i5-2400 vs i5-2300?


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2011
So i got my build finally:

MB: Gigabyte H67MA-D2H-B3
GPU: Sapphire HD6850 1GB
Memory: Patriot 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz
HDD/ WD Caviar Blue 1TB,32 MB,7.200rpm
PSU: Corsair VX 450W

and the only thing I have to decide is what cpu i should buy.Due to my limited budget I'm aiming for i5-2400,but where i live this cpu can't be found on stock at the moment,so I'm thinking of going for the cheaper version i5-2300.
Now the thing is I'm going to use my pc for gaming most of the time,watching movies,surfin' the net,etc...
So i want your opinion,whether i should go for the 2300 or just wait for 2400 to re-stock?? Is there a big difference between them at playing games that i will be able to notice or not??
Every thought is appreciated.


Jul 5, 2000
3.1ghz vs 2.8ghz.

Doubt you will notice IMO. If the price diff is less than $20 then wait for the 2400. If its over $20 cheaper then get the 2300.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2005
with no o/clocking available or just not going to do it then the rule of thumb is get the fastest clock speed you can afford...the price difference between these 2 cpu's is not all that much..if it were me id go for the 2400...
just be your luck to, you buy the 2300 and 2 days later the 2400 becomes available and your kicking yourself for not waiting it out....order it from newegg and in 3 days you have the 2400......