I have a crazy idea that might improve PC gaming


Jan 8, 2011
It won't ever happen, but I think it should and I would participate. Digital distribution services should be used to host a sort of gamer's "union". As a gamer and consumer, you sign up to be a member of the gamer's union. The union will have many members if its to be effective.
When a game is released, it will either be well received and people will be happy with their purchase, or gamers will, yet again, feel cheated and ripped off for being asked to pay $60 for a crappy console port because developers consider PC gaming an after thought and just want our money.
As a member of the union, you will use a simple survey app or window to vote on the game you just bought. If it gets enough negative votes, then a mandatory mass refund process will take place, the games will be uninstalled for everyone in the union and everyone will get their money back. If it gets enough positive votes, we all keep the game. For people who haven't yet bought the game, as a member of the union they will not be able to buy the game if it was voted out. They will go to buy it and will be notified that the game was voted out and they will be provided with reasons and details for the game's rejection by the gamer's union.
This will give gamers real power and we will speak for the first time with one voice and with one giant wallet. Such a system will work to encourage developers to get a game done right and put in effort, or else a large section of their customer base won't be buying it, or with our collective power, will have the leverage to demand refunds, or, once a game is voted out shortly after release, the union members who haven't yet bought the game won't be able to buy it until the game is fixed or otherwise voted back in.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
First, that's not how a union works. Second, you'll never be able to set the right threshold of votes with one way leading to an impossible consensus and the other way leading to easy exploitation. Finally, we already have a system that works similar to this in place right now. You read reviews, based on reviews you buy or don't buy games. You play it and write your own review. The difference being that your proposed system always offer a refund.

In a perfect world, I think what would make for a better PC gaming world is to have MANY developers and MANY publishers with the cost of producing a game lowered to the point where it isn't a huge financial risk to make them. Somehow... in a perfect world.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
People's opinions differ to the point that this is a terrible idea.

The LAST thing I want is someone else deciding how I should spend my money on my hobby for my entertainment.


Jan 8, 2011
Screw you all. My idea is awesome.

Also, you don't have to join the union if you don't want. It is for people who want to act with one voice and one wallet to have an impact on developers. I think it would work.
Also, how much damn fun would it be to watch a crappy console port get voted into the ditch and watch thousands of games be refunded and sale blocked. People would cheer and curse the stupid developer for getting what they deserve. Punishment and spectacle is the goal here, as well as getting good games. FUN STUFF.
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Nov 20, 2005
Also, how much damn fun would it be to watch a crappy console port get voted into the ditch and watch thousands of games be refunded and sale blocked.

That is basically what happened with Batman: Arkham Knight. Steam is the droid you are looking for.

Punishment and spectacle is the goal here, as well as getting good games. FUN STUFF.

But that goal might not be achieved. We have crappy console ports because companies don't put enough resources into ports, because the PC version will get you less development ROI than the console version. If we bite the hand that feeds us, and really push back against ports en-mass, then maybe companies decide to just stop doing PC ports.

At least with a crappy port you can throw a ton of raw power or mods at it and still play the game. You can't do that if they never make the port to begin with.


Jan 8, 2011
lol, you guys are funny. Poofyhairguy has some good points though. I still think it would work and I still think its a great idea. Its natural for people to trash an idea because that's what people do, but I think it would actually work.
For instance, if SLI is broken in a game, then we will force 5 million refunds until they fix that damn thing. Fix my game or you bitches are done. That's the message we need to convey.
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Golden Member
May 14, 2000
I don't really like the idea for games as opinions vary wildly. However I've always liked the idea of something like this in regards to recent GPU pricing. All it would take is us, the consumers, as a collective group, to pretty much outright boycott the next GTX 1080 / Fury 2 to get these prices back inline.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
As a member of the union, you will use a simple survey app or window to vote on the game you just bought. If it gets enough negative votes, then a mandatory mass refund process will take place, the games will be uninstalled for everyone in the union and everyone will get their money back. If it gets enough positive votes, we all keep the game. For people who haven't yet bought the game, as a member of the union they will not be able to buy the game if it was voted out. They will go to buy it and will be notified that the game was voted out and they will be provided with reasons and details for the game's rejection by the gamer's union.
An "all or nothing ban for everyone" thing really won't work for several reasons:-

1. People's tastes are so varied you can't squeeze everyone into one "good or bad" vote box. There have been AAA titles that have been well received that I personally felt were decidedly "meh" simply because they didn't suit me personally, or I just grew tired of an overly-sequelled franchise. Then there have been some others down in the 60%'s on Metacritic that I thought were great or "quirky but fun". There have been games I've voted down on dire gameplay whilst others have voted up solely on the back of "Oooh! Sparkly bits!"...

2. Games will end up being censored due to group politics. Gone Home, Hatred, Depression Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Doom, Wolfenstein, Shadow Warrior, Postal, GTA, Mortal Kombat, and many others were all in the "outrage media" due to violence / sexuality / mature humor / symbolism (Nazi, Satanic, etc) / "cultural insensitivity", etc, issues. Groups of people complained about them in the press for one reason or another (family values, politics, religion, racism, nationalism, etc). Battlefield 4 "smears China's national image". Bioshock Infinite was "racist". Pillars of Eternity declared "transphobic", usually by the same fringe "perma-offended" ultra left/right political sub-groups who absolutely love a good ban... Imagine a string of great games disappearing due to "astro-turfing" and manufactured "outrage" from large advocacy groups who get together to buy a game purely to downvote it, knowing they'll get a refund and therefore won't lose anything financially by attempts at censorship.

3. It's going to disproportionately hurt small studio's. Quite often a game by a new developer startup will also be a learning experience for them, which later translates to better games by same studio. If they're forced to give everyone a refund (including those who enjoy a game / want to keep it), they'll be put out of business after 1 bad game before they have a chance to start a quality uptrend.

At the end of the day, a lot of people already read Steam / Metacritic / GOG reviews before buying. Not just the inane 0/10 troll vs 10/10 shill Metacritic stuff, but actually read the more intelligent "useful" reviews containing what issues the game has, look at Youtube walkthroughs, etc. And those who rush to pre-order everything then moan its broken on launch day or buy a top of the line rig in anticipation of a single hyped game launch, then moan that game doesn't meet the over-hype are a victim of their own impatience / unrealistic expectations anyway. A lot of the usual problems relating to poor quality control, release day review embargos, etc, is down to people rewarding bad behavior by continuing to pre-order.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
That is basically what happened with Batman: Arkham Knight. Steam is the droid you are looking for.

But that goal might not be achieved. We have crappy console ports because companies don't put enough resources into ports, because the PC version will get you less development ROI than the console version. If we bite the hand that feeds us, and really push back against ports en-mass, then maybe companies decide to just stop doing PC ports.

At least with a crappy port you can throw a ton of raw power or mods at it and still play the game. You can't do that if they never make the port to begin with.
Good points.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
lol, you guys are funny. Poofyhairguy has some good points though. I still think it would work and I still think its a great idea. Its natural for people to trash an idea because that's what people do, but I think it would actually work.
For instance, if SLI is broken in a game, then we will force 5 million refunds until they fix that damn thing. Fix my game or you bitches are done. That's the message we need to convey.

Yeah, punish the single GPU majority, sounds like a FANTASTIC idea. Except it's not.

At this point I feel like this is a troll post. You're not responding directly, just re-stating how awesome you think your idea is, when it's obvious that this was just a shower thought with zero critical thinking applied.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I don't really like the idea for games as opinions vary wildly. However I've always liked the idea of something like this in regards to recent GPU pricing. All it would take is us, the consumers, as a collective group, to pretty much outright boycott the next GTX 1080 / Fury 2 to get these prices back inline.
Some of us already do that. We call ourselves "cheap old bastards" and we hold meetings every Saturday at Costco. Mostly we nod at each other as we push our wives' carts, but I'm still counting that as a social event.


Sep 12, 2001
lol, you guys are funny. Poofyhairguy has some good points though. I still think it would work and I still think its a great idea. Its natural for people to trash an idea because that's what people do, but I think it would actually work.
For instance, if SLI is broken in a game, then we will force 5 million refunds until they fix that damn thing. Fix my game or you bitches are done. That's the message we need to convey.

Then they'll all start making console ports and you bitches won't have any games to play. :)


Mar 17, 2008
Screw you all. My idea is awesome.

Also, you don't have to join the union if you don't want. It is for people who want to act with one voice and one wallet to have an impact on developers. I think it would work.
Also, how much damn fun would it be to watch a crappy console port get voted into the ditch and watch thousands of games be refunded and sale blocked. People would cheer and curse the stupid developer for getting what they deserve. Punishment and spectacle is the goal here, as well as getting good games. FUN STUFF.

Dude.. they would just stop porting it to the PC.. :) .. I like the angle but I dont see it working.. How would you control membership? That system would be frauded into the next millennium.. stuff that involves money always do..


Diamond Member
May 22, 2012
i'd like to be able to rent games on Steam.

for a few days for a price that was fair.

lets say 5 bucks for 3 days.

i may even buy it after the 3 days is up.

or i'll just wait till the bargain basement 10 dollar price.


Golden Member
May 3, 2011
i'd like to be able to rent games on Steam.

for a few days for a price that was fair.

lets say 5 bucks for 3 days.

i may even buy it after the 3 days is up.

or i'll just wait till the bargain basement 10 dollar price.

This right here. I would also like an option to rent games on steam. Heck I'd be happy for just 24 hrs. I waste a lot of money on games because I think I want them, only to find out later I wasted my money. I like to check out graphics and see how games run on my system. Benchmarking games is half the fun anymore.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
i'd like to be able to rent games on Steam.

for a few days for a price that was fair.

lets say 5 bucks for 3 days.

i may even buy it after the 3 days is up.

or i'll just wait till the bargain basement 10 dollar price.

Now THAT is a great idea!


Jan 8, 2011
You guys are pretending that I said membership was mandatory. Its not. You choose to be a part of the gamer's union or you don't. If you choose to join, you understand the purpose of the union and what your responsibilities are as a member. This is a gamer's union, so we can choose to boycott anything we want, including video cards as someone mentioned. I see this working out perfectly.
If you don't like the idea of the union and aren't willing to abide by its limitations after a vote, then you don't join and you continue to be an individual rather than being an integral part of the new and powerful gamer's union.

Also, as your president, I will choose what is considered to be fashionable and what is not. If you don't have SLI, you must forfeit a predetermined number of "swag points". "Swag points" are accumulated for liking the same things that the well cultured gamers like, such as SLI and BF4. You can get discounts on games with "swag points" and other benefits are offered.

Ok, that last paragraph was just me messing around because its Friday and I find myself funny, but the rest of it is true and legit. This will work out great.
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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
We have enough CoD games already. Assuming it had some influence, it would ultimately encourage all games to be diluted to the lowest common denominator - whatever was "enough" or "right" to get 50%+1 of the vote. Say goodbye to Demon Souls / Assassin's Creed / any game that has any amount of controversy regardless of actual quality / any game that isn't CoD/BF.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
You do realize that both Steam and Origins allow you to get a refund fewer hours of play or within a day or 2 from purchase. If the game is jacked up, you can get your refund now. Now if you played the game, and continued to play it, you had to at least get some enjoyment. It's pretty jacked up when you spend hours playing a game, then tell the developer that their time spent creating the game isn't worth paying for...yet you still played it for hours.