
Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
I didn't think anything of this stuff until a few minutes ago, when I was just browsing around and saw a picture of shingles that looked suspiciously like something I have on my left arm and hand (as well as my right ring finger).

Here's the picture I saw: Text (if you're fairly squeamish, it's a little funky-looking, I suppose, judging from the "sweetjesus.jpg" filename)

Basically, it looked like a bunch of zits, except instead of yellow stuff inside them, it's clear pus. Well, in the webbing between me middle three fingers (the two "valleys"), I had a bunch of those little things. Itched like nothing else. Well, I noticed that they were filled with pus, so I took a Students Against Driving Drunk pin and started popping them (yes, I know, stupid, but they don't itch anymore :) )

I also have a milder case of this on my bicep, upper forearm, and outside elbow (the outside elbow patch is fading away now).

I got some pics, for your pleasure (not much to see, but hey). All these pics are my left arm.
Elbow - as you can see, fading away, not too bad. However, in the lower left, you can see the bicep patch, which, until today, itched to no end.
A little farther down the arm, we have some mild cases (two) on my forearm (far left and far right), and still farther down is the aforementioned fingers rash, which can be seen here. Please note that these looked like small blisters before I popped them all with a button pin of dubious sanitation.
Also, just for the whole gamut, here's the small case on my right ring finger: here

You think it's shingles? It would suck, because shingles is chronic, and flares up every so often; ergo, I'll have an uncurable malady the rest of my life :(.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
mom had shingles earlier this year. She described it as a sharp pinching pain... basically from dormant chicken pox that came back alive... lots of older folks endure it for months or even years... she only had to suffer with it (with medication) for a couple months. And yes it looks sorta like that. It's not "for the rest of your life.."


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: rh71
mom had shingles earlier this year. She described it as a sharp pinching pain... basically from dormant chicken pox that came back alive... lots of older folks endure it for months or even years... she only had to suffer with it (with medication) for a couple months. And yes it looks sorta like that. It's not "for the rest of your life.."

The disease is there for the rest of your life. The symptoms aren't. :)


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Amorphus
Originally posted by: rh71
mom had shingles earlier this year. She described it as a sharp pinching pain... basically from dormant chicken pox that came back alive... lots of older folks endure it for months or even years... she only had to suffer with it (with medication) for a couple months. And yes it looks sorta like that. It's not "for the rest of your life.."

The disease is there for the rest of your life. The symptoms aren't. :)
These cells are in everyone who's had chicken pox... dormant. My mom doesn't even the spots anymore...

As long as it doesn't actually hurt the rest of your life, that's fine. What is the level of pain right now on a scale of 1-10 (highest) ?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: rh71
Originally posted by: Amorphus
Originally posted by: rh71
mom had shingles earlier this year. She described it as a sharp pinching pain... basically from dormant chicken pox that came back alive... lots of older folks endure it for months or even years... she only had to suffer with it (with medication) for a couple months. And yes it looks sorta like that. It's not "for the rest of your life.."

The disease is there for the rest of your life. The symptoms aren't. :)
These cells are in everyone who's had chicken pox... dormant. My mom doesn't even the spots anymore...

As long as it doesn't actually hurt the rest of your life, that's fine. What is the level of pain right now on a scale of 1-10 (highest) ?

It's sort of like a mosquito bite. Very mild itching. Like, 1. I just don't like the fact that I have a glaring disease. On the other hand, this could lead to some sick days down the road when the flare-ups (or is it called "outbreaks" for herpes?) get worse. :)


Feb 23, 2001
shingles != herpes
shingles == chicken pox

Didn't look at the pics, but if it doesn't actually hurt, I'm guessing it's not shingles. Shingles outbreaks are often stress related, and can be very painful. I had em once as a kid.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2002
Originally posted by: Armitage
shingles != herpes
shingles == chicken pox

Didn't look at the pics, but if it doesn't actually hurt, I'm guessing it's not shingles. Shingles outbreaks are often stress related, and can be very painful. I had em once as a kid.

I doubt you had shingles as a kid.. You had chicken pox.. shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. If you are around someone whom had shingles however, and youve never had the chicken pox, you will get chicken pox.

Shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles occurs in people who have had chickenpox and represents a reactivation of the dormant varicella-zoster virus.


Apr 30, 2004
fill your bathtub with hydrochloric acid, grit your teeth, and BURN those suckers off!


Apr 28, 2000
Originally posted by: Armitage
shingles != herpes
shingles == chicken pox

shingles=herpes=chicken pox
There are 2 "types" of Herpes
HVS1 and HVS 2
HVS2 is what genital Herpes normally is, but you can get HVS1 there also (30% of the time genital herpes is HVS1).
Either one could also cause Shingles.
There is no way to know unless you have a doctor send some puss to the lab.
Either way, the treatment is the same, an anti-viral such as Acyclovir.


Jan 15, 2001
goto webmd and look up folliculitus (sp?). I think i have that <-- and it exhibits similar symptoms. Mine are clearly ingrown hairs, whereas yours looks more like a rash.



Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2000
When I was a toddler up to 3 years old, I spent most of my life in a hospital (birth disorder with my bones, no other reported case of it in the world. Im special :p) but while I was there, I got herpes on my right hand ring finger. It lay dormant for almost 15 years, and I forgot I had it, but in my senior year of high school, it popped back up, and has since popped up twice more. I have a scar on my finger from where I popped one. Now I just put a band-aid over em till they go away.

Oh yeah, to keep it on topic, they looked exactly like what you have. Hate to say it, but you got it for life kid, fortunately its not too intrusive on your life. Just wear a rubber glove during your "alone" times :p


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
Ah! Fun; fun..
I had that on my back last fall. Just a little too painful to do anything else. And it takes abt 2 weeks or so to completely recover.
Enjoy it while you can. Stay home; watch loads of movies; download all the pr0n that you can. Unfortunately for me; I had to manage a project at my workplace; so I had to go. But good luck to yoU!


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
if I had to vote, I'd vote poison ivy.. been doin' any yard work?



Feb 23, 2001
Originally posted by: TwinkleToes77
Originally posted by: Armitage
shingles != herpes
shingles == chicken pox

Didn't look at the pics, but if it doesn't actually hurt, I'm guessing it's not shingles. Shingles outbreaks are often stress related, and can be very painful. I had em once as a kid.

I doubt you had shingles as a kid.. You had chicken pox.. shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. If you are around someone whom had shingles however, and youve never had the chicken pox, you will get chicken pox.

Shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles occurs in people who have had chickenpox and represents a reactivation of the dormant varicella-zoster virus.

Had chicken pox when I was around 8 or so. Had shingles when I was 11. Diagnosed by a dermatologist. I don't recall what it looked like ... was on my back. Hurt &amp; itched badly.


Jul 29, 2001
Did you guys not learn anything from south park?

Chicken pox = herpes = chicken herpes :D


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
I lucked out. I got the Chicken Pox vaccine back when it was experimental. They weren't sure if it was a lifelong protection or just five years. Turns out it's lifelong. YAY!

Bottom line is that I'll never have shingles. Lucky me. Those of you who have kids, get the damn vaccine for 'em.

Oh yes, it isn't shingles if it doesn't hurt and/or itch like hell. I think.