I need real help here.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm going through something awful. My ex's new boyfriend has filed harrassment charges against me. He is saying that I have been contacting people in his friends list asking about him and driving by his house. The driving by thing is total crap. There would only be one message to one if his friends when we're first breaking up, because she was already with him. But it was like a YEAR ago! He is using harrassment as a crux to commit what I believe is extortion. He is demanding I hand over money and my vehicle to my ex. He cant, he has nothing to do with it. I'm interested in disproving his harrassment game. He is saying it's very recent, within the last week and it's crap. If I can get the info from Facebook showing the date and year, it will blow a hole in his boat. I've tried contacting facebook. I've called and called but they don't pick up. I know LE and police can do it. Can I get a court order for them? I'm POOR. They know I don't have the means to fight this, it's really my ex doing thus through him. They are just trying to destroy me and get money. There is more to it (against him actually) but I'm already to long here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I did. But this guy is wealthy and I can't even afford a consult.

Ken M

Junior Member
Dec 1, 2015
Get a part time job and stop blaming others for your inability to manage your finances.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I work more than full time at my job now. What does that have to do with what I'm asking help with. .


Jan 4, 2001
There are a few lawyers on this forum, hopefully one of them hops in to offer some complimentary "not binding legal advice" advice. :)

Sucks that people are like this though. :\
Does the guy have any mental issues that you know of? Paranoia or something?

Or he could always just be a dick who's genuinely out to extort someone just because he can.

In some ways we're not too far beyond apes who'll just beat on smaller rivals because their little brains can't handle the dose of testosterone that life's dealt them.

I work more than full time at my job now. What does that have to do with what I'm asking help with. .
That's just a trolling new member, possibly someone who's been here before.
...hmm, looks like some mods have visited this person's profile recently, too. :D
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squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
ignore it. It is his call to provide proof , if he can , consider it a learning experience .


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
ignore it. It is his call to provide proof , if he can , consider it a learning experience .

Bingo. HE needs to prove harrassment. Simply document every communication he sends to you and ignore him. Each time he contacts you, ask him to be please cease contact with you.


Jan 4, 2001
ignore it. It is his call to provide proof , if he can , consider it a learning experience .
Except if this other guy decides to make it a legal issue, even if it's baseless, defending against it could be expensive.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
In other news, you can apparently file charges if people contact your friends and drive by your house.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have stuff on him too...the idiot did a slow double drive by of my house ONE hour after the officer that took his report stopped my house to notify me. I was sitting in my truck about to leave for work. I pulled out behind him and got him on video. I took that to the cops and filed a report of my own. That night at work I receive this long threatening facebook message from him. This is where I believe the extortion place, where he makes the unlawful demands and says he will legally and financially ruin me. I take THAT to the police and when i show the officer he asks me to send it to him. He then goes over to this guy's house and has a rather "stern" conversation with him (officers words). But this moron STILL goes back down and makes it a full blown complaint. At the officers suggestion, I go back down and do the same and have extortion along with harrassment. I'm doing all my legal research on friggin Google which of course is well you know. That's where it's at, I haven't got the complaint yet. I JUST bought a house and live VERY lean now. ANY financial hit will ruin me.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh I think it's not that. She is supposedly in SERIOUSLY bad financial shape and I think this is a grab so to speak. The only wrinkle for me is she cosigned for my truck. But HE still has legally no say in that. Even SHE can't really do anything about that unless she wants to cause herself trouble. Especially since I have an email from her where she states she won't bother me about it as long as I don't default etc on it. Its what this case may cost me!


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I'd tell him to eat a bag of dicks, and if he wants the stuff bad enough, he can collect in person.

Oh, and get off facebook. It's just a bunch of spying, bullshit, and aggravation.


Dec 11, 2006
I did. But this guy is wealthy and I can't even afford a consult.

Unless he is just being cruel a year later, which would be odd, if he is wealthy and you are poor why would HE be trying to extort you?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I did talk to one lawyer this morning. The best one in my area. Very "nasty" got some high profile cases under his belt. I hardly gotta word in edgewise. Barely got to describe things. Just wanted to show me how any cases he's one etc. Hell be about 5000 bucks.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Unless he is just being cruel a year later, which would be odd, if he is wealthy and you are poor why would HE be trying to extort you?
Again, I think this is coming from her and I think it's more about hurting/ruining me than money.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'd tell him to eat a bag of dicks, and if he wants the stuff bad enough, he can collect in person.

Oh, and get off facebook. It's just a bunch of spying, bullshit, and aggravation.
LOL. Really. If I make it through this , o will be selling this house and frickin disappearing to the wilderness in a frickin cabin. I'm not kidding.


Senior member
Sep 6, 2004
I did talk to one lawyer this morning. The best one in my area. Very "nasty" got some high profile cases under his belt. I hardly gotta word in edgewise. Barely got to describe things. Just wanted to show me how any cases he's one etc. Hell be about 5000 bucks.

Go to a different lawyer. A good honest lawyer will consult with you and do nothing until you have been charged with something. I went through a similar issue with a family member filing false charges against me earlier this year. I avoid any lawyer wanting a retainer fee on the spot when you are just there to consult.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2004
Maybe he's confusing you with someone else? Maybe go by his house and see if you see any vehicles similar to yours and then contact his friends on facebook to see if they've had any contact with someone pretending to be you.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
See if I have this straight: New boyfriend is well-off, she's broke, you're broke. He's threatening you unless you give her a car and money.

Ignore him.

The worst he's capable of doing through law enforcement is get a restraining order against you. That doesn't cost you anything, but if it happens you'll have to be very careful not to cross paths with either of them or you'll end up in jail.

In the civil courts, she could sue you, I suppose. Not sure how far they'd get, but unless he himself is a lawyer, that's going to cost them money. Now, is rich boyfriend going to shell out for a lawyer to wage a lawsuit against you, who hardly have any money? Makes no sense.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2006
See if I have this straight: New boyfriend is well-off, she's broke, you're broke. He's threatening you unless you give her a car and money.

Ignore him.

The worst he's capable of doing through law enforcement is get a restraining order against you. That doesn't cost you anything, but if it happens you'll have to be very careful not to cross paths with either of them or you'll end up in jail.

In the civil courts, she could sue you, I suppose. Not sure how far they'd get, but unless he himself is a lawyer, that's going to cost them money. Now, is rich boyfriend going to shell out for a lawyer to wage a lawsuit against you, who hardly have any money? Makes no sense.

(^ bolded) This! :thumbsup:

OP, you're feeding (and playin' right into) this guy's and your ex's drama. Ignore his Facebook messages or any sort of contact. And definitely don't drive by his place or contact any of his pals (including your ex).

Unless you get something in writing from his legal representative or a government office (in the mail), ignore his idle threats. He just wants to scare you into paying him/your ex something. For now, it's all words.
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No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
I'd tell him to eat a bag of dicks, and if he wants the stuff bad enough, he can collect in person.

Oh, and get off facebook. It's just a bunch of spying, bullshit, and aggravation.

:thumbsup: Agreed.

And I wouldn't take his calls or any other forms of communication. Just cut him out of your life and move on.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Oh I think it's not that. She is supposedly in SERIOUSLY bad financial shape and I think this is a grab so to speak. The only wrinkle for me is she cosigned for my truck. But HE still has legally no say in that. Even SHE can't really do anything about that unless she wants to cause herself trouble. Especially since I have an email from her where she states she won't bother me about it as long as I don't default etc on it. Its what this case may cost me!

Dude. Get off facebook. Stop playing these stupid games. Ignore them entirely. Document and record any contact or communication, and make damn sure you're not the one initiating. Pay all your bills. Keep your nose clean. Anything you MUST send to them, send certified mail. Don't delete anything - emails, texts, cell phone logs.

If you choose to play their game, you deserve to get fucked. Every time you rise to the bait, you give them ammo. Including this thread.