I really want to get an apartment at this complex...but I don't want to get fvcked over waiting for it either


Feb 25, 2004
Incoherent random b|tching about my personal problems follows...

There's this great apartment complex the woman and I are trying to get into. 2bdrm, cable included, little bit of a yard, finished basement, good location and great rent. (Its like $690/mo, around here you just can't find a 2 bedroom period for under $700...and they're usually wicked dumps when you do) I'd stay in that place until we could afford a house.

Our lease is up June on our current 1 bdrm dump. Had a possible opening for may 1st, but I called yesterday and I guess that fell through. Current landlord is being an asshat and says no to a month to month lease idea, although I guess I can't blame him.

From everything I'm told...the place we want has a minimum of 30 days notice on leaving and there's a very realistic chance that a place will open up in a next few months. But I don't want to end up with no where to live waiting...but I don't want to sign a year lease on some other overpriced dump either.

I've got nowhere to stay for the possible interim though...I guess we could move in with my parents for a month or two (my mom offered the idea when I presented my situation)...but good GOD I don't want to do that and what if that some how became a longer arrangement? I'm 24, I'd really rather not be living with mom and dad anymore...no offense to them. Not to mention the fact I hate moving and I don't even know if my parents have room.

Argh...I guess I just keep looking for places and hope an opening comes for the other place in the meantime. I fvcking hate apartment hunting.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Well, if you were certain a place would open up within a few months of your lease expiring, you could simply not sign the new lease. Depending on the state, it's a pretty lengthy process to evict a tennant. Of course, if you need references to get the new apartment, this could prove to be a problem. Our tenant in our house did exactly that and didn't sign a lease for 3 months before moving to our house.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Well, if you were certain a place would open up within a few months of your lease expiring, you could simply not sign the new lease. Depending on the state, it's a pretty lengthy process to evict a tennant. Of course, if you need references to get the new apartment, this could prove to be a problem. Our tenant in our house did exactly that and didn't sign a lease for 3 months before moving to our house.

I'd rather not lose the reference here, since this is the first place we've rented. Plus it seems like kind of a jerk thing to do. Not that he's doing me any great favors right now. We already aren't renewing the lease. That much is certain.

I dunno....its an idea I guess.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
i wish i could find a 2bdrom for 690/mo....friggin...a decent 2bdrm in nyc is like 2000+....


Platinum Member
Feb 17, 2003
Originally posted by: xospec1alk
i wish i could find a 2bdrom for 690/mo....friggin...a decent 2bdrm in nyc is like 2000+....

My mortgage is under $600 per month......


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: woowoo
Originally posted by: xospec1alk
i wish i could find a 2bdrom for 690/mo....friggin...a decent 2bdrm in nyc is like 2000+....

My mortgage is under $600 per month......

Heh, I knew some one would come in to say something like that ;)