Originally posted by: ahurtt
Originally posted by: joshsquall
Try driving 25 in 5th gear the entire way. Or ride a bike.
It's all about time savings. If 2 mpg is worth your time, then go for it.
Say you're driving 60 miles. That's 45 minutes @ 80 or 1 hour @ 60.
15 minutes each way, 5 days a week, is 2.5 hours per week, saving approximately $2.76 in gas per week (assuming $2.39 per gallon).
Is $2.76 worth 2.5 hours to you? That's like a dollar an hour!
I think when people advocate this driving slower, they are talking more about the collective savings of all the people commuting. Imagine that $2.76 per week savings multiplied by say. . .100,000,000 people. That's 276 Million dollars less worth of foreign oil we have to be dependent on as a nation each week. . .Like a $1 Billion per month. It adds up. You have to think about the big picture and about what's best for America in general. Not just about yourself.
[Edit] And please don't take these figures as literal. ... I'm just illustrating a point. I'm sure they aren't 100% accurate, I just pulled what seemed like reasonable numbers out of the air. I'm sure that the actual savings per week would vary from person to person.