i agree with Coherence. It sounds like a cpu issue. the last computer i worked on that powered on but got no video was a blown processor. i dropped another slot A processor (he was running a Athlon XP 2000+ and i had a spare AMD Thunderbird 850 i could use to test with) in the slot and the computer came up fine. Computers can also hang and do what your saying (depending on the board type) if the processor multiplier is set wrong for the cpu core speed, but usually it will drop to bios on the next boot with a message saying that this is the case and it needs to be fixed, so not likely this is your problem. Couple things to try, reseat the processor in the slot, ive seen ppl not put it all the way down FLUSH with the socket, or have it not locked in all the way. If the cpu is tight, reseat the ram, all sticks of you have multiples, or try one stick at a time to eliminate a possible bad stick (and pray they both didnt go, but that hardly ever happens). if you still have no luck, see if you can get duplicate parts, you have to eliminate them somehow, or as someone else suggested, try YOUR parts in another compatable PC. good luck