I was in the shower lisening to the Radio when i herd an abvertizement...(workout question)


Senior member
Feb 24, 2001
it sayd somthing like

"have u lost your sex drive, tired, gaining weight."
"This is a sign of low tistrone."
"Then you need to try TISTROL."

and it sayd sommore things i forgot, But i jumped out of the shower and wrote the number on the fogged up mirror it was 1800.642.8081/

and i was thinking if this stuff works then, I could take some before i workout and it would increase my Tistorone <-spelling> theirfore it would increase my energy and ...well i don`t know what els it would do i hevent looked into it if any-1 knows this would work, i can call and get a free sample.I would take creatine, But i read *(on the back of the bottle and it says it may cause cancer). so i am not going to use that and i used to use ripped fuel, and it worked, this year i found out that they were finding that some people who use that get liver cancer...

I am not a doctor I am a 17 year old kid trying to get just a Little big! not Huge!
so please, enlighten me on what i should take... i am up for suggestions as long as it is safe!

Jun 18, 2000
17?! At that age your body is already oozing testosterone. Why on earth would you want a testosterone supplement?

If you want my opinion, I'd recommend losing the creatin as well. Eat healthy, eat lots of protein, and you'll get plenty big.


Oct 9, 1999

<< I think that you need to increase the length of your editing sessions... >>

ever think that english might not be his first language? if it is then well... :Q

anyway, don't bother with this stuff Jimbo. You're too young...if you want to gain mass, eat 6 smaller meals a day and work out 3-4 times per week.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2000
you prolly haven't even filled out yet; just keep working out with weights within your limits -- develop good habits now, and when your body naturally starts to gain bulk, your work will pay off many-fold... if you try and put on weight now, it'll prolly cause trouble later on -- this product was probably designed for men over 50 and a few cases of clinically low testosterone levels... all you'll get if you take this stuff is prolly more body hair in places you don't want it, and alot more acne.

like i said: rest assured that a guaranteed route to getting a more muscular body lies in a regular workout routine (don't over-do it either, 3 times per week is great for starters); this stuff not only may not help, it could hurt you in the long run. if you die early, you don't get to get anymore chicks, right?


Senior member
Apr 14, 2000
'abvertizement' ---this has got to be the funniest spelling mistake I have seen all day...no ill feelings or nothing (it sounds like a new fitness method of working your abs vertically or something);)


Senior member
Jun 5, 2001
Creatine doesn't add real muscle bulk, it just makes them soak up tons of water. Soon as you get off it, you'll lose your new found muscles as the water disapears.