I hate my areas school system's administration


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Ok, i dont know if you know the situation in mississippi or not, but many teachers have lost their jobs due to some policies and funding cuts with help from our governor haley barbour. The average pay of teachers in my area of mississippi is around 30K a year.

At a school in my area, we have a number of wealthy people teaching. They are from rich familys and do the job out of boredom (openly admit it). Well, one of these people, (whose family owns a local oil company and are multi-millionairs), misses so much work going on vacations to europe that she exceeds her yearly limit on absences and take money out of her pay check.

Is it just me or should these type of rich people be fired for missing so much work and give the job to some of the poor people that got down sized recently due to funding cuts? If they work out of boredome (like they actually said), why not volunteer at the Red Cross or some other volunteer organization.

They dont need the money and it will give them something to do. I mean, the people that got down sized are very poor people (i know a few of them), they have college degrees and can do the job just as well as the said rich people and they NEED the money and plus, they could not afford to lose the pay being deducted from their paychecks by missing so much work, so they would actually have to show up at work.

I can ALMOST see letting her have the job if her family was donating money to the school, but no! they donate no money to the schools. One of them has bragged about how her family runs a bogus store that does not exist so she can buy goods at wholesale to save even more money.


thanks for listening


Feb 19, 2004
It is very interesting that with all the Bush claims to be interested in education, school districts across the nation have seen cuts by the Federal Government to their state depts of education. As far as firing rich teachers--well if a rich person is a great teacher the that should be the only thing that matters. The only people who should be fired are the incompetents!


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Ok, i dont know if you know the situation in mississippi or not, but many teachers have lost their jobs due to some policies and funding cuts with help from our governor haley barbour. The average pay of teachers in mississippi is around 30K a year.

At a school in my area, we have a number of wealthy people teaching. They are from rich familys and do the job out of boredom (openly admit it). Well, one of these people, (whose family owns a local oil company and are multi-millionairs), misses so much work going on vacations to europe that she exceeds her yearly limit on absences and take money out of her pay check.

Is it just me or should these type of rich people be fired for missing so much work and give the job to some of the poor people that got down sized recently due to funding cuts? If they work out of boredome (like they actually said), why not volunteer at the Red Cross or some other volunteer organization.

They dont need the money and it will give them something to do. I mean, the people that got down sized are very poor people (i know a few of them), they have college degrees and can do the job just as well as the said rich people and they NEED the money and plus, they could not afford to lose the pay being deducted from their paychecks by missing so much work, so they would actually have to show up at work.

I can ALMOST see letting her have the job if her family was donating money to the school, but no! they donate no money to the schools. One of them has bragged about how her family runs a bogus store that does not exist so she can buy goods at wholesale to save even more money.


thanks for listening

Brother, it sounds like a great example of the "Good 'Ol Boy" network.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001

why not just round up all those with high net worth, shoot'em and take their money and their jobs!

which one of your relatives is a teacher that her job?

seem's to me that the teachers union probably had a lot to do with who gets to keep their job and who goes...how about indicting the teachers union for not picking "the best" for teaching the students..

how about cutting out a few more school administrator jobs, and hiring a few more teachers..

by the way..

according to salary.com

average base pay in Mississippi for a high school teacher is ~ $43,000, add in the cash value of the benefits (pension/insurance/etc), ~ $65,000 yr in compensation.

don't teachers work for 9 months a year?


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
salary for the average teacher that does not coach or run choir in my area of mississippi is around 30K, teacher salary on the coast is higher because of the casinos. For example, my cousin teaches in the elementary schools, he makes almost exactly 30K a year. He is full time teacher and works about 9 months out of the year. He also has to get recertified every 4 years or so and has to shell out cash for college classes to renew his certification, can add up to a few grand. I agree with reducing administration. At my highschool, there were fewer than 200 students in the graduating class and we had 5 prinicipals for the HS. each making 2.5 times as much as the normal teacher at the HS makes. (the head one at least)


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000

Teachers who have excessive absenteeism should be up for review by the board, period. You can make a formal complaint. That's what I would do.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Isla

Teachers who have excessive absenteeism should be up for review by the board, period. You can make a formal complaint. That's what I would do.

Better yet, although Petitions do not do much themselves, it could start a movement to oust the current corrupt board members that have said absent teachers and replace them with a new set of corrupt board members and Teachers that will be absent. Maybe you could get on the board and cash in on some of the local political corruption, then you wouldn't be so upset about it. That's pretty much the state of the Country until we have a fullscale Revolution.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
At my highschool, there were fewer than 200 students in the graduating class and we had 5 prinicipals for the HS. each making 2.5 times as much as the normal teacher at the HS makes
there's your problem, to many administrators.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
What we need is seperation of school and state, period. All you teachers would get a MUCH better deal in the free market, I guarantee it.


Feb 6, 2002
Anywhere you go you will find some type of good-ole-boy network. I work at a community college and we get a lot of employees that are relatives of board members or politically connected people and their relatives.

I think children deserve a good steady relationship with a teacher that always shows up on time. However, every teacher seems to miss at least a few days for whatever reason. The problem is the School board may like this person or something like that. Between tenure and teachers unions it takes a lot to just fire a teacher, especially if the teacher is getting good results.

I feel your pain. Unless the teachers and the board are behind you, nothing will happen. You might try writing to the local paper or something like that. Schools often listen to public pressure.

If an emplyee has seniority that has to be taken into account. Also another angle is what method was used to determine who gets laid off and who stays. If you think this is a favoritism thing, then you might get another teacher to contest firing on Labor laws violations.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2004
Many of you have the right idea. We need to give schools back to the people. One of the ways you have of doing this is through your checkbook. You can choose to send your child to private school. This would eliminate the union issue, the tenure issue, and the feelings that nobody is listeing.

Another thing to do is vote for vouchers. By getting your Rep. or Senator to vote for vouchers you put the power back into the peoples hands.