So I got my computer up and running and have virtually no complaints. I knew the g3258 would be limited even with overclocking. It handles the newer games surprisingly well paired with the 750ti. But with Assassin's Creed Unity and The Witcher 3 I do get some bottlenecking. Framerates are pretty smooth but at times it'll freeze, then my cpu usage jumps to 100% (more on The Witcher than ACU). I'm curious to know if the i3 4170 would be a good step up for the time being until I can get a decent priced quad core. (i3 around $104-$114, i5 around $150-$180 all 1150 socket). I've got the g3258 clocked at 4.2GHz but I'm not losing the bottleneck but I am seeing improved framerates. I probably won't move on anything until after the holidays, just wanted some insight. I also have a bid going on a sweet ass i7 4770K but my chances of winning it in my price range is very, very slim.