you need to get some real work done.

Funny thing is I still make my paycheck doing desktop/server support for a library that's 100% MS.. there actually some real bitter feeling from some at the library torward Apple.
