So I'm taking Economic Statistics right now during the summer, and the class is graded the following way:
1/3 of the grade for Problem Sets (PSs)
1/3 of the grade for Midterm
1/3 of the grade for the Final
Now as it is, you only need to answer 50% of the answers correctly on the Problem Sets to get full credit for the assignment.
We have readings for class discussion that the teacher links to in the syllabus. Browsing around that site (it's another Professor's site that teaches the same course at the University) I stumbled upon old PSs. I figure, hey great, these can help me work out my PSs since the concepts are the same, just the numbers you're plugging in are different.
So I start working on the assignment, and I take a look at the other teacher's PSs, and it's the exact same questions, word for word. Obviously the teachers at the very least share a pool of questions, but you would think that they wouldn't link to each other's sites.
So I would have to think that the teacher realized that kids were going to find these and use them as a study aid at the very least. Maybe the teacher does it for grade inflation in her classes?
-Teacher links to another Professor's course page
-2nd Professor has answer's to all of current Professor's problem sets, which account for 1/3 of the grade
-Does the teacher know and not care, or just never realized it?
1/3 of the grade for Problem Sets (PSs)
1/3 of the grade for Midterm
1/3 of the grade for the Final
Now as it is, you only need to answer 50% of the answers correctly on the Problem Sets to get full credit for the assignment.
We have readings for class discussion that the teacher links to in the syllabus. Browsing around that site (it's another Professor's site that teaches the same course at the University) I stumbled upon old PSs. I figure, hey great, these can help me work out my PSs since the concepts are the same, just the numbers you're plugging in are different.
So I start working on the assignment, and I take a look at the other teacher's PSs, and it's the exact same questions, word for word. Obviously the teachers at the very least share a pool of questions, but you would think that they wouldn't link to each other's sites.
So I would have to think that the teacher realized that kids were going to find these and use them as a study aid at the very least. Maybe the teacher does it for grade inflation in her classes?
-Teacher links to another Professor's course page
-2nd Professor has answer's to all of current Professor's problem sets, which account for 1/3 of the grade
-Does the teacher know and not care, or just never realized it?