Hi, how is it going?
This may seem very basic to some people but bear with me. In the past, I used to set up port forwarding and DDNS to remotely access my security IP cameras installed at home. It has been sometime since I have done it last time. Now, I'm doing a new setup for a new home security system but there is something that I don't get right. I just discovered that you can use UPnP instead of port forwarding to access your cameras from outside. Some of the new cameras I bought have their UPnP enabled by default and this somehow missed me up. As I'm talking everything is working fine but something doesn't add up and let me tell you what it is. I discovered that when UPnP is enabled in the IP camera setting, the UPnP mapping table in my router configuration page will be filled automatically (My router is Netgear R7000) and I will see the internal IP address of the camera along with port number configured for the camera. Now if I enter my ddns host name followed by the specific port number I will be forwarded to the camera web page successfully. If I enable UPnP in another camera, the table in my router will be filled again and forwarding will work successfully. This is what is happening now and all my cameras can be accessed remotely. While UPnP is enabled, I don't seem to be able to set up port forwarding in my router (It says something like: The specified port(s) are being used by other configurations ) even If I want to do it for another device!!!... Is this right or normal?
I wanted to do remote access my old fashioned way via port forwarding page in my router. So I disabled UPnP, and went to configure port forwarding but it didn't work. What should you do anyway? You should choose port forwarding>select the service name (HTTP for example)>enter the server IP address (the camera internal LAN address)> and then input the external / internal start port which is the port number configured for the camera in its web page. I did this but it didn't work. My external ip address is synced with my ddns host name but when I entered my hostname followed by the port number used by the camera it didn't forward me to the camera page. I don't know why! And why can't I set up port forwarding for a different device (For example my NAS device) which obviously uses a different LAN ip address when UPnP is enabled for some other devices? I'm missing something. Can't UPnP and port forwarding be used simultaneously?
Can I use UPnP for one camera and port forwarding for another ?
This may seem very basic to some people but bear with me. In the past, I used to set up port forwarding and DDNS to remotely access my security IP cameras installed at home. It has been sometime since I have done it last time. Now, I'm doing a new setup for a new home security system but there is something that I don't get right. I just discovered that you can use UPnP instead of port forwarding to access your cameras from outside. Some of the new cameras I bought have their UPnP enabled by default and this somehow missed me up. As I'm talking everything is working fine but something doesn't add up and let me tell you what it is. I discovered that when UPnP is enabled in the IP camera setting, the UPnP mapping table in my router configuration page will be filled automatically (My router is Netgear R7000) and I will see the internal IP address of the camera along with port number configured for the camera. Now if I enter my ddns host name followed by the specific port number I will be forwarded to the camera web page successfully. If I enable UPnP in another camera, the table in my router will be filled again and forwarding will work successfully. This is what is happening now and all my cameras can be accessed remotely. While UPnP is enabled, I don't seem to be able to set up port forwarding in my router (It says something like: The specified port(s) are being used by other configurations ) even If I want to do it for another device!!!... Is this right or normal?
I wanted to do remote access my old fashioned way via port forwarding page in my router. So I disabled UPnP, and went to configure port forwarding but it didn't work. What should you do anyway? You should choose port forwarding>select the service name (HTTP for example)>enter the server IP address (the camera internal LAN address)> and then input the external / internal start port which is the port number configured for the camera in its web page. I did this but it didn't work. My external ip address is synced with my ddns host name but when I entered my hostname followed by the port number used by the camera it didn't forward me to the camera page. I don't know why! And why can't I set up port forwarding for a different device (For example my NAS device) which obviously uses a different LAN ip address when UPnP is enabled for some other devices? I'm missing something. Can't UPnP and port forwarding be used simultaneously?
Can I use UPnP for one camera and port forwarding for another ?
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