Is there a pic in the OP cuz I can't see it?
yep, hosted at photobucket. I can see it and I usually can't see forum pics.
I hate cats.
You always have to figure out wtf they have up their sleeve. It's always something.
Sneaky bastards.
With dogs you see what you get.
Dogs are good for people who can be endlessly entertained throwing a tennis ball. Cats are better for those that are a little more cerebral.
Dogs are good for people who can be endlessly entertained throwing a tennis ball. Cats are better for those that are a little more cerebral.
Good answer. But the two are very different types of animals. Apples and oranges, really. I think dogs are smarter than cats but cats are better predators.
dogs hunt in packs. When you put them up against a single cat, or a bunch of cats, a pack of hunting dogs will easily outclass cats.
they also have different tactics, so it's hard to compare. cats depend on stealth and surprise, short bursts.
Dogs have high stamina, and rarely give up. They will corner and trap the pray while running it to exhaustion.
If a cat doesn't get the jump in the first second, they tend to give up quickly, or not even try. Even a cheetah will give up after a minute or so, iirc.
my dog corners armadillos and then doesn't know what to do with them